Das Tor

Being a sador was not hard, but it wasn't luxurious.

They hunted and watched the land, and did tasks others may not wish, but Nova was far happier here than anywhere else.

She wasn't alone with Ulo for one. Moricorm was kind when her cousin brought them to her, listening as Nova explained her exile and her (sweet, wonderful) silly mate's choice to follow her. It was a kind of loyalty she wasn't afforded by any other lion in the Ela and here it was different.

Ri listened - explained although not demons they were family and would be watched after - and they were kept to their family, Nova returning to the den of Noh's sister and her mate, and Nova didn't mind not being so alone.

But it stifled too. She wasn't accustomed to large groups so often, and the female curled into Ulo at night to hide.

Nova moved back towards the dens for one such night, eyes cast down and she frowned, sitting and looking to a stored kill as moment before a flash of blue and grey caught her eye, and she pricked her eyes as it vanished.

"Ulo!" The female promptly rose. "Ulo, Ulo! Come quick!"