[Ferskja's capture RP]

Seema had a lot on her mind since her and her mate joined the stormborn. The biggest concern she had was her lack of family. Timeus had wanted to have a son or a daughter for years, ever since the death of their son Aureo. Seema wasn't as eager to have cubs though. She was getting older. If she had cubs, she felt she wouldn't be able to keep up with them like she used to.

She also didn't want to lose them like she lost Aureo. The pain of losing her son still haunted her, despite the fact that she had proof that he was alive. It almost made it worse knowing that being away from her, he was able to be happy.

He had made her a grandmother. She had only met one of her grandsons and it was only for a brief time.

She imagined that he would have had more then one litter. The thought that she had grandchildren that she would never meet made her sick to her stomach.

And Timeus wanted more cubs to pain her with.

They had always had a solid relationship. There were times when they faltered. But they struggled through their differences. Even with the death of Aureo, they stayed tightly together with the hopes of having more offspring later.

Attempt after attempt failed.

She shook her head with disgust. It seemed like pure luck that they had Aureo in the first place. Timeus had been able to have another son, but not with her. It was a trying moment in their relationship to say the least. He had brought his b*****d son home with him one time. A small cub, but undoubtedly the son of Timeus. It was truly insulting to her. That he could have another lioness have his cubs.

It seemed the cub was unwanted by everyone though. Timeus eventually returned the b*****d to its mother, to Seema's relief. The cub would have never been able to replace Aureo, and Timeus knew that. Now there was no one to fill the void Aureo left. Timeus had put a lot of pressure on her to have cubs.

But she felt like it was the wrong choice. She did not want to raise a litter that would grow up to hate her or Timeus.

She started walking faster, feeling the stress get to her.

It was only when she heard a yell that she slowed down and looked at her surroundings. To her right, hidden in a large bush, was a petite lioness. Seema glanced at her with sheer annoyance. She was deep in thought and this lioness was the one that distracted her.

“What do you need?” Seema growled at the smaller lioness whose body was shaking.

The lioness, Ferkja was having a terrible day. It hadn't started off good and it was obviously just going to get worse and worse. And now she had a run in with THIS lioness. Luckily she didn't seem to recognize her, which was a good thing. Last time she laid her eyes on her, Ferskja was about to get attacked by Seema.

And over something so trivial. She had a short fling with Timeus. It was something she wasn't proud of. She got pregnant and the cub was obviously Timeus'. At the time she couldn't take care of the cub, as she had her own young cubs to take care of, so she dumped them on Timeus.

When her family fell apart she went back for her son, only to find that he moved on. Seema attacked her and that was the last she ever saw of Seema and Timeus. It was a huge world and she was thankful to never run into them.

“I'm sorry. I'll- I'll leave!” Ferskja stuttered, as she backed away from the lioness. Now was not the time to get in a fight with the larger lioness. Her back paw was already hurting from a fight she had gotten in earlier in the day. If she fought Seema now, it would surely be the end of her.

Seema's blue eyes narrowed and turned into a slight smile. “It couldn't be?” She said, approaching the lioness quicker then she could back away. Ferskja ended up falling backwards, making Seema look even more towering.

“You're that lioness Timeus knocked up.” She almost laughed. How odd of timing for the plain looking lioness to show up. At least now she had someone to throw her aggression at. “Did you want to meet up with Timeus again? I can take you to him, after I slap you a few times.”

She let her voice be a touch feminine as she spoke.

“Timeus has been wanting some cubs. Perhaps you could help him with that? You're good at that after all.”

Ferskja tried to get up, but her legs were so shaky. “I, I have to go. I didn't mean to come here. I didn't want to run into you or Timeus.” It was not her fault that Timeus got her pregnant. If she had known how much it would hurt everyone, she would never do it.

“Please just let me go. I mean you no harm.” She begged.

Seema stopped her approach on the lioness and looked at her with interest.

“You could never harm me Ferskja. Timeus chose you to have a fling with because he knew you weren't a threat to me. I was angry when I found out about you. I could have killed you then and there. And I could kill you know.” Seema said. “But lets face it. You aren't worth me raising a paw at. Especially since you could be useful.”

“What do you mean?” Ferskja found the strength to stand up.

“Timeus and I moved to a new pride and I would like you to join us. As a thrall. You will help the pride however they deem fit. The harder you work the better it will be for you. If you agree, then you can keep your life.” Seema took a step toward Ferskja. “But I understand if you would rather keep your freedom. I hear that your son has been looking for you. Maybe once he finds you, the two of you could be a happy little family.”

Ferskja realized that Seema knew about Faustus, at least more then she let on. “Did he seek you out? How do you know about him?” She tried keeping the panic out of her voice, but she couldn't do it.

“He spoke to us briefly. Long enough to say he's out for your blood and Timeus blood. Don't worry though. Timeus and I can protect ourselves. I must admit Faustus has a decent skill in tracking. He found us even while we've been moving around. I imagine he isn't far finding you.” Seema said.

A shivered ran through Ferskja's body. This was the last thing she needed to hear. Seema was offering her protection against Faustus. Something she needed desperately. She knew that Faustus wasn't far off. She had heard stories told by travelers of a lion that fit Faustus' appearance. He was determined. She knew that eventually he would find her and kill her if she didn't have someone to keep her safe.

“I just have to do what I'm told and you'll keep me safe?” Ferskja said, weighing her options.

“Exactly. And we will be a big happy family. I bet Timeus would be pleased if you came with me.” Seema said while grinning.

Both options were terrible.

“I will go with you,” She hung her head down in shame, wishing she could find happiness. Every turn in life only lead to worse situation.

“Wise choice. Stick close to me when we get to the pride. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you as we travel.”

WC: 1,319