Moswen was on the hunt for his mom, he had an idea of where she might be but it still mean a lot of travelling for the male and some hunting down. Moswen had already travelled all the way to where he had thought his mom might be, she had told them when the pride disbanded and him and his siblings went on their way where she would stay so that if they ever needed or wanted her. Travelling was such a serious act for the usually playful and carefree male. He had to make sure he could find water to drink, a place to sleep and food to eat. Being an adult sucked sometimes.

Moswen was seated outside the den he had spent the night in. He was trying to decided where he should go today. He figured that perhaps the local watering hole would be a good place to look. Everyone needed to get a drink right? Moving slowly and leisurely he made his way down to the watering hole that he had stopped at the night before. He decided that he was going to just camp out at the waterhole, maybe spend the night there if he had to.

He moved down towards the watering hole, it was pretty dead, he figured it was likely just the time of day and he found himself a nice place to settle down. He was right at the waters edge, he moved his toes forward to just so the tips were in the water. He splashed them around a little watching the ripples form. It was going to be a long day down here at the water. He hoped that his mom would show up, if he didn’t find her here he wasn’t sure where he would be find her.

Peca had slept in a little today she usually rose with the sun, but today the sun was already high in the sky by the time she pulled herself out of her den. Yawning she blinked a few times in the bright sunlight.

Her throat was dry and she decided to head towards the local watering hole. She was worried that it would be packed and busy, Peca tended to avoid feline species when she could, she found them to be condescending and rude most of the time. Her opinion only worsened by the last leopardess who she had run into. Although the leopardess had shared food with her, which was very nice, she had been so curt and wouldn’t talk to Peca at all, Peca liked to talk.

When she made it to the watering hole she saw that it was indeed very busy. She came down to the waters edge and took a few gulps of water. Standing back up she took a look around wondering if there was anyone here she might now. She hadn’t made many friends in the area but she had met a few souls.

Scanning the crowd, her eyes stopping on a pale male hyena. She blinked a few times wondering if perhaps her eyes were playing a trick on her. Could it actually be her son sitting not ten feet from where she stood. Without even thinking about it her feet began to move towards the male. She was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open. She made it to the males side her eyes now filling with tears, she was sure it was her son “Moswen” she whispered.

Moswen had fallen asleep on the watch. It wasn’t till he heard the whisper of his name that he woke with a bit of a start. He looked up squinting in the sunlight, “Mom?” he responded, his voice a little hoarse with sleep.

Peca smiled down at her son. “My lazy boy.” she laughed, moving back to give him room to sit up. “What are you doing here my boy?” she asked him. It had been years since she had seen any of her children and she was overwhelmed to have her boy her with her. She was mildly worried that he was in some sort of trouble

“I came to see you mom.” She said giving her a nice snuggle. It had been a long time but as the scent of his mom filled his nose he felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him. There was something innately comforting being around a mom. He could sense a hint of worry in his mother’s voice. “I didn’t do anything bad mom, I swear.” he said laughing at the same time.

“Oh Moswen always my light hearted soul.” she said laughing. “So tell me what have you been up to over these years?” Peca hadn’t had much activity in her life over the past few years. She was anxious to hear what he boy had been up to. She was sure he had lived a life of adventures, she never could keep him quiet in the pack lands. He had been rambunctious from the day he was born, and she could see based on his grin not much had changed.

“Well I’ve been all over the place, I saw some wild dogs from our old home, and saw the ocean once. Its been crazy and exciting and I never get tired of finding new things to see and new places to be.” He said with a great enthusiasm. “I love being a rogue and going anywhere and everywhere.” he said with a smile. “I have missed you though I thought I’d stick around here for a little while at least.”

Peca smiled, oh her adventurer. She could imagine her boy getting himself into a world of trouble, probably a ton of situations Peca wanted to know nothing about. “You are always welcome to stick around with my Moswen, I wish I got to see you more often. All of you really, you are the first pup to come back looking for me.” It made Peca sad that she hadn’t seen more of her family but at least she had her boy for now. “Come on I will take you back to my den, I have some meat there you must be starving.” Her motherly side was already pouring out of her. She was happy to take care of him while he was around even if it was just for a few days.