Primitus - NovaCracker
Atefeh - Das Tor

Word Count: 1,025 [According to Google Docs]

Atefeh sighed and flopped by the river, tired and travel-worn. Not hungry, oh no...She was raised well, and could hunt for herself and others easily. But...she was tired of being alone. She'd grown up surrounded by others, surrounded by lions of all shapes and sizes and colors. And now, with her father dead and the Ukuucha nothing more than fond and somewhat painful memories...

Atefeh was alone. And it was heartbreaking.

Primitus trot along, still soaked and shaking ocean from his fur as he walked along, wings splayed out parallel to the ground to try as he trot, occasionally gliding as his wings caught air, and hummed, waiting to dry. Hakuna woukld have questions, and he didn't want to answer them yet. Still, it was a fine day for a walk, and the god hummed further, smiling.

Atefeh lift her white-and-purple head, curious at the sound of humming. Another creature? When she saw the outline of...something, she was on her paws quickly, a smile on her muzzle. "Hello there!" Another creature! Perhaps she'd have company for a time! And then...oh, then her expression changed to one of surprise.

Oh. OH. It had many seasons since she'd seen a god.

But she knew what she was looking at. After all, one of the pridal pads had been a god!

Primitus hummed a bit longer before stopping, looking toward the greeting before beaming brightly.

"Hello there!" He said warmly. "And how are you?"

Atefeh tried to hold herself as well as she could in her tired state, smile on her muzzle again. She was the daughter of the Sultan, even if her pride was long-gone, and her father with it. "I am...doing well enough. I certainly wouldn't mind some company for a time, however, if you wouldn't mind, sir?"

"Hardly at all!" Primitus beamed, lifting a wing for her to move under. "I'm afraid I don't have company as often as I like." Mostly, his mates were pridebound - even Hakuna'jina.

Atefeh looked surprised at the offer of shelter under his wing, but took it graciously, nodding in thanks. And then squeaking when water dripped onto her. OH! Such an odd scent, though...It was...salty? "Ah...I'm afraid I don't have company often at all...not lately. Not for some time..."

Primitus had grace enough to appear sheepish, leaning in and grooming away the salt water before smiling.

"I know that feeling. I've wanted company myself. My mates are wonderful, but Hakuna'jina roams by herself and Kipofu has a pride as well." Primitus paused, sighing softly. "It does get lonely."

Atefeh couldn't help but giggle, then blinked and looked at him curiously. "You practice things like my home did? Most rogues I meet think it weird! It just makes sense, though!" And...wait. Now she was confused. "Why on earth do your banu wander or live away from you?"

Primitus blinked, head tilting.

"What are banu?" He asked, then paused. "You don't find having multiple mates... Odd?" Suddenly he was a surprised and confused male, blinking and tilting his head.

"Banu. The females in your care. Usually your mates, but sometimes your daughters as well until they have pads of their own." Atefeh giggled. "And it's not odd in the least! It actually is the best arrangement, if you think about it. The banu hunt together, look after cubs together...they needn't do things all alone. And the male provides protection and unity."

Primitus blinked, ear flicking in thought before his head cocked. "Really?" He chuckled. "I suppose, but my mates are in two places. I roam. I always have." He admitted. "Often by myself."

"Really." She nodded, then looked thoughtful. "See...that is the odd part to me. Do you not have one that roams with you always? That would help, I'd think. She'd be able to give aid to whoever you're with at the time. Or perhaps have another banu in each place, to help out..."

"I don't." Primitus chuckled. "I always thought I was... Strange." Uurmi seemed to think he was. And she was cute as well.

"Well, it's very not strange." She sat herself down, head held high like the princess she was by blood. "It worked very well for my birth pride until usurpers came and decided they didn't like our ways."

"Usurpers." Primitus made a face. "Oh, do I dislike those. Troublesome really. I'm sorry."

"I..." She hung her head, shaking it. "In the end, they paid. They paid the price for what they did." For the harm they caused. For the death. For the way they traumatized the poor cubs of the pride...

"At least they paid." Primitive sighed, shaking his head. Honestly some lions...

Atefeh nodded, then smiled shyly. "So...where have you been that you smell like salt and are dripping with water? Did someone push a salt-rock into a lake?" It certainly smelled like it! Well...almost. There was other parts to the strange scent...

"I tried swimmin in the ocean." Primitus admitted. He laughed a moment. "And I failed ast it miserably."

Ocean? Atefeh's eyes went wide and curious, her head tilting to one side. "Ocean? What is that? Is it like a lake?" She knew lakes very well. But she'd never heard of an 'ocean'...

"Large expanses of salty water." Primitus chuckled,. "Sadly I'm terrible at it. But it smells nice."

Large....huh. "'s a salty lake?" That was certainly what it sounded like! Perhaps she could find one nearby...Yes! That would be interesting to do! And perhaps others would be around it!

"Well, it is an interesting concept, but lakes are smaller." Primitus admitted, then paused. "I could take you, if you'd like?"

Atefeh nodded eagerly, all princessly manner flying from her for a moment. "If it wouldn't be a trouble? I...I cannot imagine anything bigger than a lake!"

"Oh, it wouldn't be." Primitus beamed. "Hardly at all in fact."

The princess made a happy noise, bouncing a bit like a cub. "Thank you very much!" She would get to see something new, and have a little company! It was a good day!