Misto was moving fast light on her feet running as fast as she could. She loved a good run. Like any cheetah her speed was her greatest gift, and getting out on the open plains was a great deal of fun.

A laugh escaped her lips as she ran pushing herself to go faster and faster. The spotted cheetah thought that if anyone was sitting on the sidelines she would look like nothing but a blur flying by like the wind. She was overjoyed.

Nanth was more sedate in her pacing. She was a slave, after all, in mostly name. If she was seen running towards the borders, she would surely be stopped by the guards, no matter how trusted she was. Chozi had brought her across the border lined that morning, and she could venture back in herself easily enough, but the dry dustiness of the pridelands had gotten to her, and she needed somewhere lush, somewhere she could run freely.

And run she did, her paws taking her away from the lands. She would never run too far, of course. The pride was her home, and it would always be where her feet carried her. That was of course, when she saw a blur racing past her.

Misto paused a little startled when she had flung herself past another soul. They too had been running she assumed, or atleast they were moving. She slowed her pace and turned to look back the way she had come her eyes peeled for the soul she had gone by.

It didn't take her long to see the other cheetah, a female also. She had a smile on her face excited to see someone else out her. It had been a little while since she had met up with another soul... other than that strange leopardess a few days ago.

The silver cheetah hadn't particularly intended to stop the other runner, but when the other stopped, she smiled regardless. She thought the other quite beautiful in form and stature - pleasing to look at. She would have never noticed if the other kept running.

She smiled, politely. "I hope I didn't startle you," she apologized. "I hadn't realized anyone was running from that direction." She was sincere, if not a bit worried that her single minded focus on running forward had caused the other an inconvenience.

Misto was panting slightly she had pushed herself hard. "Nope you didn't startle me at all, I have just been out here alone for so long that I was excited to see another soul." Misto answered her happily. Despite having spent most of her life alone Misto still enjoyed seeing others and talking to them, hearing about their lives. She just didn't fancy joiing up with any sort of permanent group, not at this point in her life any way.

"My name is Misto" the spotted cheetah told the silver female. "Are you from this area?"

Nanth was a bit relieved she didn't startle the other cheetah, but she still felt a little bad, her ears flicking back for a moment of uncertainty. She smiled, though, after a moment and nodded. "I'm Nanth," she told the other. "And I am from around here, though this is pretty a little further than my normal range." She was curious though.

"You're not from around here then?" She asked. She felt a little better having not pulled another away from a task because she was careless.

"Nanth" Misto repeated the name, "Nice name" ever since meeting the lioness a while back she had been thinking about names a lot. THe lioness had deemed Misto Mystiqu Misto, she had rather liked it.

"No, I am not from anywhere really. I travel where ever the wind takes me." she loved her free lifestyle but she recognized that it wasn't for everyone. There were many that wanted a more defined life, be in a pride have others constantly around them. Misto rather not have to worry abotu the happiness of others, she took care of herself and that was it.

"What is your home like?" she asked smiling. Just because she wasn't interested in living the life style herself didn't mean she didn't want to hear about it.

Nanth nodded, wondering how her life would be if she was on her own again. She had been lost before she found Koti. She had gained confidence and her lanky figure filled out. She was bad at living on her own, if she was honest.

"It's small, but growing. It's mostly hybrids, actually. There are very few non-hybrids, actually," she mentioned. "It's a lovely little place, right now. Not so busy, though there's a drought plaguing the lands," she told the other. "I live with a cheeton, right now, and his children."

Misto nodded, she didn't know of many hybrids, but she knew they existed. She found it a little strange that this female would choose to live in a place where she was a minority. Misto had always assumed that people chose to live with others like themselves. She never though someone would joind a pride where they were the odd one out.

"That sounds alright." she said referring to living with the cheeton and his family. She figured that living with a family like would lead one to feel like they had a family... which most found disirable. Misto had never had a family so it wasn't a feeling she knew or really understood. Perhaps one day she would have a family of her own and then it would all make sense to her.

"Should I be letting you get back home?" Misto asked the other. To her they could talk all day but she recognized that the other cheetah might have to get home. Perhaps they alll had dinner together or something.

Nanth herself was startled, she hadn't realized their conversation lasted so long. She was only supposed to be out for a run in the lusher fields. She was a little worried that they might coming looking for her if she was gone any longer.

She gave a bobbing nod. "I should probably go, yes," she told the other. "Maybe I'll see you again?" She had known some others came this way often, but it would be a rare chance. "Thank you for your time," she gave the other a smile and began her trek back home to Chozi and his children.

"Good bye Nanth" Misto said as she watched the other cheetah walk away. She had found the other cheetah quite pleasant and wouldn't be upset if their paths crossed again.

Now she had to decide what she wanted to do with the rest of her evening. She took of running again. Hoping that her run would end at some sort of water source.