It hadn’t been an easy decision. In fact, he never would have even contemplated such a thing had he not known a certain councilman. Not that he blamed the Jedi. Far from it, he was grateful to have been given the opportunity to study under one of the greatest Masters alive today. Certainly he owed Master Kamau a huge debt already, for the leopard had taken a scared, over-eager and rather clumsy cub and gently coached him past his awkwardly held notions. Not only that, but Master Kamau had then taken Yosun on, teaching him extra after the regular day was done. Taking him with the Jedi on his patrols, giving him experiences no one else could. And of course when they were caught Kamau smiled and apologised, but never once did he bend or back down. If outright confronted by his extra-curricular and not altogether traditional teaching methods, he simply agreed but each time his argument in favour of his methods trumped anything the accuser could produce. And if they still protested, Kamau simply offered to accompany them to the Grand Master for his punishment.

No one had ever yet taken the Master Jedi up on his gently spoken offer.

Sucking in a deep breath for courage, Yosun approached the den where Master Kamau lived. He knew the Jedi was within, for he had watched him arrive from one of his many errands and it appeared the great leopard had settled in for the night as the area was quiet and calm. Pausing just outside the den he cleared his throat once more, feeling just like the nervous little cub he had been the first time Kamau had spoken to him.

“Master?” He called out, wincing when his voice wavered slightly. Damn it. After taking a moment to compose himself, he tried again, managing a more normal and far deeper call.


Something stirred within the shadows before the pale form of the elder feline appeared, ghost-like and silent in the night’s darkness.

“Yes my child?” Kamau replied, a warm and welcoming smile on the Jedi’s maw. Being easily twice Yosun’s age he had never dropped the habit of calling the lion, and all those of his generation, ‘child’. But no one had ever complained.

“How can I be of service this eve?” Turning he padded back into the shrouded darkness of his home and Yosun, after a moment’s uncertainty, followed.

Once he was inside he couldn’t help but gaze round. For the den, carved deep into the small cliff, was filled with strange and wondrous objects. From shards of glittering metal to various skulls. Some natural, others covered with brilliant or disturbing decoration. He knew from past questions that each item had been found by Kamau during his travels as a younger leopard, before he returned to his birth pride and joined the wise elders of the Council. He had been quite a maverick in his day and the collected objects were a reminder of the mysterious and amazing places he had seen and the deeds, both good and difficult, he had rendered.

Finally tearing his gaze form the eccentric art, he turned his gaze back on his Teacher, discovering Kamau stretched out comfortably on an arrangement of furs and with a becoming paw raised towards him. Feeling impossibly clumsy, like the giant green toad that had tormented his cubhood days, he padded forwards and awkwardly curled his large body down into the bedding.

Kamau smiled warmly and settled, lounging like a cat in a beam of sunshine, propped casually up on one elbow. “Now, you have something to ask me, do you not?” His voice was knowing yet gentle, the rich warmth of his tone unchanged since Yosun had known him.

Flustered he shifted awkwardly but nodded. “I need your advice…” Stumbling to a verbal halt he stared helplessly at his broad paws. Maybe this had been a bad idea…. A really bad idea.. but he needed someone to talk to and Kamau was the only one who wouldn’t dismiss him out of paw. Finally he managed to drag his gaze back up and the patient expression that met his eyes allowed him to push on, despite the pounding of his heart in his throat.

“I want to go outside the pride. Like you did. To learn more about the world as it is, to meet others and to help them. …Not just to listen to lessons and theorise…” Swallowing he added. “I want to make a difference.” His voice firmed on the last few words. He needed this, needed to experience life beyond the shelter of the Jedi. How was he supposed to aid others when he had never met them?

Near shaking now he waited for his Master’s censure. Certain, that despite how lenient and laid-back Kamau could be, this was a step too far. Even for one of the pride’s most unconventional members. Finally the heavy, trembling silence was broken by his Master shifting, moving to stand over his young apprentice.

“In that case, we have much to do before you go.” The words didn’t register at first, Yosun unable to make sense of them within the framework of censure he had expected. But gradually, finally, they sank in and he felt weak with relief. It was more than he could have hoped for, to have no only his Master’s blessing, but his help as well.

“You will need several items before you leave. And we will have to make you a pack to carry your provisions.” Kamau turned and looked over his eclectic collection with a thoughtful expression. “First things first… follow me.”

Releasing a shaky breath he smiled at Kamau, relief and gratitude in his expression. He might be about to make the most important decision of his life thus far, but he would have the help of his Teacher and best friend. Standing, still a little shaky inside, he followed the pale leopard out of the den and into the surrounding bushes. Apparently his preparations were about to begin.

(Word count = 1,00 cool