I want zombies...but then again I'm not sure I want them either.

My name is Domenica. I'm looking for one RPer with great self-control and consideration for others. I have had a few roleplays recently, one of which died off because the intimidation was too much and the other I ended because the other person wouldn't stop begging me to rape his character, seriously. All dominatrix are strong female characters, but not all strong female characters are dominatrix.

I'm just tired. Been at this whole RP thing for a little over 8 years and the people I did enjoy have grown up and have serious responsibilities that don't allow them to have time for writing. I, on the other hand, need something to express myself through before I explode. Singing Kpop isn't cutting it anymore. I need a RP partner that isn't going to misunderstand by projecting their motives onto my intentions.

That being said, zombie stories are great! I would love a good zombie story. I would also really love a great vampire story, but finding one of those that isn't primary made up of sex scenes (or doesn't involve me playing a male vampire)is..well...like a unicorn. They just don't exist and even if you tape a unicorn horn to a horse I have found that it will always eventually fall off and disappoint you. How fast does it fall off? Almost instantly.

And yes. You won't find much of a recent history on this account because I spent the majority of my years on my male account battling away at the primary reason why girls hunt for vampire characters to roleplay with. I also prefer to roleplay in private message because (well, before the notification system) I could better keep track of replies. I would rather see your private message pop up on my screen than click through my notifications that might just be about my wishlist items on the auction house.

So yeah. I'm not looking to be dominated. I'm not looking to dominate. If I want to be dominated I will dominate myself. I'm just looking for someone who will join me in a story that involves pain and struggle that is realistic to the reality of the world we create. I'm looking for problem solving and genuine reactions.

Hit me up with a private message if you're interested in roleplay and/or if you just want to vent about your individual troubles with finding another RPer. Maybe we can join in our misery and find a solution to our problems!! biggrin