Kya had a spring in her step the purple wild dog had a little more energy than normal. After having spent most of her time alone, or just with her daughter she had met a male. A male that seemed really nice. She was overjoyed about the random encounter that may be leading to a lot more.

There was just one thing to do now. Tell her daughter about the male. She was sure Konane would be more than happy for her mother, but it was going to be different now. For years it had just been the two of them and now they would have a third. Of course having a third set of paws around could prove to be very helpful the girls wouldn’t have to do all the heavy lifting anymore.

Konane was walking back from a dip in the river close by. She also had a spring in her step. She had met a male that was very striking in color and was from a pack that liked the stars. Konane was hoping that they would be able to meet up again soon and he could tell her all the stories that were in stars.

The silver wild dog wasn’t considering leaving her mother or anything she simply wanted to talk to the male more. Having been with only her mother for so many years the young wild dog wanted a little more. She missed her pack and her siblings the bustle of activity that always came from a thriving home.

Kya spotted her daughter coming back towards the den, noting her wet feet. She smiled her daughter went every morning to the river that wasn’t too far away, it was just about the only time of the day that the two females spent apart. Only leisurely time any ways, sometimes when they were working they would split up but it wasn’t like they were having fun.

Moving towards her daughter her smile grew, “Good morning darling” Kya greeted her daughter moving closer she gave her daughter a quick nuzzle. She noticed the smell of another wild dog on her daughters pelt. A quizzical expression past over the older wild dogs face but she tried to wash it away quickly, if her daughter wanted to tell her where she had been, who she had been with she would tell her.

Konane wasn’t the only one that had the scent of someone unfamiliar on her pent. She picked up the scent of someone else on her mother too. She smiled briefly, she liked the idea of her mom finding someone else. She couldn’t tell for sure from the lingering scent if it was a male or a female but she was happy none the less that her mother had found someone else to have in her life. Possibly someone to keep her company while Konane spent time getting to know Zi a little. She didn’t think the relationship with the blue green male could be a long term one but she was happy to get to know him in the mean time.

“Hi mom” she said giving her a good nuzzle back. She took a seat and looked at her mom in the eyes. She could tell that her mom had something she wanted to say. It had only been them for so long she had learned to how to read her mom quite well.

Kya smiled and sat with her daughter. “I was looking for you, how was your morning swim.” she asked kindly. Kya had left the male to make himself feel more at home in a den that wasn’t too far from where the mother daughter pair slept.

“I have news for you.” she said, she found that in her voice she was a little worried, she was nervous her daughter may feel uncomfortable, it was silly to worry though really, Konane was the most loving being that walked this earth she would accept anyone into her life, and Kya knew that.

“I found a male wondering in the forest. I have invited him to stay with us, at least for a little while.”

Konane smiled, well that explained the smell on her mothers coat. She looked around wondering where perhaps she had stashed the male away. She did indeed want to meet him. If her mother had been willing to bring him home he must be quite the male.

“That sounds wonderful mom.” Konane answered, she could see her mom had been sweating it out, worrying about telling her about the male. It was an unjustified worry though Konane had yet to find someone she didn’t like, males and females a liel. Konena was a lover of all.

A sigh of relief breached Kya’s lips, she smiled happily, “His name is Wahed, for the time being I’ve showed him to a den not to far from ours he is going to stick around for awhile.” Kya didn’t go into great details about the male, she figured Wahed and Konane would talk and he would get to tell the younger female all about himself.

“I figured he would be good to keep around for some heavy lifting.” Kya said a laugh in her voice. If not for her purple pelt it would be rather obvious that the purple female was blushing just slightly. She liked the male a great deal even though she had just met him.

“Well than” Konane said a chipper tone to her voice. “Let’s go meet this male” she said. The younger female lept to her feet quite the spring in her step. She was ready to meet the male that had her mother all nervous. She looked towards the dens ready to get going. “Come on mom, no more being nervous. I want to get and see the boy, its been a long time since we’ve had a boy around.” Konane was of course teasing although there was a great deal of truth in what she said. The female duo had been on their own since the pack collapse they had gotten on just fine on their own but it was nice to think they’d have a boy with them for a little while anyways. She trotted off towards the dens knowing that her mother would follow.