Parv was all smiles this morning, she had left the male she had met the night before sleeping in her den. She hoped that he would still be around when she got back. He was pretty to look at and frankly Parv would be happy if he stuck around and took care of her a little, she didn't like hunting and fretting about others around him.

She slipped out this morning to get a quick bath she wanted to look her best when the male rose from his slumber.
Velveteen Angel:
Na'ila had taken a morning off to spend some time with Nearachi as he patrolled the borders, curious to see how the rogues were fairing towards their borders. Were they respecting it? Could they smell the lions that made up the pride or were they ignoring their warnings to stay away? She was not used to running a pride, and so she was eager to do it right the first time. They were little in numbers and could not fight off an attack now; not if many attacked at once. They must be prepared. She sighed. It was all so complicated…

Nearachi wasn't concerned, he never really was but that was ok. He was big and strong and tough, so he was able to fight off any strangers who made their way in, though he obviously preferred to talk to them, rather than simply fight them all off. He grinned as he strode, his mate by his side. He felt weird about being mated to the Monarch, he was just a simple soldier; no real designs to be a higher rank, just content with doing the ground level work of the pride. It was better that way, he decided. He needed to get his paws dirty, work hard, and help Na’ila all he could.

They were walking near the lake, Nearachi walking with his paws in the water, though Na’ila was a little way out, trying to avoid the mud.
Parv heard the duo approaching before she could see them. It worried her, she froze already in the water mid bath, there was really no way to escape them once they had approached, and even fewer ways to escape when they entered into the water not far from where she was.

She watched as the pair, both dark in color entered the water. She was wondering what she should do move towards them or swim away before they noticed her. Unfortunately they were inbetween her and the route she would have to take home.

Taking a deep breath she began to swim towards them. "Hello" she greeted them her voice soft and mild mannered
Velveteen Angel:
Nearachi tensed as he heard the water splashing and the voice calling out, as he hadn’t smelt her, but she was bathing so that made sense. The water covering her scent very easily and preventing him detecting her. That was concerning…he had slipped up and, although the voice was calm and feminine, it might still have meant disaster for Na’ila had he slipped up badly.
He glanced towards her, his posture stiff but he calmed a little at the sight. She was a female, and she did not seem threatening, so that was good. He personally didn’t call out, as he knew Na’ila would.

Na’ila stepped towards the water, eyes glancing at the female curiously and ever so slightly suspicious, as if waiting for the female to attack. “Hello,” she called back to the female, her smile gentle and frail. Her voice was meek, but her eyes were hard; not submissive like the rest of her posture.
“Did you know you are very close to our pride?” She called out. “We don’t mind visitors, but we are cautious of strangers, as you could imagine.”
Parvati made her way to the waters edge, pulling herself up onto the shore. The two seemed friendly but she didn't like being in the water where she wouldn't be able to defend herself easily. Coming up onto the shore close to were the other female was standing, though she made a point not to stand to close, she didn't want to seem intimidating or threatening in any way.

"No I am sorry I didn't know I was close to a pride." Parv answered calmly. She was mildly worried but she didn't want to show any sort of fear to the duo.

"I mean no harm, I was simply taking a bath, I live close by but not to close. What is your pride like?" she asked politely. She was looking for a new home, somewhere that would take care of her, perhaps meeting this duo was fate.
Velveteen Angel:
Nearachi relaxed slightly at her words, though he positioned himself between Na’ila and the stranger rather swiftly, in order to protect her should the female become dangerous. He didn’t mind if he got hurt but if the Monarch was injured? Oooh the pride would struggle. “If you mean no harm, then we mean no harm,” he said and offered a small smile, in order to try and calm the mood, despite his own defensive movement.

Na’ila smiled a bit at Nearachi’s overprotection, rolling her eyes inwardly but she continued to speak to the female, disregarding the defensive move. “You are near the Likno Tis Zois, we are a pride of harems built in the image of the Ukuucha’wafalme, though we allow both males and females to lead harems, and take ranks of all types within the pride,” Na’ila explained broadly. “Our pride is based on equality and everyone being able to do a job for the pride.”
Parv smiled at the male recognizing him to be a gaurd when it came to this female. She couldn't imagine that she would look threatening at all but he apparently thought that she as a threat of some sort given his position between her and his female companion.

"The Ukuucha'wafalme" Parv repeated a little uneasy at the mention of her old home. When they described the way the pride worked Parv was even more confused.

"You mean to say that females can lead harems? That is strange. Nothing like that would have ever happened in Ukuucha'wafalme." The authority in her voice probably gave away that she was a former member but she didn't out right say it.

"Is that to say that a female can have more than one male companion?" she asked.

Velveteen Angel:
Na’ila looked amused. “Yes. Indeed, nothing would have ever happened like this in the Ukuucha. That is why it must happen now. Females should not be stuck in servitude forever.” She was firm about this. She hated it when she became a rogue, because she had no skills to protect herself. She was used to relying on everyone else. She had been determined, once she was on her own, that she must learn to protect herself. Manipulation came into this, having a golden tongue was more valuable than muscles.

“A female can have more than one male companion or a mixed harem,” Na’ila explained. “Nearachi here is part of my harem, but I also possess Thalassa, who is another of my harem mates; a female.” She was proud of her harem, though small, they were the most beautiful of them all.

Nearachi nodded in agreement with her explanation, smiling at the stranger now, because she seemed quite nice. “Do you know the Ukuucha?” He asked her, because she seemed to speak quite confidently with Na’ila about the old pride. Perhaps she knew of it before hand.

“She does,” Na’ila answered for Parv. “I know those markings. Pad Achal, yes?”

Parv smiled when the female answered for her, clearly the female was from the pride as well although Parv did not recognize her, Parv was young when the pride disbanded and had never gone to socially outside of her father's harem.

"My father yes Achal. Its been a long time since I have seen someone from the old pride." Parv too nodding to the female as a sign respect.

"I do agree with you I came out with no skills, but I like being cared for. I liked having a male ahead of me responsible for things, my father did well I never had a care in the world." Parv of course was a lucky lioness her father had been one of the best pads in the pride, he treated his banu with more than respect than most of the other pads did.

"I however do not want to share my male when ever I find him, who ever he is. I couldn't live in a harem no no its not for me not now that I have learned of the rest of the world." she told the duo with a curt nod. "No disrespect of course, I am glad you found a better structure, having as much family as I did definietly made living a lot more fun" she added quickly not wanting to insult the duo.

"It is good to know there is a pride so close, I don't know that I will be in the area long but I will be sure to stear clear."

Velveteen Angel:
Na’ila nodded. “I understand, it is not for everyone. I wondered if I would ever want a harem, but it is how I was raised. I was old enough to have grown into the pride when it disbanded,” she explained easily. “We mean you no harm, if you ever need assistance, you may come to the pride; no requirements to join. A courtesy for an old pride mate,” she offered.

Nearachi was rather surprised, because Na’ila was not the most giving female; she was cautious and she was selfish, out of a necessity for survival. But she seemed to have taken a liking to the female who came from her own pride. “I hope you find your male,” Nearachi offered her with a warm smile. “And when you find him, I hope you live happily.” He had never thought he would ever join a harem, but he liked it. It was nice to have community, and it was nice to feel loved.

“We should go back,” Nearachi mentioned to Na’ila, nudging her gently. His affection was obvious, and he rarely hid it. He adored his mate, and that was clear. Na’ila smiled at him and nodded.

“Stay safe,” Na’ila said to the female before her. “Remember my offer,” she reminded, and began to walk away, back to the safety of the pride and the life she loved.
Parv nodded a thanks to the darkly colored duo. It was kind of them to offer assistance should she ever need it and good to know that she had a safe haven should she ever require.

"I am glad that I met you both, and I wish you both well." she said. She watched them go back towards what must be there pride, she smiled one last time and then turned to head back towards the beautiful male sleeping in her den.