User ImageNa’ila was not supposed to be on her own, near the border, but despite her meek appearance she was not weak. She just knew when to appear weak and when to show her strength. She was not above pretending to be pitiful and shy, if it suited her. She smiled to herself, humming a little, remembering her life before she took the pride. She had been a banu, a slave essentially, and now she was free. It was quite rewarding, she decided with a smirk, to be the ruler of a pride. Her harem was small for now, but it would grow.
She walked along the edge of the lake which bordered the pride, letting her paws get slightly damp in the edges, though avoiding the heavy patches of mud. She didn’t want to get filthy, that was just not how a Monarch should look.

Thor was covered in blood from a kill that was much to large to have been taken down by one lioness, or so one would think. She was quite proud of herself. The zebra had been out on it's own, likely separated from it's herd by some freak accident, and she had taken full advantage of the creature's misfortune. She set her trap, sprung from behind the boulders she had used as cover and knocked the thing over before it had a chance to get away. It was still a bit of a fight, she had a bruise on her side from a hoof, but she did not care if she looked rough. SHE had a full grown male zebra down by her own paws. Not many lionesses could say that.

Thor looked up at the sound of another approaching and watched the other lioness. The purple lioness pulled herself up to look proud and feirce just in case the other might want to try to steal her hard work. There was a pride around here somewhere, or so she had heard, but Thor was more interested in filling her belly at the moment than checking into rumors of prides. She needed to find a place to fight for, the challenge of battle was few and far between when one did not have a home to call their own. Thor needed to be strong to find a good place, though, so food came first. "Greetings, stranger."
She steeled her nerves when she heard a stranger speak, not startling physically or even giving an indication that she’d heard, except for how she craned her head to glance at the stranger. The purple lioness had quite a large kill at her paws, which was impressive as she saw no other stranger around, just her.

“Greetings,” she murmured back, her voice soft and obviously non-aggressive. She knew she could possibly take on a stranger in a fight, but she had no desire to do so. It would end badly for one of them and she had no interest in that. “I apologise for interrupting your meal. Are you aware you are dangerously close to the Likno tis Zois borders?” She asked, raising a brow. She was actually quite lucky that the soldiers had no found her, else they may have gotten grumpy.


Thor looked unimpressed with the mention of a pride being nearby. So the rumors were true, unless a whole group of them tried to take her at once, she was not concerned. "This pride will have to forgive my trespass, as I was hungry, and this zebra was mine." She eyed the other lioness closely. "You look like a pride lioness, too clean to be a rogue. You can tell your pride I will be gone as soon as I am done eating and even take the left overs back to them, if you are concerned with my presance. A warrior like myself must eat well to keep up my strength." She lowers her bloody face to take a bite out of her kill. She chewed, swallowed and continued speaking to the lioness after a moment.

"If your pride needs a strong warrior, perhaps I can carry the leftovers to them myself. I will even share with you, if you are hungry." Thor would not deny another food, but she would take her portion first. It was her kill, so it was her right to eat first. She had seen no signs of sentries for this supposed pride, other than this lioness. It made Thor wonder if they were so lax at guarding their lands. Maybe they really did need a warrior like herself to help.

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Na’ila was a bit offended by the mention of her clear state, as if implying her pride took care of her. They did, but she took care of them as well. It was a mutual relationship, she was not a kept woman despite her appearance. Even as a rogue, she had been clean. She huffed inwardly but outwards she kept a straight face.

“I am not hungry, but thank you for your offer,” she remarked casually, before continuing. “Our pride is still young, as we are still forming our lands as our own, so if you were interested, the pride itself is open to visitors, so long as they get permission from me.” She had not named herself the leader to this stranger, but the comment might give her away as the Monarch. “We have a defence force, which would be suited to warriors, but you would have to dedicate yourself to the pride. We cannot have hired muscles fighting for us only when they want to.”


Thor smiled at the female. "Ah so you are a queen. I am not looking to be hired muscle. I need a home to call my own, a male or two to breed more warriors, and someone that I wish to fight to protect. You seem strong and able." She was pretty sure there was more to this lioness than met the eye, but then many were like that. A newly forming pride would be a nice place to set up and protect. It would be easy to make a place for herself and make a difference in such a young home. "If you are as capable as you look, then I could certainly make myself at home here. My home pride is long gone, disease took out the weak, rockslides took out the strong. Those of us that survived all decided it was best to find new places to call home and champion."

Thor ate a bit more and then worked to get the zebra draped onto her shoulders and back. She looked at the lioness. "Lead on, I wish to see this pride you lead. I can worry about the male part later, if the home seems sound." She did not seem to be having any problems with the zebra on her back. If anything it was as easy for her to walk under the creature as without it on her. It certainly seemed she was used to carrying a good bit of weight around or throwing it around if need be. "I am Thor Odenson, warrior of the secred thunder."

Na’ila listened to the words with patience, following the story with interest as it seemed there was more the female before her than she had originally thought. Good. It was useful to recruit the rogues, it was the best thing for them after all. It would be no good if they shied away from rogues, after all, they were still young and they needed their numbers to grow. The cubs that had come recently were a good increase in numbers, but it would be many moons before they would be of use to the pride and take a career path.
“I am sorry to hear about your pride, it is unfortunate that a pride should be wiped out for sheer accidents,” she mused; disease and a force of nature. Either accidents or one irritated god.

“It will be of no issue if you wish to take males to breed with; the pride is based on the idea of harems, but any may lead a harem should they be strong enough to do so,” she explained. “My harem consists of my artisan, Thala, and my soldier, Nearachi. You may take a harem, should you feel the need to lead one, or you may join one. Either way, multiple mates are encouraged and supported in our pride. It is all about equality.” She eyed the female, straightening her posture and smiling.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Thor Odenson. I am Na’ila Epireia-ide, Monarch of the Likno Tis Zois and leader of the Epireia harem.”

She motioned back towards the way she had come. “If you follow me, I will show you our lands, and perhaps, if you are interested, you may decide to stay.”


Thor nodded to Na'ila. "It is good to meet you, Queen Na'ila Epireia-ide. Every ending is a new begining. Our pride had run its course, as many great prides do in time. The best we can do is keep them alive in our souls and teach others the greatness of being a warrior." It did not matter that Thor had once been a great warrior and someone of importance to her old pride. What mattered was using these skills to the advantage of whatever home she chose to take up as her own. She followed the other lioness with no hesitation.

"A harem... interesting. If I choose to stay, I shall lead one of these, once I have helped with other things, such as building your warriors' strength and skill."


Na’ila nodded, finding some wisdom in the strangers words. She hoped that their pride would not find it’s end soon, as she had great hopes for it. She wanted it to grow and thrive, and she decided that Thor seemed like a good addition to that. “You are very wise, Thor Odenson, I appreciate your words,” she remarked.

“I think, with your strength and wisdom, you would lead a fine harem,” she complimented as she led her back towards the pride. Na’ila took great pride in those who lead harems, because they represented her. Thor would be appropriate to lead, and she would do well, Na’ila decided.

Thor chuckled at the compliment. "I am only as wise as my parents who trained me to be the warrior I am. One must know how to lead and to follow, how to accept the way things are when they cannot be changed and change them when they must be. I can simply do my best for your pride if I make it my home, and that will be what you can always count on my doing." If this pride was going to be her home, she would always give them her best. It would certainly be nice to have a home again, and others to train and protect. She could certainly do her parents proud.

Thor kept following after with the large zebra on her back and thought nothing of what this new pride would think of her arrival. She was not concerned with being covered in blood and carrying such a large load, but it certainly would be an interesting story for the members of the pride to tell of her many years later. A good start to a new part of Thor's live story.