User Imagenessiaing: Batu was wondering, so far he had found a orange lioness that was in a harem, a hybrid that was in an old lion pride, and a lion cheetah duo that well frankly were just strange and lived in a snowy area. He was actually out here looking for a new home and so far had been fond no where that suited him.

Batu was a pretty easy going but finding a home was proving to be just about impossible. It was frustrating for the male he jsut wanted to find a home, somewhere to live and be loyal to. It wasn't asking too much.

The large black and white lion flopped over under a tree. He was getting frustrated rolling onto his back sticking his legs in the air playing dead.

Greenie: Blasaz opened her tired eyes slowly and greeted the new, bright day with a rather large yawn that ended with a light blush. It was absolutely beautiful in the new area she had recently begun to call home, especially when the sun rose into the sky and touched the fresh areas of snow on the ground surrounding the many dug out dens. "I may never get used to waking up this way." The goddess spoke these words to herself quietly. Once Saz had yawned, stretched and completed her morning ritual of cleaning her pelt she was off to enjoy another bright and exciting day among the mortals. "Perhaps another day of learning these lands." Saz had left her small den and began a slow, steady paced walk towards the borders, she hadn't been there much since meeting with the primary officials who had accepted her presence.

"What have we here...?" She spoke to herself, just as quietly as before. There, just a hop, skip and a jump away from where she stood was a lion. This lion was not familiar, but that was of little surprise, she still had so many to meet and she looked forward to each encounter excitedly.

nessiaing: Batu rolled at the sound of a voice. He was a little surprised, while he had been playing dead he must have fallen asleep. Throwing his head back to see who was standing there.

His eyes must have suddenly became very wide when he noticed that it wasn't sure a regular lion or even a cheetah or leopard that had walked up to him it was a god. He scattered to get up to his feet looking a little bashful at the time having been found in a somewhat compermizing position.

"Oh ummm hello." he stumbled. He wasn't nervous that she was a god, more he was just amazed that he was even seeing a god. He thought they always stayed hidden.

Greenie: Blasaz, shy as she typically was, had giggled softly at the position the male was in. It wasn't truly the most becoming way to meet another individual, let alone an individual of the opposite gender. "Oh umm hello to you too." Her words were sweet and teased gently. "I'm sorry for waking you up. I hope you had a restful sleep?" Saz hadn't realized how tense she had originally been and allowed her fluffy white wings to relax at her sides quite a bit, this revealed a bit more of the ribbon tied 'round her stomach area. She appreciated the fabric a little more due to the weather. It didn't do much, but it did protect the meaty parts from some wind that liked to sneak up beneath her legs.

"Are you from around here? Or just visiting?"

Curiosity grabbed her quickly and she felt compelled to know more about him.

nessiaing: Batu watched her wings relax and felt a tingle in his spine, they looked so big and fluffy, and warm, he wanted to snuggle them. He shook his head a little, it wasn't appropriate to go up and snuggle someone you had just met, much less a god you had just met.

"I am just passing though. I am in search of a new home." he pipped up with a nod. "The search for a place to call home has been more complicated than I ever had thought it would be." he told her with a bit of a grumble in his voice.

"My name is Batu by the way, may I ask what yours is?"

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Greenie: She watched his eyes closely, they were glued to her wings and a momentary thought flitted through in wonder at how one coudl not have the ability to fly. It seemed such a distant thing to her, choosing to be grounded would be one thing, but not having the choice at all could be considered devastating in her eyes. When he spoke up she seemed to snap from her thoughts and gave a small smile. "I do hope you find a home soon, it absolutely can fill a heart with absolute joy. Mine has been found just within these borders amongst the members of Intaba." Pride was clear in her voice, she had come to admire the idea of prides and wondered why all Gods hadn't sought out such a thing though she was sure most would likely be solitary creatures. Where she sought to be accepted for who she was.

"My name.. oh goodness!" The goddess blushed deeply and looked from the other in a moment of embaressment. "How could I have forgotten such manners? My name is Blasaz, Goddess of Vitilgo, if you were at all curious." It was habit to give the title, one that she had been trying to break herself of for quite some time. It seemed that part of her needed to say it and get it out to the world that, yes, she was a diseased lioness though many woudl never tell if she didn't say anything.

nessiaing: "Well its Blasaz, it is very nice to meet you." Batu said with a small bow. He felt quite blessed to be in her presence, from his understanding Gods made themselves pretty scarse around mortals. Even more blessed because this was the second God he had met... which he was sure was rare.

He was also amazed that she had settled in a mortal pride, he was pretty sure Gods had their own realm. He imagined their realm would be magical and amazing he couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live down with the mortals when they had another choice.

"Vitilgo?" Batu asked confused at what that could be. He had met the God of Bones that had made sense to him everyone had bones but what was Vitilgo?

Greenie: It was apparent that she sometimes forgot the place in life herself and other Gods were given. The bow simply reminded her of the differences mortals put between the two although she rarely saw them beyond the physical appearances.

Once the greetings had ended the male lion asked a simple question by saying but one word. The question was absolutely nothing new the Goddess. More often than not she found her domain to be slightly stealthy, most didn't even know they had vitiligo, it struck in ways that, like her own pelt, seemed to be mere markings that decorated the coat. It wasn't that such a disorder caused further health issues, but it certainly caused some psychological battles for those facing such discoloration.

"Vitiligo occurs when the skin does not contain its typical pigmentation which gives us each our individual appearances. When the skin lacks the pigments in some areas the areas will appear white." She explained as easily as she could, but left open some room for question.

nessiaing: "Oh" Batu answered simply. He was sure that there were questions that others would ask but he didn't feel a need to ask her answer was good enough for him.

In the silence all of a sudden Batu's stomach let out a great roar, clearly the male was hungry. He blushed a little. "It would appear I should get on my way and find something to eat. It was great to meet you Blasaz, I do hope our paths cross again soon."

He gave her another quick bow before turning and heading towards the river close by he was hoping that he'd be able to catch some fish.

Greenie: The rumble was silenced before it could take a true form and Batu had politely excused himself. "I do hope we see eachother again, you were pleasant company!" The goddess admired such a sweet soul and was actually sad to see him go, but it allowed her to turn around and begin her way home once again. It was during this walk that her own body yearned for the earthly fuel.

"Perhaps there will be food available."

With that she entered the prides lands once again and sought out the hunters.