The Horseman
Name: Vaerdandi (vay-uhr-dahn-dee)
Nicknames: andi (ahn-dee)
Gender: female
Age: older than she wishes

Original Clan: Death

Job Role: Priestess


- Disgraceful trash
- No real attention to rituals, procedures, ceremonies or respect in general
- death is The Eternal Sleep, the breaking of the cycle
- lost faith

- Always carries a sake jug
- pilfered as ******** from a conquest person (open to backplotting!)
- snuck onto an island to try and see what it was like to try and blend in. it went poorly
- but she escaped! more like saved by her tactful guardian.

- unless she's in combat, then s**t gets real
- but it's an ambling affair to kind of get there
- a bit sleepy, dorhorsewoman

- a wanderer and a seducer
- has had two guardians over the years
- both are dead, one to a hunter eons ago, one to the island's destruction
- probably why it's painful to stay there now
- sort of given up on the ideals of death

- fond of anything with a tart crispness, radishes/apples/pears
- dresses provocatively, edgy for death as a sign of passive disrespect

- rituals: hair is tamed every day, piercings are redone every day

Mount Form: She takes the shape of a ghostly white deer with horns, with some black splotches. Around the face, they take the shape of a skull. Mane/tail are white streaked with black. A singular jewel-- green-- lays across her forehead, set in black metal with a black chain.

[ Death ] - Pale horse/ ghost-like or shadowy creatures with no solid or discernible form.

Weapon Form: ivory-bone scimitar, very petite


T1: The Chill - We Deliver Ourselves: Vaerdandi cuts her own throat, shade spilling out to heal her or her target.
T2: Tainted Fang - We Deliver Ourselves: Vaerdandi skewers her enemy, a swath of shadows lingering around the wound.
T2: The Eye - The Price Paid: Vaerdandi lifts her eyepatch, and presses her blade into her eye, using her blood as a sacrifice to The Eternal Sleep.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: glowing, don't care what colour
Hair Colour/Style: black, sharp bangs
Skin Colour: pale white, pink undertone
Clothing Style/Colours:
- all black
- lace/pattern
- sheer
- ankle boots
- black on black

- eyepatch
- bat wings
- sake jug
- long cigarette/pipe
- piercings: any, but at least 4


Sake Jug: http://kyototraditions.com/images/30243.jpg
Mount: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hKVqAokrfQI/TSY0dRI8iHI/AAAAAAAABQo/gVNvDiu3h5g/s1600/romulus022109%5B1%5D.jpg
inspiration/fashion: http://vaerdandi.tumblr.com/
inspiration av: http://i.imgur.com/92GiCPi.png
face ref: ivy levan