So, with the release of ORAS and return of Secret Bases, I figured that it might be a good idea to make a list of these for anyone who wants to share theirs! ^-^ You don't need to post your friend code, I'm pretty confident, but if you want to post it anyways, feel free. Just either link your Secret Base page from your Global Link account if you've Game Synced your game, or upload your QR code from your SD Card to an image hosting site, and post the link/image here. If you post the Global Link page, make sure the viewing settings are for everyone, and that it's the most updated version(unless you're not worried about it).

Here's the list!

Secret Base (needs Mach Bike)
Friend Code: 4613-7588-8980

And on a few final notes, if someone took where your spot is, maybe you can talk to them about moving it, or find a new one yourself. has a full list of the Secret Bases and what they look like. Also, go ahead and post any requirements needed to access the base, and if you move, post any new requirements or send them to me in a PM so I can edit the post here. That's all, and happy hunting!