The dim sun was starting to set a bit earlier. The air nipped a bit stronger. For someone who felt extremely uncomfortable in heat, this was nothing but excellent news.

The reaper lingered outside the library, fiddling with his glasses as his round familiar rested in the grass. It wasn't especially common for Ed to be off Aquilo's shoulder, but every now and then. Never mind the bird could move pretty fast for his girth. Plaid button up with sleeves rolled to his shoulders, faded jeans tucked into hiking boots--all covered in a faint dusting of snowflakes as the snow mage breathed out particularly chilly air every now and then. It wasn't warm enough any more for him to feel like he needed a walking AC, but hey. Any way to boost his comfort level...

"Are you actually going to work on your homework now?"

"Mmm... nope."

The partridge peered up at him and gave him a deadpan look any parental unit would have been proud of. "You do have to finish this assignment. I'll not listen to your mother lecturing me again on your poor grades."

The reaper winced, recalling how those lectures tended to then turn onto him as well, before he shifted his attention to the students that moved this way and that through the campus. "Later~ Promise!" The words were thrown out sing-song, and the bird groaned near his feet. Something that made Aquilo laugh outright. Such faith from his familiar~ But surely there were more interesting things going on than his repetitive assignments.

Paynes Gray