Danza hurried through the forest as quick as he could, trying to scout out the leader of his house- Ena. He had only been in the pack a few weeks and already he had done something he feared could jeopardise not only his position but his freedom.

Pups? How could he be so foolish. He shook his head as he ran. A life on his own was what he had had so far, and he had just been able to join a pack, but having a family? That was too much, maybe. He slowed his pace down and took a few deep breaths. Maybe it would be okay, maybe he was just too used to being on his own from adolescence to now. Lonliness had been what resulted in the pups after all. It had been a surprise, and their mother was suggesting splitting the litter up, sending half to his pack and keeping half with hers, they weren't too far away so visiting was feasible, but.. even so.

How would they react to him not only being new, but wandering back in with 4 pups in tow soon? Maybe they would be happier than he thought. Or maybe they'd be outraged that a pack so new was being forced to look after pups that weren't theirs. There was a possibility he was overthinking everything, so he took another deep breath and continued to scout out the pretty white and cream female. After a while he began to call her name. “Ena! Ena?”

The leader of the Air house was hoping to visit one of her sisters, who led the Spirit house. They had opted for their dens to be secluded in a cave, which Ena found both eerie and enchanting. She too had a dilemma and was pacing around the entrance to the cave hoping to catch her sister. Her ears perked up as she heard her name. Who was that? Her brow furrowed. Was it Danza? She hadn't spoken much with the male lately, though they were in the same house and seemed to harbour the same intrigue for one another.

She whipped herself around and started to walk towards his voice. He sounded a little concerned and a strange feeling stirred in her stomach, to join the other strange feeling that already resided there. Her paws pelted against the ground gently as she locked her gaze on him. Danza seemed unusually flustered and she blinked at him. “What's the matter?”

Oh there she was, good. Now he just had to find a way to get everything out. He motioned towards the ground for her to sit. “I need to talk to you.” The female was right in thinking his flustered behaviour was unnatural- it was.

Danza faltered as he began, and suddenly it came out in one big gushing statement. “I am a father, a new father, that is.”

Ena blinked at him, the words hitting her with full force of irony as she finally cracked a smile. “That is wonderful!” She said happily. “With whom?” The pack wasn't strict on pairings. Though marriage existed as a union of two dogs, it was certainly not the only way to bring life into the new pack.

Danza stopped for a moment, slightly taken aback at the females calm demeanor. He was new and yet he had stormed in here with news that could shake the dynamic of a newly settling group. “Erm... that's the thing.” He paused to compose his words and continued brashly. “She's from a neighbouring pack, and is suggesting that I... well... keep some, of the pups.”

Ena nodded wisely. She didn't see this as a problem at all, far from it. Yes the pack was newly established, but it was safe. New life was a blessing, and not a curse nor a burden. It would be protected and nurtured, especially by the leaders. “That is great news. As a neighbouring pack it will mean good relations for us both, and then you can see all of your children, if you so wish.” She flicked her tail gently. Ena and the other leaders knew of neighbouring packs, and they were seemingly friendly. This would surely strengthen any bonds between them. “They are welcome here, please do not fret.” She could see the anxiety pouring out of the male, which was unusual for him. The leader of the Air house knew her siblings would agree with her, and though she would need to tell them, there was certainly no issue here. It would be most hypocritical of her to suggest there was.

Her eyes fell to the ground for a moment as she heard the male breathe a very obvious sigh of relief. “Danza.” She began. “It will not be the only new life in the pack.” Her eyes found his and the males eyes widened in realization. “Oh.” He wasn't quite sure what to think. Danza was truly relieved that the pack was laid back about living arrangements, and though he was still apprehensive about his role as a father, Ena was hinting that they would not be alone! Playmates for his pups would certainly be a positive.

He tried to read her expression, and found slight worry in it too.

“It was a suggestion to build numbers.” Ena said simply, to explain herself. “Though I perhaps rushed into it a little, I feel no regret.” She stared at the entrance of the Spirits houses' den. “I was seeking my sister for some advice, but it seems talking to you has helped. There is strength in numbers, am I wrong? Fate has chosen these paths for us, so we will walk them, and it will be joyful.”

Danza nodded. He wasn't as spiritual as the female, but he could see the sense in what she was saying, everything happened for a reason he guessed. As if to comfort the soon-to-be mother, and himself, he moved forward and in a bold gesture touched the leader on the paw gently. “You will make a great mother.”

Ena gave him a bashful smile. “And you a great father.”

She had seen a new side to the male today, a little worried, perhaps a little sensitive, but she wanted to assure him that everything for him and his new pups would be just fine.