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[ORP] The Scent Of A Lion (Meta RP) CLOSED Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:57 pm
Scenario: The pride is in a bit of a concerned state (read: panic). There has been a lion scented nearby; not just one, but multiple lions.

The memories of Ua's attack has struck fear into many, and with new litters recently, there is an issue of safety.

Hu has called a meeting; the first attended by the newest council member, Deker.


  • Each valid post in the RP is 1 ticket to a raffle, to be rolled at the end of the RP.
  • I will roll 1 winner (if the RP is under 5 pages), 2 winners if the RP extends past that.

    Each winner will be allowed to pick from three of the giveaway pets (the two females and pink male are open to claim).
    These leopards will all arrive at the end of the ORP; a travelling group approaching the colony for sanctuary. Each leopard can have their own backstory, but please talk to the other members of the group c:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:08 pm
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Hu moved swiftly through the trees, arriving at the center of the pride; the meeting place in times of concern. He stayed in the trees however. He felt most in power in the trees. He didn't even scan the crowd to see if the other council member's were there. He knew his son, Ai, followed him closely as they had been on patrol together when they heard the commotion of the pride; the scent of lion reaching their nostrils as well. It was...concerning to say the least. In fact, it was downright terrifying.

Glancing towards the growing crowd, Hu spoke, his eyes narrowed and serious.

"We have scented lions on our borders," his voice boomed, and he was not afraid to speak bluntly. He wasn't one for sugar coating. "I need volunteers to patrol the area."

He glanced to the ground; a strong formidibal leopard stood there, posture tense.

Arcus, the Captain of the pride's defence force was tense but his eyes were steely. He had just had a litter of cubs with his now mate, and that made the threat of a lion even more dangerous. There were cubs in the pride, and adolescents.

"We will split up into two or three groups," Arcus' voice joined Hu's. "I will lead one, and Council Member Hu will lead the other. We will stay together. We do not want a repeat of previous incidents."

Ua, who was healing slowly from her previous attack by a lion, rolled her eyes at the slight. She knew she had been wrong to go off on her own but seriously, back then there was no threat of a lion attack. Her scars were still visible, but they had healed heaps; she almost didn't walk with a limp now!

She glanced at her father though, Hu, who looked frozen in place in the tree, ears flicking to pick up any sound. She knew he worried; and now he had other cubs to worry for.

(Everyone who wants to patrol, roll a dice (10 sided)! Evens go with Hu, Odds go with Arcus. You may volunteer for one group if you wish to by-pass the rolling system)

Velveteen Angel


PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:04 am
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Naim stood protectively close to the white leoardess. He and Ua hadn't become anything officially but he felt strongly about her and a desire to protect her. As the warden of the colony truly his job was to protect everyone, but he always kept a special eye out for Ua.

He offered Ua a kind look before he moved forward, I will go with Arcus. He announced, the brown leopard was use to working close with the colony's captain. He had considered going with Ua's father but he wasn't so sure he wanted to meet the females father just yet even if it wasn't in any sort of official capacity.

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The newest member of the council was standing back in the shadows of a tree. He wanted to observe the colony as much as he could without being seen. He had honestly stumbled upon the colony and was happy to find that it was all leopards. After coming in and learning of a vacant spot on the council Deker had made a stake for it and now was quite at home.

So far he was working on learning about how the colony was managed, where its strong points were and where it needed to be fixed up. Deker was interested in getting out there and patrolling. He had learned all the details of the attack in his first council meeting and now he could see the pale leopardess that had been the victim. He also noted the brown leopard that seemed to stay awfully close to her side.

From the shadows he called out, "I will join Hu's team." He moved up on his tree branch a little so that he was now visible to the colony that sounded him.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:14 pm
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The scent of lions? Nassir felt a little surge of interest as the meeting was called to order. It has been a while since I've had a good tumble with one. He smirked mischievously thinking of his old rogue days when fighting had been his best past time. If they were dangerous lions then it truly was for the best if they caught them first when they were off guard and not ready to fight. A few good injuries here and there hopefully would scare them back off.

"I'll go with whoever needs me most in their group~" A very capable fighter who feared no lions Nassir would wait to see which group would need his muscle the most before making his move.

User Image Watching her father Sayuri frowned. Surely not all lions were out to maul them, right? But still noticing her elder sister's scars the leopardess winced. Still better safe than sorry I suppose. But oh she wanted to go along so badly! Her father might maul her if she did, yet the temptation was so strong...

Peeking forward she flushed as she noticed Naim standing closely to Ua, "How are you faring?" She admired her sister though and if it wasn't for the commotion of lions nearby the leopardess might have already been sneaking out on her own as well. How else was she supposed to find stories after all? It was too boring to just hear about things from the others.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Painted Moose rolled 1 10-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-10)

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:52 pm
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Scheherazade was finally getting back into the swing of things since her youngest litters birth. Her body had finally settled back into it's pre-pregnancy state, and her studies had been taken back up, despite the threats to the colony. If not for her, then who would mark the stars? Perhaps there would be some clue that could only be found in the skies themselves. With the sound confidence of a Council Member, Scheherazade glided through the trees to land a few feet from her mate and son. The look she bore Ai was only matched by the look she gave to Sayuri upon spotting her. Her cubs were not old enough to be in attendance, and should have been safely tucked away in the den.

Choosing to save her reprimands for both her cubs and her mate, since he in not stopping Ai's arrival was just as guilty, Scheherazade spoke up. "I will go on patrol with Arcus." Her distaste for the other Council Member was an open subject, but base aggravation at her mate's decisions pushed her to the pale leopard. She knew he feared, and with just cause, but would his concern for Ua blind him to the dangers presented to their own cubs?

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"I will go with Father."

Stepping out from around the growing crowd was a sleek young leopardess with eyes of burning fire. She made eye contact with her mother, and didn't miss the disapproving frown she bore to her more outgoing daughter. "If there is a lion threatening our home, I doubt anyone is going to protest my help, right?" Although she asked it to the colony itself, it was more or less directed at her parents. Her siblings hadn't seemed as vocal as she, at least not yet, but Chiyo wasn't one to wait for another to stand for her.

Her mother had told her stories of lions, but they were all spoken with an odd affection. Chiyo had never seen one herself, at least not one that she could remember, but every time she looked at Ua a rage built within her. If one of those bastards wanted to tear into another as they did her sister, they would have to go through her!
Cornetified rolled 1 10-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-10)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:50 pm
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Orna had heard about the attack on her eldest sibling, and had seen the end result. Poor Ua. She wanted to help her family as much as she could, but she knew she was no fighter. She was more than happy to leave anything physical to the adults.

Sitting in the background, her tail twitched as she watched family and pride members gather for the patrol. Wouldn't it figure, the concept of a patrol gave her different ideas than finding some enemy lion? No. She was just tickled by the idea of getting out there! She wanted to explore and see what was out there! And, maybe, just maybe, she could find something that would actually help Ua heal faster!

Trying to blend into the background, she slunk around the border of the group to slip in with Arcus' patrol.


Precious Loiterer

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:14 pm
User ImageUa glanced at Naim with a slight flush on her cheeks but she tried not to let it show. She found it...flattering, that the male was so protective over her. It was really sweet. She wasn't sure if he really liked her or if he just wanted to protect her though... she had a feeling it might just be protection; she wasn't sure why that thought made her sad...

She felt her heard skip when he said he would patrol. Of course he would, he was the Warden but she worried for him.


She glanced towards one of her baby sisters, Sayuri, as she spoke. She offered her a soft smile. "I'm alright," she assured. "My limp is barely noticable today!" It was still there though; slowing her down. Making her a target. She couldn't patrol with this leg, and she feared Hu would murder her himself if she tried.

"Are you patrolling?" She asked Sayuri.

Sabra Knight

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Don't look at her. Don't look at her. Ai repeated to himself, pointedly avoiding his mother's eyes.

When Chiyo spoke up, it gave Ai the boost of confidence he needed.

"I will go with father as well!" He announced boldly and knew that he would cop it from his mother later as well. He was an adolescent, and he shadowed his father regularly. He would be fine!

He also spied Orna slipping into Arcus' group and rejoiced. Yes! It wasn't going to be just him that would be killed by their mother later.

User Image Hu couldn't help the subtle wince he made at his mate's appearance. He had a feeling he would be hearing all about his mistakes later; every single one of them. He glanced towards her as she said she would go with Arcus and nodded.

Well, at least she wouldn't try and talk to him when they were patrolling. That just meant he would cop an earful when he returned to the den...Great.

As his children started to slip into their groups; two choosing him and Orna (attempting) to sneakingly slip into Arcus' group, Hu felt his heart freeze. He was proud of them for trying to protect the colony but he was not a fighter. He had no desire to be a fighter. The know his cubs would be on the frontlines; possibly risking their own safety for the colony.

He wanted to command them all to return to the den; but instead he held his tongue.

Painted Moose

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"I will go with Arcus!" Ardhira'i called out, a somewhat cheerful tone to her voice despite the situation. Ardhira'i was an experimenter at the best of times, and now that her cubs had left the colony (destined for the pride that their father resided in) she was on her own. She had no one else' safety to consider other than her own. She could experiment like she wanted to.

She also presented a rather...odd look with a pair of leaf wings adorning her back which shed leaves everytime she stepped.

She moved towards Arcus' group with a grin.

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Arcus was rather...bemused by the collection he seemed to be gathering for his group. They really needed a better defence force, he mused to himself. He somewhat cringed as Scheherazade mentioned she would go with him, offering her a respectful nod. She could not be happy with her mate's decision.

He was rather glad that Amaranta had not made herself known yet. He wasn't sure if he would be alright with her being in danger.

"Let's move out!" He called out, his tone bellowing around the clearing. "Anyone who doesn't have a group; pick one quick!"

He glanced towards Orna, one of the daughters of the council members and raised a brow.
"Try not to get hurt."


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Kianga, who had been standing silently in the shade, gave Ua a fond nuzzle as she walked past. She had taken a liking to the pale creature who was so innocent and sweet; both her and Ardhira'i she felt like she needed to protect although Kianga was not a warrior.

"Stay safe, Ua," she encouraged gently, and took her place in Hu's group as they began to move out.

If you are with Hu, you go south towards the lake.
If you are with Arcus, you go north towards the thickest portion of the forest.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:47 pm
Deker moved quickly towards Hu's group as the moved towards the lake. He was quick to fall in line with one of the orange council members children, an orange male with winged eyeliner marks and a striped tail.

"So it was your sister that got hurt hmm." he said to the adolescent male. He wanted to feel out how the young male felt about the attack.

"I have to say I am surprised your father would let another of his cubs out like this, I saw a few of your siblings come out for the search." Deker clucked his tongue.

"I mean for all we know the creature that attacked your sister has something against your father and is just waiting in the wings to get another one of you." Deker said the latter part in hushed tones, not really wanting anyone to over hear him just yet.

Niam moved up with Arcus group, looking over his shoulder at Ua. He wondered if she would be joining the search groups, she was much more mobile lately, and if it was him he knew he would want to get out their and search for his attacker.

He moved back towards her giving her sister that stood close by a gentle nod. "If you would like to come out with us, I request you join Arcus and I." he told her with a smile. It was of course for selfish reasons he wanted Ua to be with him, he liked her not that he had told anyone that just yet. He always played off his attentions towards the pale female as a desire to protect and serve.


Sabra Knight rolled 1 10-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-10)

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:23 pm
"Good," Sayuri smiled warmly at Ua, "It better go away soon else I'll have to go find you a good leg~" She tried her best to be teasing, but the leopardess was worried. What if she did have a limp now permanently? It wouldn't be fair at all...flushing lightly at her obvious distraction Sayuri bit the inside of her cheek, "I want to...but..." Would their father allow it?

Just as she thought that Chiyo spoke up and the leopardess grinned, "Perhaps I will go with a group after all now." Surely if some of her siblings were wandering out then she could as well! Petite or not the leopard was sure of her speed and quick thinking...no lion would be getting her.

Spotting Orna slipping around Sayuri leaned in quickly to gently brush her head against Ua's shoulder, "I'll be back. Stay safe so I can tell you stories later, okay?" With that she headed towards Arcus and his group. She felt better in the forest anyways...

Nassir grinned as he noticed how the groups were shaping up. I guess I'll just wing it with Arcus then. That decided the warrior turned in the group heading towards the forest as well. His steps though were interrupted by the sudden flurry of leaves from Ardhira'i. Still the leopard only chuckle slightly as he looked towards her, "I hope those can really help you to fly away there."

Teasingly he just shook his head and continued on along side of her while surveying the area. Would they find lions today? He was eager to find out.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:13 pm
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Ai was surprised when he was approached by one of the other council members; the newbie. He had joined not long ago and had shot up to council rank very quickly. It was surprising but not unheard of.

He winced a little at the comments though. "Da knows best," Ai defended promptly, a tad defensive. "I doubt anyone has anything against him! It was just a freak accident; this time we are more prepared! No one will get hurt."

Ai wasn't sure if that was true but he had faith in his father. "What do you know anyway?" Ai responded defensively. "You weren't even here." To be fair, neither had Ai been. It was before he was born but still.

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Ua chuckled at her sister. "Maybe you should get me a new leg anyway; that way I can have five. Always good to have a spare!" She nudged Sayuri jokingly. She knew people were concerned about her, but she was ok. Really. Well, sorta.

"You better tell me all about it!" Ua called out to Sayuri cheerfully, though she was worried. She knew they would be ok, but...well, she thought she would be too and that didn't work out. She just hoped that her siblings would be alright.

She glanced at Niam as he spoke again. She hesitated but rose to her paws. "I don't know how useful I will be," she admitted quietly. "but I don't want to have to just sit around." She moved slowly towards Arcus' group, limping ever so slightly, her back leg seizing up slightly. "Do you think we'll find the lion?"

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Ardhira'i struggled as she started to walk through the trees, her wings getting caught on things as she tried to wiggle through areas. She was surprised when someone spoke to her and she glanced to the side, spying the male who addressed her.

"Nope! I have yet to figure them out properly to make me fly," Ardhira'i pouted. "Someday though! Someday!" She grinned. She had no doubt that she would find a way to make herself fly; at some point.


Sabra Knight

Velveteen Angel


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:42 pm
Orna looked up to see who was being spoken to, surprised to find Arcus was looking right at her! Head ducking a little, she tried to quickly pick it back up in a more confident manner. "I never try to get hurt!" she announced firmly, tail twitching.

Her ears perked when she saw the leopards heading along with Arcus' group, including her mother and sister! Oh, boy... Well, at least she was going to the forest! It was far easier for her to blend into the greenery, and there would be so much more for her to find! Everyone would be too busy looking for the lion to pay her any attention anyway, once they got out there! She practically wiggled with excitement as she tried to avoid her mother's sight while heading north.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:23 pm
Deker frowned at the young males answer shaking his head a little as he thought.

"Ah you see young one, I have been out in the world unlike you and many of those in the pride. Your father may be wise, but that doesn't mean that others may not wish him ill." he said his tone was serious but hushed, he didn't want others to over hear his whispers. He was keeping his eyes open for others that he may wish to talk to on this adventure out to find the attacker.

"Just think about it, what would hurt your father more... to be physically injured himself or to watch each and every one of his cubs picked off before his eyes, him being helpless to do a damn thing about it." He went silent after this and continued to walk next to adolescent, letting his words sink in all the while he was eyeing out the group wondering who else he should speak to. There was much work that needed to be done here.

The brown leopard moved next the white leopardess. "You will be useful, even though you don't remember the attack itself you were the only one there, you may be surprised what could come back to you if you came out with us. Your mind could suddenly unlock and all the answers come out." he told her. It was suppose to be a good thing but then he realized that what he said could possibly terrify the pale leopardess. "I will be with you the whole time." he quickly added. He cursed himself a little, he cared so much for the leopardess but he had yet to be able to figure out how to tell her so instead he kept showing his affections in terms for caring for her and looking out for her.

"I don't know if we will find the lion today, but we have to start looking, ,we cant just sit on our paws." he told her confidence dripping from him. He stood next to her waiting for her to be ready to go, their group was moving out.


Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:04 pm
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Ai's eyes were wide as Dekers words sunk into his mind, echoing around and repeating themselves in his mind. There was a certain hint of truth behind those words and Ai couldn't shake them off. There was no way...but what if it was true? What if Hu was putting them all in danger?

"No, Da knows what he's doing. He knows this is just a random attack," Ai tried to say firmly, but even his words wavered slightly, as his conviction was not strong.

Was Hu leading them into a trap?

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Ua didn't like the idea that she mind unlock things as they traveled. She didn't remember the attack and even some of her recovery was a blurr. She liked it that way. It was safe that way; she didn't have to face the horrors that her mind was hiding from her.

She smiled at Naim though. "I'm glad you're with me," she said to him affectionately.

She walked slowly, moving to catch up with the group that was slowly getting away from them because she was not very fast. "Sorry to slow you down," she apologised as she walked, wincing slightly as her leg froze occasionally.

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Arcus raised a brow at Orna. "No one tries to get hurt; but that doesn't stop it from happening." He was not all that impressed at the idea that the adolescents were coming with them but it was Hu and Scheherazade's decision.

Speaking of Scheherazade, Arcus glanced towards the obviously annoyed council member.

"Do you have any ideas of areas to search?" He asked her, hoping to focus her mind on the task at hand, not planning Hu's later murder.

He spied another of the council member's daughters, Sayuri this time, slipping into his group. Greeeeeat. Now he had to watch after two brats and Ua was in his group too. Fantastic.



Painted Moose


Hu's group scents a lion. First person to post is the first to catch a whiff of the scent growing strong.

Arcus's group is still unaware that the lion has been scented.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:39 pm
Chiyo snorted, but felt proud for once that her sissy brother was showing some back bone. He'd chosen his side wisely! At least with she and her father around he wouldn't get hurt.

She moved over to bump his shoulder with her own. "Don't be too big of a dork if you can." He wouldn't be able to stop it, she knew, but Chiyo was more worried about him being there than she would let on. Especially with that jerk Deker around. She stayed quiet as Ai came him what for, but she was still suspicious. What was this guys deal, anyway?

Even as she walked, Chiyo hissed at the male, "I don't give a damn if you're council or not, you had best keep your mouth shut. Even if there is something out there like that it doesn't give you the right to scare my brother like that."

She was nervous, though. The further she walked the stranger the scents she started to pick up. "Da, I smell something weird." Chiyo moved further up the path, twisting her head into the winds. It wasn't right. Familiar, but not right...

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:51 pm
As the groups split off, Scheherazade followed Arcus' lead, ever so aware that Hu held in his paws two of her most precious possessions. As much as she felt like rearranging his maw, she trusted none other than her mate with her offspring. Still, she hoped he found nothing in his searches, just to keep them safe.

Her father's worrying ways were rubbing off on her, and it unnerved Scheherazade greatly.

With her she had three daughters, for Ua counted as well, none of which were fighters, but all with bright minds. It would be their intellect that would benefit Arcus' search. Sayuri seemed to flutter around as she did, but Scheherazade found herself staying close to Orna, if for no other reason than to provide support.

That is, until she was called upon, and slowly made her way to Arcus. "I'm surprised, Arcus, that you would turn to me. These truly are desperate times." Scheherazade spoke vaguely, turning her eyes to the skies as if he were no more than a passing thought. "Intruders don't know this forest as we do, so if you are looking for a boulder, find the path that a boulder can take, and not a hare."

There were many secret paths for leopards to navigate, but lions were larger, bulkier even in their youth. They would need a thicker trailer, no matter how small.
[IC] Elimisha'sombea Lands [IC]

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