Thorin - NovaCracker
Aanga - Das Tor

Word Count: 1,026 [According to Google Docs]

Aanga found herself looking up through the gaps in the cave ceiling of Dvergrhohlen, contemplation on her features. This new home, this new place, was like the caves she'd come to call 'home' when Thorin had found she and her sister. And she found it was a good home, as she watched the pride she'd grown fond of grow and mature. More lions came to join the Dvergr in their new home. More hobbits and alfr. And they had allies aplenty.

She honestly thought the Aegnor'hini strange, as were the Coileani, but...they were good allies to have. One strong, the other peaceful. More and more, Aanga was growing into her paws as a Queen.

The initial loss of Dvergrheim had been tragic, but Thorin grew to move past it when they'd travelled. Time found plentiful allies, Hobbit and lion and Alfr, and he was - barely - able to salvage his pride. Decimated, but strong, and the King often settled against hiw mate for comfort and inspiration that he didn't mention to any at all.

Like now, as he crept for Aanga slowly, offering a small bracelet.


Aanga looked from the sky to Thorin, smiling. "Hello dearest." It was still odd, being mated...married. But...she wouldn't trade it for the world. Thorin was a good mate, and she really did love him. And he would make a far better father than the one she'd had. "And what have you there?" She took the bracelet offered, inspecting it. It was always so odd to her, being offered gifts. He had her as a mate...his queen. And yet he kept bringing her little gifts. It was odd, but nice. So different from what she’d spent her life with.

"Something I hoped you may like, dear." Thorin smiled, nuzzling Aanga gently. Many considered Thorin absorbed in his work, tending the pride, seeming everpresent, but in fact he was not, instead watching when needed and taking time for Aanga as he could. He wanted her happy and tried to make her so every day. He wasn't rulrd by emotion as strongly as some, but he tried.

Thorin grooned Aanga gently, smiling and settling by her warmly as his tail wrapped around him.

"And what are you doing?" He asked, beaming lovingly.

"It's very pretty, Thorin. Thank you." She licked his cheek, then leaned against him a bit. "Thinking. A dangerous pass-time, I know. But..." She took a deep breath. "I have to remind myself that the fall of Dvergrheim was not due to the luck of my sister and I. It's not...too hard, though." She chuckled. "The Dvergr have grown, dearest. We have grown and changed for the better. And...strange though our allies are, they are strong ones. As enduring as we."

"Thinking saved lives, scattered or not." Thorin reminded her, and he licked her ear again, leaning.

"It wasn't your luck. A god was angry, and chose to punish us accordingly. That is no fault of yours or Asali's. And I suspect Oin may complain should he hear you blaming yourself."

Thorin chuckled, grooming her again before resting his head on her shoulders.

"No, the gods or god were angry before you came, when the fire spread. All is well."

"I know. It's just...hard to banish old thought patterns. But I'm getting there. Sooner rather than later." Thorin was right, though. It wasn't her or Asali's fault at all. They just...well, their timing was horrible. But life seemed to be getting better. Better than it had been even in the Simbafutaji. "So have you heard anything that I haven't lately? Changes, new pathways, new mines?"

Thorin cringed.

"Our new Matriarch is missing." He said quietly. "It's - disconcerting."

Aanga blinked. "Matriarch...Man'Tah? Man'Tah is missing?" That was highly disconcerting! She rather liked the female. She was a brave sort, with a good head on her shoulders. That she was missing...hopefully she’d simply been distracted!

"She is. Noone has seen her." Thorin's brows knit in concern, the male frowning.

That had a concerned look on Aanga's face. "Perhaps we should set up a search for her? Her missing just...isn't like her. It really isn't." They couldn't afford a loss like that. They just couldn't. "Myself and some of the more observant Dvergr could look for her, or traces of her."

"...That may be beneficial." Thorin frowned. "There's so few of us now - we need to do something."

"And fast. We cannot afford for even one clan to fall apart. We need every paw to remain strong and together." Aanga stood and paced a bit. "Dahabu might be good on the party. Jasiri and Oin as well. Perhaps Caellegh." All good sorts, with keen eyes.

Thorin nodded.

"We'll need to keep alert, make sure she's alright." Thorin swallowed. Had he done something wrong? He didn't know.

Aanga nodded. Then nuzzled Thorin. "Things will be alright. They will turn out for the best. And you have done nothing wrong. You are a wonderful King, dearest." She knew that look. The look of self-doubt. She’d had it herself more than once. Far more than once.

Thorin shivered, nodding slowly and nuzzled into his mate worriedly, sighing.


Aanga nudged her mate's shoulder. "Thorin...things will be fine. We will find her, and see what pulled her away. Perhaps she got distracted by a pretty piece of tail." For all that she was a Queen then, she had once been a rougher, less-scrupulous lioness. She had done many things to keep she and her sister cared for, and they had required her to be a different lioness.

Thorin coughed, turning red and acting flustered before nodding.

"Perhaps. Still."

Aanga rolled her eyes. "Come on, Sir Prude. Let's stop dawdling and go find our missing Matriarch, shall we?" She loved her mate dearly, but he really was more uptight than her at times. She at least knew how to loosen up without n**! Hmmm...she needed to teach him a thing or two. Yes…

Thorin nodded, padding to follow his mate carefully. She was usually right - but one of them had to worry!