nessiaing: Maia had been in her knew pride for about a weeks time now and she still hadn't met many others. Just the one farmer named Hart. He had been charming and funny, utterly obsessed with his plants.

The fisker began to think she should meet others though, in her old pride everyone knew everyone and family lines crossed at serval points. While she didn't want to go back to a pride like her old one she did miss the sense of family. So today she was on a mission she had already caught a pile of fish for the pride and now it was time to make a friend or two.

Seaki: Verktygs wasn't the best, nor the brightest, but he was a determined fellow. He was normally on his own in the pride, unless he was sparing with the others. The tan lion was normally kept to himself, but today he had something to trade. A small fawn had been born, weak in nature, and the terrified thing stuck close to his side as he walked into the main part of the pride.

He didn't think the fawn was worth a lot, but he could always try - perhaps someone would take it. If not, he would simply allow it to stay with his tiny herd or cull it. He wasn't quite sure yet, but it was well behaved and good for a beginner.

nessiaing: Maia noticed the tan lion walking with what looked like a very young fawn. Her head cocked to the side she wondered why he was talking the fawn for a walk, it seemed a very strange thing to do.

She began to walk towards them, a smile on her face. Maia could never be considered intimidating in the slightest. Having me raised as a lesser sex she was always taught to keep a smile on her face and do whatever the males told her to do.

Seaki: The tan lion was startled to be approached so quickly. He was large, and thick with muscles, and he was often left alone unless he was challenged, not approached by petite females - though he met one or two who could take him down!

"Morning," he greeted her with a small nod-like bow. The fawn pressed closer to his side, a sharp huff coming from the creature. He gave a small comforting chuff before returning his attention to the other.

nessiaing: "Good day to you" Maia greeted the male. When she made it up beside him she was overwhelmed by the large size of him. She had been around big males before but he certainly takes the cake.

"My name is Maia, well Maiasura really but no one other than my mom ever called me that." she said a laughter to her voice.

"I was just wondering why you were taking your fawn for a walk." It was quite strange behavoir in the females mind.

Seaki: "Verktygs," he introduced himself. He hoped he didn't seem short with the female. It's just how he was - painfully non-verbose in his approach with everyone. "She's up for trade, weak thing she is, but she comes from a strong bloodline," he explained. His work was the only thing he really knew, of course, so he could talk about it for days, but social interactions were not his strong point at all.

If someone wanted to learn how to farm with him, he could teach them. Otherwise, he lacked heavily. "You are not Jordbukare," he guess, though he was sure it came off rather rough or accusatory, though it was simply an observation. He had not seen her before, though

nessiaing: Maia smiled, she didn't mind him not being as social as a lot of others. She was happy to be talking to another living soul. "No you are right I am not a Jordbukare, I do know one of the other's though his name is Hartense." she didn't know how close all the farmers were to each other but she assumed they would atleast know each other a little, all the fields were pretty close together.

"I am a Fisker." she said with a smile. She was quite proud of her fishing skills she had only met a few other lions who were anywhere near as good as she was. "Together we could make up a complete meal." Not that many lions bothered with any sort of veggies.

Seaki: Hartense - he had heard that name spoken, though he didn't know quite what the other looked like or who he was - a plant farmer, which was needed, but not something Verktygs ever thought of as farming.

A Fisker, then. The tan lion hummed a bit in response. The pride was currently tiny from the failings of the last ruler, but it was growing once again with all the new members swearing their loyalty to the new Jarl and his wife. "An admiral career," he complimented her. He, personally, could not fish to save his hide and he admired anyone who could. The small comment at the end, however, made the stoic male crack a small smile.

nessiaing: Maia beamed, finding it that she quite liked the large tan male complimenting her. She wavered a little in her pride when she saw the smile he cracked but she shook her head deciding she should not let it bother her. The male had paid her a compliment she should be happy. Maia had been raised with the ideal that a male’s pride and love was a very rare compliment something to be sought after.

“Why thank you. It was about the only thing I could do for the pride when I joined. We all have our skills. Unlike you I wouldn’t be able to farm to save my life.” the idea of digging and making a mess having to worry about watering it was all too much for the lioness, she much rather stand knee deep in water waiting for fish to swim by so that she could swipe them up onto shore. Fishing was cleaner than hunting too which Maia had to admit she liked. The freckled lioness prefered to be clean when possible, no dirty no blood no mess.

Seaki: He doubted the only thing she could do was hunt, but he conceded with a small nod. He did still have to sell the fawn on the market, after all. He frowned at the little fawn, unsure of what to say to the other. H wasn't particularly good at conversation and she probably had her own task to accomplish for the day.

The fawn nudged at his side and he gave her a polite nod, relieved at the excuse to not stumble over more words. Perhaps with more conversation he would eventually become better at social interactions. "If you'll excuse me," he murmured near allowing the fawn to lead him away from the lioness and definitely not in the direction of the market.