It was such a heavy rain. Naiya couldn’t help but to admire how the wall of water just washed over the land. It was reminiscent of a wave of lions barreling down from the heavens to attack those below. And attack it did…the petite lioness watched as the canyon below her swelled with water creating a raging river from the peaceful stream that once flowed there. Even the lioness who normally loved the rain and would dance in it knew better than to slip up here. One tiny slip into that water and even a strong swimmer would find it troublesome to stay afloat.

But it certainly is beautiful. Naiya smiled up towards the sky as the dark storm clouds continued to pelt the land with the steady rain. The once dusty grass was now covered in layers of heavy mud and the lioness found that her once blue paws were now a dirty brown. It really did make it hard to move….she clicked her tongue in her mouth. Could she find shelter nearby? Not even the fat tree she had sat beneath could use its branches to block out this heavy of a rain fall.

So now she was moving. Ever so carefully the lioness felt her way along the cliff’s edge, high above the raging river. Surely there was a small hole that wasn’t full of water in here that she could take shelter in. I wish I could just dive in and swim through this mess. But only a fool would be silly enough to fight against that strong of a current. Even this lioness who would never fear the ocean currents felt that this water was far more dangerous.

Talking of fools….

Naiya frowned as she noticed a figure bobbing in the swirling waters. Was he really trying to swim in this weather? “Hey!” Her crystal gaze widened as she realized that he wasn’t actually swimming, but rather was being carried along on a piece of driftwood. How had he been so fortunate to get his front paws caught on that thing like that? She just shook her head. Either way if he didn’t get out soon that thing would surely break…at the very thought she noticed how the wood was splintering and how the lion’s body was beginning to sink rather than bob in the muddied waters.

Oh spirits….did she really have to?

It’s that or let him die. Sighing the lioness held no hesitation as she leapt from the ledge. Just like a water spirit though she dove in perfectly through the sheets of rain to slip easily underwater. But all the dirt and debris in the waters made everything so blurry…Naiya winced as she hit a rock that had been tossed in the currents. That was not the lion. Still she was determined and the lioness kept reaching her paws out hoping to grab a bit of fur. Eventually her claws did connect and gasping for air Naiya kicked upwards. Hopefully I can lug him out of this mess…

It was so dark…all Ramiz could remember seeing last was the shocked expression on Zaid’s face. They had been roaming the rogue lands for weeks now when the storm suddenly took hold. His paw had slipped…then something sharp had hit him in the back of the head before the darkness took over. Now everything was so cold…water? Ramiz had flailed against the current, but the lion’s legs weren’t used to the concept of swimming so he had just dove further down instead. Fortunately he had caught something in his paws right before losing consciousness, but now that he was beginning to stir the panic was setting in once more.

How do I get out of this?

Zaid…I’m so sorry.

Ramiz felt his life bubbling away from him with the water’s pull. He never thought about dying and especially not by water. But what choice did he have? Tears burned the lion’s eyes. He had no strength to go on, but his heart was breaking from the pain of leaving his brother behind. Hopefully he can move on and find banus and return home to be happy…

Just as his vision clouded once more and the last bit of air left his lungs Ramiz imagined a beautiful sight. A lovely water nymph was swimming towards him, a spirit to take his own soul into the next life? If so then maybe death wouldn’t be so bad with such a lovely face leading the way…feeling a jerk on his paws Ramiz was yanked forward. Here I go~

Sunlight broke through the clouds giving a warmth to the land that was still damp from the flood. But now creatures were finally beginning to be bold enough to venture forward as the skies had finally stopped pouring rain across the land. It was so bright though almost like a heavenly light that shone into the small den where a lion laid.

Everything hurt. Ramiz groaned as he stirred from the deep sleep. Why did everything have to be so bright in the afterlife? Wincing the lion tried to shake the sleep from his eyes, but couldn’t help watching the walls spin around him. Was everything so confusing in this life? Odd that he was feeling pain as a ghost though…was this a torment? To still feel his injuries from that night? “What a painful death then…”

“Death? Who’s death?”

The soft noise sounded like a large roar to Ramiz and startled the lion fell forward against the ground. Who? His gaze widened as he looked towards the lights where a mud monster was staring him down, “Ba-back off! I’m already dead…isn’t that enough? What other torture must I go through now?” Surely he hadn’t been such a horrible lion…hadn’t he tried living a good, honest life? Maybe it was that one time he snuck away with an extra bit of prey…

“Dead?” The mud spirit began to laugh loudly before dipping a paw in water, “You’re really a special one aren’t you?” Slowly but surely Ramiz watched as brown mud became beautiful specks of blue fur. As she moved and continued washing her paws the lioness shook off her mask to reveal a white face with kind violet eyes, “This is that thanks I get for savin’ ya, hmm?” She laughed softly, “I’m a mud monster who caught some fish on the banks for you. All that rain made this place a marsh.”

“Wa-wait…fish…life?” Ramiz frowned, “But I died…the waters…”

“You nearly died.” Naiya shook off a bit more mud, “Now that your fever is broken and you can actually function let me go get more food for you. Please, please don’t move though. You’ll not be able to walk properly for a little bit longer…that water really did a number on you.”

As she walked towards the entrance Ramiz finally managed to stutter, “Your name?”


“So…I know who I owe my life to.” He flushed lightly as she grinned teasingly.

“There’s nothing to it…I like swimming.” Still she did pause once more to add as she left, “My name is Naiya though and you’re welcome.”

Naiya…what a lovely name.

Ramiz would definitely make sure that he would never forget it.

(WC 1204)