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Moose: Fuadi'mwata stalked the border to the rogue lands as a Scout should. She kept to the shadows, preferring the cover of large rock formations to hide her mostly dark coat. If it were not for her purple mane she may have remained hidden for the rest of her days. However, even as she stalked she snarled. Every few moments she would murmur to herself, biting at her leg in an effort to quiet down her “sister”.
“Shh, they’ll hear us,” Mwata would murmur. To all other hyenas in the pack she was insane, talking to a sister that no longer existed, but Fuadi knew that Mwata’s spirit was inside of her. And she was angry. “You walk too damn loud.”
Fuadi whined and hung her head, submitting to her aggressive sister.

nessiaing: Moswen was walking along minding his own business. The hyena had been overly busy the last few days, he had ran into a few members of his old pack, saw his mom, met a girl. All in all he was quite proud of himself. Usually he liked to just lay in the sun or up on a rock.

Now the white male was just wondering around. Perhaps he would run into someone he could talk to, make a new friend. While walking amoung some rocked he heard someoen talking... though it sounded as if they were on there own.... but they were yelling at themself? It was strange. Moswen paused looking aorund to see if he could see who was there.

Moose: Mwata peered around the rocks after having quieted her other half, and narrowed her blue eyes. At one point the young female might have been beautiful. She was shaped well, with large light eyes mirrored on a dark, petite face. Were it not for the insanity that ravaged the body occupied by two “souls” she might have been a prize.
As it stood, Fuadi was pleading, “Oh, Mwata, don’t hurt him. He’s not one of us.”
“All the more reason to kill him,” Mwata murmured. Each time the sisters spoke their head turned a different direction, and the expressions changed as quickly as bubbles in boiling water.
Stepping out, the two looked at the male, but it was Fuadi that spoke first. “Run, you have to run! My sister’s going to hurt you if you don’t.” She pleaded.

nessiaing: Moswen was shocked whent he dark hyena with the purple mane popped out from behind the rocks. He was even more shocked when she started yelling at him to run. The male froze in his spot, it had been her voice he had hear, perhaps there really was two hyena's out here and he had been mistaken when he thought she was talking to herself.

"Why would your sister hurt me?" Moswen asked, his voice filled with wonder. Not much could be said for the males intelligence, anyone else hearing this warning would have taken off running, he on the other hand decided to ask some questions.

Moose: Turning her head to the wind, Fuadi froze, ears perking to listen to a voice only she could ear. It kept whispering nasty, awful things about the male before it, and it terrified her to her core. “Because she hates everyone that isn’t us. They tell her she isn’t real, and that she’s dead.” Fuadi answered plainly, but her voice was still high pitched.
“You have to run, please, I’m begging you, run. If she-“ Fuadi lurched forward on a gasped snarl and took hold of her foreleg in her fangs. She tore into the flesh until she had tamped down her sister long enough to wish she could run too.

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nessiaing: Moswen listened his head cocked to the side in his own special clueless fashion He watched her ears flicker as if she was listening to a voice that Moswen couldn't hear. His eyes were full of worry.

When the female lurched forward and bi ther own leg Moswen jumped back startled, he didn't know what to do. "Come with me, I will protect you from her, we can hide." Moswen wasn't usually a fighter but he felt he had to protect this female from whatever her sister would do to her. Of course it never occured to him that the sister the purple female was talking about was all in her head, why would such a think even occur to him?

Moose: Tears gathered in Fuadi’s eyes and she looked up at the male, her maw covered in her own blood. For once Mwata was silent within her. She didn’t know if that was a good sign or not, considering how her sister plotted. “D-do…do you think you could? Do you really think we could hide from her?” No one had ever brought up such a thing around her, knowing full well it was all in Fuadi’s head.
But to her it was the one ray of sunshine in a raging storm. This male might actually be able to save her. Her breathing was sharp, and she kept looking over her shoulder, as if expecting her sister to appear at any moment.

nessiaing: Moswen nodded quickly, "Yes yes I think I we could hide. There are den's that aren't too far from here we could hide there for awhile and than maybe move on find somewhere better." He was rambling talking extordinarly quickly. He was trying to form a good plan in his head, it was easier said then done, Moswen had never planned something out in his life, he always took life as it came.

"Do you think you can run on that foot, we should leave before she gets any closer to us." he said. His pink eyes were filled with hope and a little bit of worry.

Moose: Nodding fervently, Fuadi moved closer to her newfound savior. If he could really get her away from her crazy sister…she would owe him her life. “Oh yes, thank you, thank you.” She looked over her shoulder once more, feeling agitated now that Mwata was murmuring again. Yes, a den, a dark den, secluded…. No, she could fight it!
“I can run, just go! We have to leave now.” Mwata was coming on stronger the longer they waited around. Her foot was injured, but it was only a scrape compared to what her sister would do.

nessiaing: Moswen nodded, he tunred and began to run towards some den's he had seen earlier in his travel. He didn't want to look over his shoulder to see if the female was following him afraid that he would see this dark female's sister following them.

"This was come on." he called out. He made it to the den and slipped quickly inside. Thanking his lucky stars.

Moose: She ran as hard and as fast as her legs could carry her. Fuadi was constantly under the threat of Mwata's prescence, as she felt the malice in her soul, but she couldn't do much to get rid of her. Unlike Moswen, she didn't need to look behind her; she knew exactly where the threat was. She followed him into the den, slipping in as close to him as she dared, and shivered, closing her eyes to block out both him and her sister. Hopefully she could make it through one night without being harassed. Yeah right.