They met in an unforseen turn of events. Mwezi, alone after her sister found a pride after the death of her pride. Rigel didn't know where he'd come from; lost in his wandering around the rogue lands until he found Mwezi - and through their unlikely circumstances, they'd begun to travel together.

It wasn't unpleasant.

Days weren't so long and night was enjoyable, roaming and looking for a home as they moved, trying to find their footing. No easy task, the pair continued roaming, growing close, while trying to figure out where Rigel came from. Even then, after a point, Rigel felt followed, trailed by someone he couldn't place.

Paws crossed ground and Mwezi leaned in close to Rigel carefully, and it seemed she felt their stalker as well, the pair taking moments to look back brisky. Sometimes, Mwezi drove him to run, to move rapidly to hide and cower, and sometimes Rigel drove Mwezi, but regardless the pair found it difficult to shake their persuer.

It was a sleepless night when their persuer approached slowly, golden eyes shining in a rainy night as the largest lion any had seen crept close, wings tucked close to himself and he looked worried.

He introduced himself as Primitus.

He had followed them for days, curious about their behaviour until they explained Rigel's problem, and the male god had nodded understandingly; explained his own encounter with his grandchild from a previous life. The god was kind and Mwezi found him easy to talk to, though Rigel waited outside of the den. Inside, the god spoke to Mwezi carefully, telling her of ways to try helping Rigel recover, to help him regain his memory, if at all possible - methods he'd seen as a cub watching others growing up; watching healers. Mwezi found the god kind and willing to help, and eagerly explained their desire and efforts to help Rigel, ranging from seeing ocean to mountain but nothing stirred him - nothing but wandering paws.

Primitus had stayed that night, collecting a kill to feed the three, but he made no effort, at first, to discuss things further. He did, however, remain with them for a time after. Mwezi was far more willing to follow the god, paws dancing on the ground as they walked, but Rigel was quieter, watching cautiously as they moved, paws carrying him. Mwezi laughed with the god far more easily and Primitus seemed to speak to her more readily; conversation between the two males was short and stunted, difficult and Primitus wasn't sure how to addfress Rigel - nor could Rigel address Primitus.

Still, he was envious of the god's ease with Mwezi'mpya, and he often looked to his paws at meal time or night, feeling rather foolish. He drew into himself, kept quieter and said and ate little for a time until Mwezi confronted him. She snapped and lectured, scolding the male for not speaking to them, for hiding, and Rigel cringed, finally admitting his problem. And Primitus intervened, explasining he was disinterested in Mwezi at all in that way. Things became stable after, and they continued travbelling as Rigel began to heal from the spat, before Rigel and Mwezi realized Primitus wasn't leading them noplace, but to some place. Somewhere, or someone, was on the god's mind, and they wondered for days until meeting a dark lioness with a starry pelt.

At first, Rigel and Mwezi both thought that Primitus and the female, Accendo nox Nictus, were mated; however the pair were in fact very close, and Accendo welcomed them readily.

Primitus explained come morning; Accendo was a seer, and a rather adept one whom stayed by a friend named Ein, though they usually followed Ein's sister to find her mate, another male named Rufus. It was Primitus that explained he felt a seer may help, but Accendo seemed quiet.

Although Ein was away she didn't speak for several days - not of their visit, though she seemed to often hide under her father's leg, and the pair often spoke in hushed whispers. Often, Primitus stepped away looking quiet and sad, and would say nothing and eat less, as if he didn't care to behave as mortal. Accendo often seemed sad as well, eating little but ensuring the others were fed and provided for, often lost deep in thought. Those times, Rigel hung closer to Mwezi, fearful of some wrongdoing he committed, and Mwezi assured him he was a different lion. Those times, it seemed bad luck, but one night he was nosed awake by Accendo, whom led him away from the den.

The seer spoke of places she saw in her visions, war and pain and strife, she watched her mother claim her father left her; relived Seeing herself declare herself motherless. Accendo spoke of many things, before Primitus seemed to join them from nowhere. He spoke of other trials; his past life, losing the family he loved most and seeing them die or abandon and insukt and forsake him. He was in pain, and he understood the loss of memory was pain as ewll; speaking of past-life descendents whom lost their identities, dying as it began returning. And then Primitus told him Accendo Saw a vision of him.

He had met a male, black and white, travelling with others whom helped him.

The pair told him things - to seek out the male and that they may join him, to speak with one of his companions, a female he cared for.

Rigel returned not with the hope he wanted but the seed of a beginning, a beginning to find out who he was, now or then didn't matter. He roused Mwezi with a smile; nuzzling his mate gently and she purred, nuzzling back. Primitus approached the pair slowly, smiling to them gently as he nosed them along, and Mwezi blinked, looking to Rigel.

Rigel gave her a small smile and she understood without asking, the trio walking to join Accendo on the journey, and the four moved into the night, eyes alert and ears forward as the sun lipped at the horizon, a dawn almost fitting as they prepared to begin a journey carefully, rebuilding and healing from the ground up.

And they didn't feel lonely or scared or worried at all.