User Image Power was a strange thing to Na’ila; she had grown up feeling powerless. Her parents had told her there was power to be found in being a Banu, but she hadn’t seen it. She had seen servitude. She had craved someone to look after, to protect her; to shelter her from the world. When the pride fell, she had been separated from everyone; everything she had known. Her parents were gone, her siblings were gone, and her everything was gone. She was a clean slate. She could be anyone or anything she wanted.

For weeks, she had been terrified. She was alone in a world of strangers, some nice and some…less than nice. She had met plenty of both.

Her terror hadn't lasted, and soon her nerves had hardened. Her eyes, once soft, grow colder and her posture, once meek, grew proud. She was her father’s daughter, she would not bow and disappear. She would not hide away from the world.

The decision to make the pride had not been an easy one, and it had taken many weeks to convince others that her plan was a good one. Slowly, the pride grew, and with it, Na’ila’s dominance grew.

Sometimes she looked back and couldn’t believe the shy, clumsy girl she had been. If her pride had continued, she would have been swallowed alive by that personality, with no hope of return. The demise was the best thing that happened to her, she mused calmly, staring out at the land that she had claimed as her own. The two harem mates that she had claimed were somewhere within the pride also, working hard to support everything that Na’ila had fought so hard to start.

She smiled, almost smirked, as she moved towards the lake.
Nearachi was nearby, resting on the bank, his eyes staring out at the landscape. His muscles had grown recently, his training stepped up in order to protect both Na’ila and Thala.

“Hello Nea,” Na’ila spoke softly, her image fragile and gentle. She wasn't fragile anymore. The rogue lands had broken her and she had put herself back together, stronger than ever. But the image of a gentle female was better than a warrior, especially when she had to protect any entire pride. It was better to be underestimated.

Nearachi glanced up in surprise and smiled, a warm beaming smile. He was a sweet male, gentle and kind, but a fierce warrior. There was nothing that he was hiding, he was just everything laid before you.
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“Hello Na’ila,” he responded, raising himself to his paws to step down to greet her. He gave her a small nuzzle, the only affection she would let him show in public. She didn’t want to be coddled in public. There was a difference between looking fragile, and being coddled…well there wasn't really, but there was a difference to her.

“How are the borders?” She asked calmly, stepping up onto the rock he had just vacated.

“They’re good, there have been very few rogues sighted nearby, and once they realise there is a pride, they will usually divert their course to somewhere further from our lands. I think the smell of so many lions is a bit daunting,” Nearachi admitted with a chuckle.

“Good,” she affirmed. She was a bit cautious; there numbers were not great but there were many of them. If someone attacked, or heaven forbid disharmony would happen like her old pride, they would struggle through it. They needed to boost their numbers and quickly.

“I was thinking of sending some people on a scouting mission to the rogue lands, to find new members,” she admitted and Nearachi looked surprised.

“Really? Who were you thinking of sending out?” He asked, intrigued. “If it is alright, I would like to volunteer myself; as I know it would ease your mind to have someone you trust with the others in the rogue lands. Make sure they all get back safely.”

Na’ila smiled. “That is very kind of you, Nea.” And exactly what she had expected him to do. He was quite predictable. She almost felt manipulative, but it was alright. “I have no decided on the others yet, perhaps I will allow people to volunteer.”

Nearchi nodded, and stepped onto the rock next to her. “That is probably wise, allow them to make their own decisions. Perhaps some from the Agamos harem? They may find their new harem mates in the rogue lands.” She smiled.

“Good thinking,” she praised lightly, though she had already thought about that as the option. She was surprised at how quickly he came up with the same ideas as her. It was impressive. She had made a good choice in Nearachi she decided with a smile. She was proud.

“Do you think it will be dangerous?” She asked, genuinely curious. As a single female, she had found the rogue lands absolutely terrifying at start but she knew Nerachi had been rogue for a long while before she had found him. She had been scared when they met, but he had been so calm. Her strength had grown from his presence, and she was grateful for it.

“Nah, I’m strong, I’ll be ok,” Nearachi assured with a broad grin. He nudged her gently, careful not to put his strength into it.

Na’ila was always surprised to think of Nearachi as strong. Physically yes, he was, he had muscles that he trained every day and it was…impressive.

Sometimes she forgot he was mentally strong as well. He had lost his home, and hadn’t returned. Leaving family behind and leaving it all, for her. He could have returned home, but he stayed. Why? She glanced at him, and he stared right back, eyes open and clear. There was no regret on his face.

She felt her chest skip a beat slightly. Sometimes it was hard to believe that he thought she was worth it all, leaving it all behind. She sighed softly.
“I should return to the pride,” she murmured.

“Ok,” he agreed readily and snuck in a gentle nuzzle. “I will see you at home tonight.” She couldn’t help the soft smile she gave back.

“Ok,” she whispered, and moved from the rock, back towards the bustling centre of the pride. She had so much to do, but it was comforting to know there was strength in Nearchi should she need to rely on it. Someday she would, but for now, the strength she held herself was enough.
