User ImageParv had been travelling for quite some time. She didn't like to travel it was tough on her and she was becoming more muscular than she would like to be. A lady should never be muscular, not in her opinion anyways.

Parv had grown up with a very skewed vision of what a female should be. Being brought up in a pride of Harems the female saw many things that she probably would have been better off not seeing. Of course her father was one of the slickest ladies' men in the pride but he treated his females well. So Parvati had grown to believe that because she was beautiful she should be cared for. Out in the Rogue lands her illusions had been shattered. It was a rude awakening that the mountain covered lioness did not care for at all.

Deciding to break from her travels Parv laid under a tree in the shade. Resting her paws and cursing the calluses she was beginning to form.


Noapte hated travelling in the day time, he decided calmly as he panted gently, moving through the landscape smoothly, well as smoothly as he could. His coat was immaculate and his mane was groomed to perfection, but he was slowly dying in the heat. It was beating down on his fur, the dark pelt below his chest overheating. Still, he wasn’t intending to slow down until he found a nice place to rest.
He shook his head, muscles rippling underneath his fur and mane flying. Ugh. He was sure that he was going to melt. He should go back to travelling only by night, he decided. It restricted how many people he met, sure, but it was better for his body.

Parv was dozing under the tree when she heard the noise of another close by. She perked up giving her fur a quick ruffle. The female never liked to look anything but her best.

To say she was pleasantly surprised when she saw the male not from her. He was stunning. She was interguied she wanted to meet him, or more importantly she wanted him to meet her. She was sure that he would want to meet her too.
Noapte almost walked passed her (and what a blow to her ego that might have been) but the scent of the female soon caught his nose. He glanced towards the tree in which she shaded herself under, intending only a passing glance but found his eyes lingering. My, she was a pretty specimen wasn’t she? He mused to himself, a smooth smile crossing his face as he gazed upon her.
He found himself turning towards her almost without conscious effort. “Hello miss,” he called out smoothly, his voice deep and low.

Parv sat up straight a smile plastered on her face. She was taught to be impressive, no male would want a female who was frowning all the time. "Why hello to you." she said in a smooth low voice.

"Come take a seat with me here under the tree get yourself out of that heat." she told him shuffling slightly to make room for him. She could imagine with his dark pelt he must be hot. She also wanted him to get closer so she could get a better look.


Noapte moved underneath the tree smoothly, sitting down as elegantly as he could. He was trying to impress her, after all. She was gorgeous, and that was something that must be praised.

"Why thank you miss, it is very warm today. I was just hoping to find some company and cool down." He smiled at her.

"My name is Noapte defloare, may I inquire as to yours?"
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He did well, he was certainly impressing the mountain pelted lioness. Though as good lookng as he was that didn't take too much.

"My name is Parvati" she told him smoothly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Naopte." she told him. Nothing bad could be said about her manners, she may be shallow but she was polite.

"Do you live in the area Naopte?" she asked wanting to know more about the male.


"I don't really live anywhere, I'm a bit of a wanderer," he explained, stretching slightly and hoping to show off his muscles. He wasn't bulky, just full of lithe muscles that should hopefully ripple as he moved. Well, he hoped they did anyway. "I have never been too fond of settling down," he said with a slight grin.

He wasn't really a 'pride' kinda guy, yet. He preferred to be out, doing things, exploring, meeting the beautiful ladies. It was all about the adventure.

"What about yourself, Miss Parvati?" He asked. "Do you live nearby?


Parvati noticed the males muscles ripple and she moved towards him a little more. Close enough that she could feel the heat coming of his body. She was shameless in her actions, despite being taught her manners she wasn't very modest.

She frowned a little when he said that he was a wonderer. He clearly wasn't the type to stick around and take care of her which counted against him and yet he was just so pleasing to the eyes.

"I am looking for a new home, my pride was over thrown and now I am on my own." she said it as if it meant nothing but in truth it upset her quite a bit, she would have had it good in her old pride, now she had to find a place she could have it just as good.


"Oh I am very sad to hear that, I hope you were not hurt in the overthrowing," he murmured, keeping his voice low as if to give him an excuse to move slightly closer as well. For two grown adults, they were acting like teenagers, but well, the heart wants what the heart wants and she was clearly gorgeous.

"I imagine it all must be very concerning being on your own in the rogue lands now," he murmured. "If you want, I could stay and protect you for a while..."

"I think I would like that very much Naopte." she said her smile growing, her voice even lower than it was when she had first greeted him.

She rose to her feet careful to keep her posture straight and remain a regal appearance.

"Why don't I show you my den, there is some water on the way. We could be comfortable there." she said to him. She began to walk away not even bothering to glance over her shoulder to see if he would follow, because she knew that he would.


Noapte rose to his paws quickly as she began to walk away, less than graceful but eagerness apparent. She was beautiful and she was inviting him to her den? What heavens blessed him today...he moved after her, trying to retain his poise and grace but he feared his tongue was dragging on the floor and rather ruining his cool image. What a beautiful day to find a beautiful companion.