User ImageMoose: Eris watched from a low hanging branch in a baobob tree as a family grouping of hippo fought off the crocodiles that wished to claim their river. She was close enough to see the action, but far enough away to feel safe. Well, to her, anyway. Most would call her insane for being in the older tree so close to creatures that could take her out with one bite.
She just smiled though, watching them with bright eyes. Eris couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a day. Well, with the exception of some company, of course.

nessiaing: Misto was heading towards the river, she was hoping for a good drink or perhaps a quick swin. However he hopes were diminished when she came into the view of the river and saw the already in progress battle for the river.

The spotted cheetah let out a huff as she took a seat below some trees, she supposed she could just sit here and wait it out. The battle cold only last so long and then she would be able to get her drink.

Moose: While pleasantly surprised that a cheetah had joined her, Eris was perhaps even more giddy to see that the creature had yet to notice her. Her crystalline blue eyes crinkled with mirth as she crept up further on her branch until she was relatively close to the other female. How focused was she on the river beasts that she didn't notice such a lioness? "A soul could hallucinate if they looked at your pelt for too long," Eris mused aloud, resting her head on her paws. She grinned. "It's quite amusing."

nessiaing: Misto jumped when she hear the females voice. She cursed to herself that she had been so unobservant. She turned her head and saw the female lion in a tree branch more or less right above her. She smiled, figuring the lioness to be friendly, if she had wanted to attack she could have without ever drawing attention to herself.

"Well one could say the same about your main." the cheetah said with a laugh. She had never seen such a main before and found it quite appealing. "My name is Misto by the way its a pleasure to meet you."

Moose: "Do you think so?" Eris reached up a claw to twist a lock around, and when she pulled free it remained curled for a moment before deflating. She smiled with a little chuckle of her own. "Misto of the mystifying pelt." What a wonderful grouping of words. "My name is Eris, and I'm sorry that whatever you had planned for the evening is interrupted." Her eyes travelled back down to the show in the water. "They are rather comical to watch. Both species trying to intimidate one another with their mouths wide open."

User Imagenessiaing: "Eris" Misto repeated it was easier to remember somones name if you said it out loud. The lioness's name was a simple on Misto imaged she would be able to remember it well enough, at least long enough for whatever short interaction they were to have.

She turned back towards the water that she had actually come searching for. Again a sigh escaped her lips she had only wanted a drink and a quick dip it wasn't really asking for too much.

"They are both an odd species, definitely not ones that I try to spend anytime around, they are less intelegent if you ask me." Misto valued intellegence.

"So tell me Eris are you from around this area?"

Moose: "You know, if you travel South, I'm sure the river will be freer. It's shallow in that area, and neither species can properly bath." She said with a passive wave of her paw. It was helpful advice, which was odd for the tempermental lioness. "Crocodiles, yes, but hippo...." She only grinned. "They are smarter than their size lets on, and far more vicious than a striking snake." Eris had been on the receiving end of their anger more than once. It was not something she wished to relive. Blinking, she turned her glazed gaze back to the cheetah. "Me? Oh no, I am the wind, and the wind ghosts across the Savannah. What of you, little hallucinogen?"

nessiaing: Misto turned her head towards the south, it wasn't a half bad idea to head down that way. Why should she a cheetah stand waiting around for lesser animals. "I suppose they may be smarter than I give them credit it for... I can't say I've actually been around them at all."

"The wind?" Misto said, she had of course heard others say they were like the wind, but never the actual wind... nor the wing ghost whatever that was. She supposed the lioness mean to say that she travelled a lot and felt no attatchments.

"I am a traveller a roamer, no fixed address for me. Though I'd like to think maybe one day I will settle down." Misto had never thought about settling down until recently, though now she was beginning to think it would be neccessary, that is if she ever wanted cubs.

Moose: There wasn't much Eris could have said for interactions with other species, beyond what had been spoken. She was of a mind to give credit where credit was due, and if Misto had wanted to spend her time around the hippo to learn of their habits then maybe she would have learned. Would she still look as mystifying with her face contorted with fear? Eris couldn't help imaging it with a curious expression. "A roamer, is that true? Cheetahs form coalitions, so perhaps you should check into those, or maybe wait for death, so that you can ascend? That's what I'm looking for." She murmured almost dreamily, turning her gaze to the sky itself before looking back to the other female. "Stay with the wind, my muse, and follow the path that only your paws know."

nessiaing: "I have yet to find a coalition that fits quite right, and I do hope death is many years off." Misto said thoughtfully.

Misto smilled the lioness with a rainbow main was an odd creature but Misto had enjoyed her company very much. None the less it was time to move on, have her drink and swim before finding a place to call home for the night. Her thoat was growing parched.

"Well I must say I shall take you advice and move along, down south to get myself a drink. It was a pleasure to meet you Exotic Eris. I do hope our paths cross again." She offered the lioness a bow and moved on down south following the river to find a spot clear of anyone else.

Moose: With a wave of her paw Eris bid the fine cheetah adieu. "It's been interesting, to say the least. Fare thee well, little spot." She couldn't help, but to smile brighter at the nickname Misto had given to her. Was she truly so exotic? What a wonderful thought it was. She would have to ponder that, as she relaxed in her tree, content to watch the war in the river for the rest of the night.