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Reply [IC] Jini-msemi Lands [IC]
[PRP] A family matter (Kari x Aspros) Fin

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:05 pm
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The desert-bred male paused upon the trail, golden eyes lifting to the patchy sky far above the forest canopy. Nerves twisted in his belly, joining the excitement that had lived there since Fuu's arrival. A silly grin curled across his maw at the simple thought of his mate. It was a miracle, Fuuenken had returned, something he had thought almost impossible. Joy bubbled up within him, making his heart skip a beat. Taking a shaky breath he glanced back the way he had come. He had left Fuuen resting. The male had clearly had a rough time in the roguelands, judging from the still healing scars that marred his once smooth coat. The one over his eye had nearly stopped Kari's heart when he had first seen it, for it had been so close to taking the eye, and possibly... Fuuen's life.

Taking a shaky breath he pushed the 'what ifs' away and focused on where he was going. He needed to find Aspros. And while Fuuen was sleeping Kari felt it was safe enough to leave him, if only briefly. The King was still malnourished and Kari hated being parted from him.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:27 pm
Aspros crept up on her friend Kari without too much thought. She had been out hunting and gotten back not long before from her early morning hunt and only cleaned up before going Kari hunting. She was still a bit miffed that she had lost her den partner and not gained a second. She had that big den that was MORE than large enough for Kari and her father to share with her, yet the two had insisted on their own den. She understood they wanted time alone together, but she wasn't home ALL the time... and she didn't like being alone now that she had spent so much time with someone else sharing her space. It was weird.

Aspros pounced on Kari from behind, springing out of the shadowy underbrush of the forest and trying to knock him over without harming him. The lioness laid across him to keep him there as she gazed into his handsome eyes. "Hello, Kari. Are you trying to get lost again?" She teased him and removed herself from him after a few moments of holding him down. The lioness looked smug as she gave herself a shake to get random leaves off her fur. Mission accomplished on finding the male, now she had to think of something more to say than that she was lonely and missed him.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:47 pm
As preoccupied as then every male was, he never saw the lioness following him, nor scented her, his first knowledge of her presence was when she landed flat on his back, sendings the pair of them tumbling with a surprised yowl.

Once they slid to a halt, Kari pinned on his side under the smaller female, he craned his head round to look up at her. An amused and slightly breathless laugh escaping. "Hi there Aspros... Actually, I was looking for you." Once released he pulled himself back to his paws, taking a moment to fix the drape of his clock, the one she had made for him.

The briefly banished nervousness came rushing back as he remembered just why he had been seeking her out. And all of a sudden he wasn't sure how to ask her without sounding like a complete and total loon... What if he offended her? Or upset her?  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:58 pm
Aspros looked smug as could be as she sat back and watched the male pick himself up. She had certainly gotten him rather well if she did say so herself. Now she just needed to figure out how to not sound like a pouting cub when she approached the subject of having him and her father come to the den to stay. She was either going to have to find a smaller den or get some company in it. It was driving her up a tree! She would have to buy herself some time to think on that and Kari had provided the perfect distraction. "You were looking for me? I didn't know handsome males went looking for badluck when given a choice."

Aspros grinned and reached out to poke Kari's muzzle with a paw. The cloak was still a bit big on him, but it certainly covered enough of him to be useful! It gave him a bit of a princely air about him too, which was amusing to the lioness. Of course, she couldn't help but want to tease him more for looking so dashing since it made him such a good match for her father's rather imposing presence. "How is Fuu? Is he keeping out of trouble?" It was still a bit hard for her to call the flame point male father since he was a stranger.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:22 pm
Kari snorted at her comment, giving her precisely the look such a thing required. They had been over and over this conversation many times before. Kari refused to believe in bad luck as a physical entity, and Aspros refused to let herself be persuaded that she didn't have it hung about her neck like some metaphysical baggage. So they had agreed to disagree and Kari kept his scepticism to non-words and amused looks.

Eyeing the paw that had unceremoniously poked him, he rolled his eyes. "Yes I have been looking for you... Fuuen is doing well. Eating and sleeping as much as possible." Admittedly, Kari was using every trick he knew to get Fuuen healed up, including bribery and threats to get the King to take it easy for once.

After a moment his smile softened, becoming slightly nervous. "Actually, I had a question I wanted to ask you... And you can refuse if you like, it won't make a difference... But will you near me out?"

He fidgeted as he waited for her reply.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:33 pm

"Am I such an unreasonable lioness that you would think I would not hear you out?" Aspros gave the male an amused look. She had not missed his snort, and she certainly knew what it meant. He could believe what he liked, but SHE knew different. He was lucky that hanging around her had not resulted in horrible luck for both him and her father. Though come to think of it, perhaps her luck had rubbed off on him and that is why he found his mate returned injured rather than whole? There was a thought to mull over another time.

"Go on, my friend, tell me what is on your mind. You know I will listen to what you have to say, even when I do not agree with it." Aspros thought this was very true of herself. She might argue with the male, refuse to believe him even, but she always tried to hear WHAT he said before shooting it down or not. It was rather rude to just dash someone's hopes before they even got to speak, and she liked the sound of Kari's voice anyway. It was soothing and warm like a good wind in the fur. Or a nice stroll in the sun.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:51 pm
Her comment made him laugh, helping to ease his nerves somewhat. "Never. You are one of the most reasonable Lionss' I know. Except over one issue... But let's not go there..."

Sobering he studied her for a long moment, wondering how best to go about what he needed to ask. Finally he settled back on his haunches, looking thoughtful.

"Well... You know me and Fuuen are a couple... And that we are, clearly, both male...." Shifting he dropped his gaze to the ground, evidently struggling with the words. Though a moment later he looked back up at her, determined to at least ask before he gave up.

"We would, sometime, love to have our own litter. Well ok... Mainly it's me. And Fuuen is going along with it. Since he has someone ton arry on his line, but I have no one..." Pausing again he scrunched up his muzzle. "I am making a mess of this... Basically, I was hoping that you may consent to mothering a litter for me, so that We can have a family like any normal Mated pair...."

Blowing out a shaky breath he tensed, waiting on her reaction. Not at all sure what she would think to his hair-brained idea. No matter that even before he had known about Maisha and Fuu's litter, he had always hoped to share a family with Fuuenken.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:59 pm
Aspros played at innocence. "Over one issue? I know not of what you speak, Kari. I am reasonable on all issues." She smiled at her friend and watched him closely. What could possibly make him this nervous anyway? She was sure it had to be something important. Whatever she was expecting, though it was not what came out of his muzzle next. She had to sit there blinking for a moment.

Aspros was well aware her father and her friend were mates. She thought it was sweet and wonderful that they had another in the world no matter the gender thing being a bit different than normal. The idea of how they would have a family, or if they even wanted more of one than what her father had produced, really had never occurred to her. The lioness had to wonder at her own stupidity for not thinking of it before this.

"My father already had a litter... and we are all grown up, so you never really got to have your family you wanted." Aspros reached out a paw and touched the male's shoulder. "I understand." She never really wanted that whole settling down thing herself, but she still understood the desire for it. "What I do not understand is why me? Not that I won't do it. I would be happy to help, but I am not sure I am the best choice, Kari. I am bad luck, and I doubt I will make a good mother." She really doubted her ability to care for cubs at all. Though at least with this, she could likely give the cubs to her father and his mate to raise without any ill feeling toward herself.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:26 pm
As soon as he had finished speaking, he had held his breath, fearing she would be offended by his idea. But her puzzled expression was confused instead of angry and all of a sudden hope bubbled up within him. Then she reached out to him and he very nearly sagged to the ground in relief!

As it as a soft laugh escaped, full of crazed relief that he had neither offended her nor upset her. Suddenly, and in a very un-Kari-like way, he leaned forwards and wrapped both forelegs round her shoulders, pulling her against his chest for a hug. Holding her close he had to struggle for a moment against the strange lump that had lodged in his throat, and at the same time blinked the stinging sensation away from his eyes. Finally he let her go.

"It could only be you, Aspros. I am far closer to you than to your sisters, and I had hoped you would know me well enough to understand why I want this... " He couldn't imagine asking Kali, for all she was a lovely girl, she was still so very young. Aspros may have been young, but she seemed mentally much more mature, despite her one obsession of luck and its qualities...

"You are not bad luck." He scowled at her briefly, as he would never let that comment pass and she knew it. Their argument was a well travailed path by now. "And you will have both of us with you the entire time, both during pregnancy and after the Cubs arrive...." Kari blushed, actually blushed, as he dropped his gaze. "I wouldn't dream of taking them from you.... but, well...." At. A loss for words yet again he sighed and rubbed his face roughly with both paws. "I was kind of hoping you would let me share the burden... " Or if she wanted to give them over entirely to him once they were weened... He had always loved cubs, having been a nanny in his home pride, one of very few males who held the job. He was a natural mother and had sorely missed the cubs once the pride broke apart. Second only to the loss of Fuuen.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:54 pm

Aspros was completely taken off guard by the hug. She really had not been expecting that. The lioness hesitated a moment and then returned the hug. When Kari let go, she did as well and gave him a curious look. "I understand why you are asking, Kari. We are friends, almost family, and you are not interested in a female mate. Most females would not be willing to do this and let you be in the cubs lives without keeping you as their own mate. Perhaps having both of you around will negate my bad luck." The lioness gave Kari a cheeky grin. Oh yeah, she was picking at his determination against her luck opinion now.

"Kari, there is no way I could care for cubs on my own... I am not even sure I can do it with help, but I will help you with them as much as I can. You are going to be the one doing most of the work." Aspros did not know the first thing about cubs and she was not going to pretend being female fixed that. "Maybe you and Fuu can share that big den with me while the cubs are young..." She was pretty sure they would not want to move in before the cubs arrived, but at least with cubs she would have a good reason for them to not leave her lonely anymore. There were some good points for her in this too even if they were a bit selfish of reasons to be helping out Kari.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:29 am
He gave her a grateful smile, too emotional for a moment to be able to form any kind of coherent answer. But then she teased him and saved him from making an embarrassment of himself. Managing a half-hearted scowl at her bad luck comment he finally was able to relax a little, a soft, still slightly shaky laugh escaping.

"Sometimes you scare me Aspros... You are too old for such a young body." Grinning playfully to take any sting from the words, for he ment them in the best way possible. She was simply the most mature youngster he had ever met, and that was most certainly a compliment worth receiving.

Her next words very nearly dropped him all over again and he couldn't help but drag her back into a one-armed hug, resting his cheek against the top of her head and closing his eyes. Staying still he let out a shaky sigh full of gratitude. "You know I could ask for nothing more, Aspros. And I can promise they will be the most loved and cherished cubs in the entire pride." There was no possibly way anyone could love those cubs more tha Kari an Fuuen, and Kari was completely confident that with Fuuen as their father, they would be the worlds most well adjusted and perfect lions. After all, Fuuenken was a male unlike any other, for all he was technically Kari's junior, the big male was simply a King above all other lions.

Finally releasing Aspros for the second time, Kari couldn't keep his silly smile off his expression. Virtually vibrating with joy he trembled, desperate to go tell Fuuen the good news.

"Aspros, I owe you everything, for doing this for us." He said, in total honesty.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:34 pm
Aspros shrugged and nuzzled the older male. "I learned a lot on pilgrimage... There is a lot out there in this world and so much of it does not fit into the normal happenings in this pride. Besides, I like figuring out what makes others think like they do, it is an interesting puzzle." A puzzle that she loved to complete that puzzle on the most "strange" individuals. Understanding Kari was actually much easier than it should have been for the lioness. He was so sweet and caring, and that was what seemed to drive everything about him.

"I do not doubt how loved and cherished any cubs of yours will be. You are a very caring lion, as you have proven many times over. I am sure mother will tell you the same." Aspros made no move to leave the embrace of the male and was a little disappointed when he did let go. It was so nice to mean so much to someone like Kari. She just hoped that some day she could be worthy of that affection. She said nothing about her feeling on the matter and smiled at the lion with a chuckle. "You owe me nothing. It is the least I can do to repay my father for the gift of life he gave me. I am sure you will want to go tell him my answer, so off with you, Kari."


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:44 pm
He smiled softly at her words, for truly she was a unique and special lioness. Fuuen was rightly proud of her, and despite her own lack of confidence, Kari knew that one day, she would realise it for herself and then there would be no holding her back.

Lowering hiss rad he nuzzled her affectionately before licking her ruff. "You are a gift, Aspros. Don't ever forget that,"

With a last tender brush of cheeks, the tall desert prince turned and loped back along the path, headed to his mate, excited to share their news.

Kathryn Dragonna
[IC] Jini-msemi Lands [IC]

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