User ImageNessi
Nurrin must have fallen asleep under the tree that she had stopped under to rest. She woke up jst as the sun began to set. Cursing to her self a little she quickly rubbing the sleep form her eyes. She noticed that her paws weren't as sore and she was thankful for that. She would have to leave soon, she didn't want to have any sort of trouble with the locals the rainbow lioness had warned her about.

She sat up as the haze of her sleep lifted from her head.

Safi followed behind his lover as the two walked around the perimeter of the family territory. Why Eris felt the need to join him he couldn’t understand. She had attached herself like a leech; a vague, unknowable leech. He knew as much about her as he did the stars, and although she wanted to be close she wouldn’t share. It was frustrating, but as long as he got to play around with her he didn’t mind it.

Eris, on the other hand, was leading the male to a very specific spot. Her paws were finding the same holes they had walked in earlier, and with a little soft smile of recognition she saw the same lioness from before, under the same tree. In her maw she carried a leg of some poor prey beast, still dripping with blood.

“Is this where we’re going to have our alone ti-?” Safi peeped around Eris when she stopped, and flattened his ears against his head. “Who the hell are you?”

Nurrin cowered for a moment when the hybrid's voice called out at her. Clearly the rainbow lioness wasn't kidding when she had told them that they were territorial here. She heart fluttered in panic, she wasn't a fighter she wouldn't fight this male, and she also didn't want to have to run her paws were feeling better, but not that good.

She had a sigh of relief when she saw the lioness she had met earlier standing at the males side, with what looked like a bloody leg in her mouth. Nurrin wasn't sure what was happening, had the lioness brought the male here to scare Nurrin off or was she here to help Nurrin.

"I am Nurrin" she answered simply. She wasn't really sure what else she could say

Brushing up against his hide, Eris moved to set the meat down in front of the other lioness as a sort of offering. “Excuse him. If he isn’t trying to have cubs he’s quite surly.” She winked and sat down a little ways away, aware of the protective way that Safi sat next to her.

He was a scared and burly male, but his fur hid most of it beneath luxurious opal waves of fur. “Yeah, well, hey Nurrin, nice to know you’re eating our food. So what, are you adopting her now, Eris?” He clucked his tongue and looked at the lioness by his side, who reached over to bite his ear sharply. “Hey!”

“I said we would be sharing. You’ve had your fill, so hush or go back.” Smiling, she looked back to Nurrin, “Still here, huh?”

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Nurrin was slightly embarrassed that he was pointing out that the food she was eating was from his family but at the same time she was hungry so she mumbled a quick thank you before she bowed her head and took a full generous mouthfuls. Having the food come to her would save her time now she wouldn't have to hunt tonight she would just be able to get on the move.

She appreciated the lioness telling off the male that Nurrin gathered was his mate. She also appreciated picking up the lioness name though she decided it was best not to use it.

"I must have fallen asleep while I was waiting for my paws to feel better." she mumbled as she licked her lips clean of blood.

"I mean to leave well before now. But I am glad I saw you again I cannot thank you enough for the food"

Even if Safi was put out by the business of sharing he didn’t say much else. He knew what it was like to have an aching stomach, with no one else to help hunt to take down prey big enough to fill the void. His orchid eyes watched her for a moment before turning his attention elsewhere.

“Fallen asleep? Oh dear, you could have been eaten yourself sleeping out here by yourself.” She shook her head. “A cannibal hunts the family here. It is best not to rest for too long when the night dips low like this.” Eris should know; she had been hunted. It wasn’t a feeling she was looking forward to repeating, so she stuck close to Safi…for now.

“Then you should be thanking my son, who brought it down,” Safi interjected, though this time without the bite of earlier. “What she says is true. If you’re going to sleep here you’d best come back with us. It isn’t safe.”

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The fur on the back of Nurrin's neck began to prickle up. She had taken Eris' warning about the family being territorial seriously, but she hadn't thought about why the family might be territorial.

"Well perhaps it would be safest if I came back with you." Nurrin had been planning to continue her travels tonight but now she was a little scared to be walking the area at night with a cannibal lurking.

"If that wouldn't be too much trouble, and then I could also thank you son in person instead of asking you to relay the message."

The pair looked at each other before turning their eyes to Nurrin. “Safi,” Eris said mystically, reaching out a paw to run it along his shoulder. “She can stay in the den with Iratze.” She nodded. “They usually all stay clumped together but some of them like Safi and his niece, Iratze, have their own spaces. She’s a sweetheart and will welcome the company.”

Safi could only nod. No doubt Iratze would have questions, but the girl had a healing touch. If anything this lioness would leave here better rested than if she had stayed out here by herself. “If you see a big black and white lion with a purple mane, that’s him. He doesn’t get to talk to girls often so don’t be surprised if he hits on you.” Safi snorted good naturedly. He turned to scan the area before nodding, “Come on then, let’s get going.”

Nurrin rose to her feet and joined the couple for the walk back she couldn't believe her good fortune in having the couple agree to take her in for the night.

She kind of chuckled to herself, earlier in the day she had though Eris was so odd and had never expected to see her again. Now she still thought Eris was odd but she was thankful for the kindness the lioness had shown her.

She walked slightly behind the couple her ears perked to listen for anyone that might approach. "I can not thank you both enough."

While it was Safi that had followed Eris in the beginning, it was he that led the way back now. He walked at an angle, as if he didn’t trust the new lioness at his back, but he was just being cautious. “Like looks out for its own. If Rogues don’t watch Rogues, who will?” That’s what his father had told him so many years ago. Plus, who knew, if she stayed with his family a night she might end up pregnant and part of the family, knowing their luck. He wanted to warn her not to drink the water, but since she was staying with Iratze she should be alright.

“Please, don’t thank us until you’ve actually had to put up with them all.” She joked, “Bunch of muscle bound idiots, this lot. I’ve never seen bigger egos.” Even as she teased Eris looked to the leopon in a strange sort of way that almost, just almost, resembled fondness.

"Well even if they are muscle heads they must be better than staying out here on my own." Nurrin responded to Eris. She couldn't imagine them being all that bad. She wondered if they were all going to be like the hybrid male with them now. He definitely seemed like the in charge kind of sort, she found it hard to se ehow having a bunch of these personalities together would work, you'd think it would lead to fighting in the family compound. They must have some softer sorts around that made to soften things up.

Nurring yawned, despite her nap she was still tired and was anxious to get there so that she could go back to sleep. She wouldn't complain though they were helping her out.

“I have to agree with you there,” Eris responded softly, noticing the way that Nurrin seemed to droop. They would be within the family compound soon enough and then they all could catch some much needed rest.

(FIN) (WC 1512)