Moose: There wasn't much that Salazar had expected to see so far away from the coast that would have made him forget the ocean's waves. He was out in search of his parents, or rather, the adventures they themselves had left home to chase. Just what had made just loyal pirates leave? That's what he wanted to know. First his sister, then his father's bird, and now his parents! What was going on?! Chuffing as he walked, the large brown lion stalked across the tall, dry grass. He hadn't been able to see the ocean for days and it bothered him. None of this was the home he had grown to love, and for once in his life, he was on his own. That was enough to spook the grown lion.

nessiaing: Batu had been travelling for a long time. He had seen a lot, but of not the one thing he had been looking for. He wanted a new home, a place he fit in, a place he could be loyal to. Ever since his pride disbanded and his grown children left him the black and white lion had felt rather useless and without purpose.

In his travels had had managed to meet a number of fine females, some finer than others. He was surprised that he hadn't met more males. He wondered idealy where all the males were what they were doing why weren't they in the rogue lands like him. Was there some great pride somewhere that he didn't know of.

Moose: Pondering his next move, the youthful lion passed over a hollowed out tree stump with his blue eyes searching for threats. There was little that Salazar liked about the rogue lands. It was dry, horribly lonely and hard on his paws. He missed the feel of sand between his toes, and the embrace of an ocean wave. Shaking his head, he kept walking until he saw a black and white lion. Raising his brow, he stopped to asess the situation. The male didn't look to be agressive, and even if he did Salazar would just beat his a** into the dirt. "Hey, you!" Striding up to him, Salazar cut a striking image. He was large, as large as a Firekin he had been told, but a fur as dark as the mountain stone itself. His eyes, though, were crisp and sharply pointed on the other male.

nessiaing: Batu lifted his eyes to see the dark brown lion standing not far from him. The black and white male smiled in greetings. The darkly colored male didn't seem overly friendly but at the same time Batu was overly friendly.

"Why hello there." Batu greeted sauntering towards the other male. Batu was excited to see another male, as nice as it was to spend time with the female that he had, it was also nice to see someone with a mane out here.

"My names Batu." he told the rather large male as he made it to his side. It was amazed at how large the male was, Batu was only an average lion and had assumed that the brown male would be too until he made it up to him.

Moose: The excitement in this males walk both annoyed and worried Salazar. He wasn’t used to seeing such open cheerfulness in a grown male. Arrogance, inebriation, sexual prowess…but never excitement. It caused him to raise a brown as he shifted from one thick paw to the next, rearing his head back in a disbelieving stance.
“Woah there, keep yer distance.” It was obvious when he spoke that he carried a lilt of an accent, though he tried to hide it for the most part. He wasn’t aggressive, just cautious. Salazar clucked his tongue with a smirk. “Ye keep comin’ at me like tha’, and I’m gonna have ter say ye fancy me.”
Shaking his mane, he looked down at Batu. “I be called Bilge Rat, and I’m’a lookin’ fer someone. Ye seen a lion with a pink mane, or a lioness like me?”

nessiaing: Batu froze as soon as the male told him to keep his distance. His ears twitched back and forth listening to the strange accent that came from the lion as it spoke. He had never heard someone with such a strange speach pattern. Slowly his head cocked to the side as he tried to digest it.

"Why would I fancy you, your a male." Batu said mystified by the comment by the large brown male.

"Bilge Rat..." Batu repeated slowly tralling off why would one call themselves a Rat he thought to himself.

He looked over the male standing before him trying to remember if he had ever seen a female that looked like him, he knew for sure he had never met a pink maned lion.

"No I can't say that I have.... who are they? Why are you looking for them." Batu had a huge sense of curiousity.... some would say he was nosey.

Moose: “Ye’ve not tried the finer things, then?” He chuckled. Homosexuality wasn’t a big part of a Pirate’s culture, rather a personal belief, but it wasn’t as if Salazar hadn’t tapped a few males in his day. It was just amusing to hear such naiveté from a grown male.

“They be me parents. Gone for a while, ye see, out to see da world.” He felt like a clinger on, thinking about them like that, but damn it, he missed them. “De ol’ man, he’s a seer, so I worry ‘bout ‘dem on der own.”
That and Salazar wanted to let them know that the daughter they had raised to be a strong, independent woman was in a harem. She wouldn’t listen to him when he tried to get her to leave, but she would listen to their parents.
“What about ye? Ye live in dis place?”

nessiaing: "Its good of you to look out for your parents." Batu was a believer that children should look out for their parents once they started getting older, and if this male's father was a seer it could mean that he was more delecate in mental status than others. Batu had met some seers who had a really hard time with their gifts.

"No no I am not from this area, I am a traveller seeing if I can find myself a new home. No luck yet, though there are some strange places out there." Batu said with a laugh. Somethings in life he was just okay with not knowing.

"Are you a traveller or do you come from a pride?" Batu asked, somewhat curious if there was a whole pride of lions that spoke the way this one did.

Moose: It wasn’t like Salazar didn’t know it was a good thing to look for them, but the validation was nice. He liked being told he was doing good work; but he also suspected so did a lot of others. Family was important to the male. His mother’s side of the family was huge, his father was one of a set of triplets and Salazar himself was one of nine cubs born to a single litter. Family was everything.
“A home ye say? What ye need to be doin’s goin’ to da coast.” Holding his paw out, he swept it over the dry land. “Sea as far as yer eyes can see and all de booty ye could e’r want.” Grinning, he sat back. “What’er dat booty be.”
“From a pride I be, but to you I won’t speak de name. Safety, ye know.” Moving away from the black and white lion, Salazar turned his head towards the sky. “I best be leavin’ den, if ye don’t know which way they be.”

nessiaing: Batu nodded, "Of course I wouldn't want to keep you from your mission." Batu said stepping out of the large brown lions way. He bowed his head to say good bye.

Without waiting any longer Batu continued happily along his way. It had been a short interaction but he was happy to have had some company even if it was just for a short while. Now it was on to bigger and better things, a home.