It wasn't something Thorin expected really.

He carried the female on his back, moving carefully lest she shift and fall, and upon entering the caverns he'd settled the white lioness on a blanket, the pelt soft to allow a healer to check her over.

They'd been lucky it was a minor hunting wound, but she was thin and didn'tshow signs of being an effective huntress by herself.

She had the muscle of a warrior though, and that was enough fvor the Dwarf-King to hve her brought in for Dorin's Day.

And now she was more awake, and eating, but very quiet, and a couple pride members mentioned she masy be a seer, by how she gazed off distantly, a creature no lion in the pride seemed to be.

Thorin was not alarmed until Miira, the lioness, had spoken to him.

"I'm sorry."


The king looked to Miira carefully, Thorin shifting from his task as Miira stared at her paws a bit. "The cave-in. I'm sorry."

Thorin blinked, moving over, and groomed her ear warmly.

"You couldn't have predicted the loss of Dvergrheim dear. You weren't there." Thorin cooed. Miira shook her head.

"Still. Maybe I shouldn't be here. Most things I see are - bad." Miira swallowed. "Past. Present. Future. Even when I thought I saw good, it warped and corrupted and ruined itself."

The female cringed, burying her face in her paws, and Thorin frowned, touching her shoulder gently, sighing.

"Nothing at all?" He asked. Miira shook her head.

"My children are gone. What I thought was a mate left becazuse he decided he didn't want me. Probably blames me - what good is there in the world but a fleeting kindness?" Miira cjoked back a sob, Thorin frowning and nosing her shoulder softly before laying down.

"Poor things happen to good lions. Good lions are capable of great evil." Thorin sighed. "Visions aren't always set in stone. They can change."

Miira sighed, shaking her head.

"Guess so but... I only see bad... It hurts." Miira buried her face again, making a soft distressed noise, shaking. Thorin sighed, moving and pawing the female softly before sitting.

"Of course it will. Hurt is normal, and if you didn't hurt, I'd worry, but you can't beat yourself up for it." Thorin explained. Miira made a sound not unlike a cub, keening and burying further as she cried, the dwarf-king looking to her in concern before sighing.

The female was clearly distressed, but he didn't know how to help. What could he do though - a king whom didn't know this female well.?

Thorin frowned, sighing and nosing at her briefly before moving to look for a meal.

Miira lie on the stone, crying pitifully as she felt sorry for herself. It was selfish, but she knew very little of not being greedy - no parent taught anything but selfish desire, if competant at all, and Miira finally buried her paws in herself, laying her head on the rock and listyened to dwarves speaking, chattering around them as they moved about, whispering to one another or chattering.Occasionally she heard descriptions of herself, and seemed to sink lower, hiding in her paws in misery.

If only she could vanish.

Thorin ignored the murmurs. The lioness brought sickness in her head, many whispered. Traditional old bloods whispered it was the need of a mate and cubs - to be a 'proper' woman; others whispered the King brought in a curse,, and yet a third party whispered there was no fear. Thorin however, worried more as he spoke to others, carrying a portion of a kill.

The dwarves did not turn away strangers, but this female was the oddest - not a demon or a witch or alfr, and the lion worried she was homeless - an unsafe venture for anybody. But what to do? He thought of the seers in the C'D, and of the demon seers - being a seerless male himself he knew little but wondered if some of those might help or know what to do, but he wasn't sure.

Thorin's thoughts were interrupted by lions racing past; all manner of the pride in a hurry to the cavern entrance as gold light entered, casting leonine figures in shadow before entering the main dens, the light far better.

Thorin blinked at Primitus as he rose to full height, a female that could only be his daughter by hs side and what scented like a ated pair nearby, and Thorin inspected each.

The entire group, in the Dvergr, were Gemborn if not for being rogues, and Thorin blinked, approaching Primitus in intrigue. The god bowed his head briefly before sighing, looking concerned.

"Might we rest a few days?" Primitus asked. "We're seeking another lion, and she's proven rather difficult to find." Primitus explained. Thorin blinked, head tilting.

"Of course. What lioness?" He asked. "A rogue?"

Primitus nodded, Accendo steping forward carefully.

"White. Browns. Red eyes." Accendo noted. Thorin blinked, head tilting before he motioned.

"I think she's here. Follow me." He noted.

The lion moved, followed carefully by the group as they walked, Thorin motioning to the near-motionless lioness on the ground.

For a moment, nobody stirred. Rigel shifted, worried Miira might be dead or sick, and Accendo huddled under Primitus, the god swallowing before Miira looked up slowly, ears pinning miserably.

"I can't help you. I can't help anyone. I only see the bad." She murmured. Thorin sighed.
"We've been over this - that can-"

"It's still bad. I can't offer h-"

"We were sent by another seer." Mwezi approached slowly, frowning as Rigel followed, Mwezi nudging her softly. Miira stared, blinking before looking between them. She blinked at Accendo, the dark lioness nodding slowly.

"Accendo?" She murmured. Accendo nodded, frowning. Miira blinked. "Did you-"

"Not me. Your cousin. Aile." Accendo replied. "She believes you can help find out if the lion Sairin died."

Miira paused, blinking before standing, turnintowards them in confusion.

"How can I help?" She asked. Rigel sighed.

"See if he lived, or died, miss.. See if I'm a bad lion. I... Lost my memory." Rigel spoke low, in a voice Thorin swore was soft and sweet and far from a gruff male dwarf.

Primitus nosed Miira softly, and she looked away, choking on a cry.

"And what if I forsee a plague or famine?" Miira cried. Rigel cringed, Mwezi opening her mouth to speak, and Thorin stepped forward first.

"They can help Miira. If one is a seer, they might know something to help." Thorin spoke softly. Accendo nodded.

"Come with us. If nothing else to find your future. So Haki is a jerk. Someone can love you. Maybe we'd find one of your cubs."

Accendo's words gave Miira pause, and she looked back, sniffling.

"My... Cubs?" She breathed. Accendo nodded, and Miira sat, sniffling.

"I... I can try." She admitted. Rigel crept close, Mwezi nosing towards her before Miira looked away.

"Neither of you did anything wrong." Miira said suddenly. Her gaze drifted from Rigel to Mwezi.

"You. Female first. Your parents were old, frail. They would want you both happy."

Mwezi blinked, drawing back after a moment, looking to her paws.

Mwezi missed her sister. Although she'd joined an ocean pride, it simply didn't seem safe to her - too odd. Here, in the rogue lands, Mwezi had met Rigel, lost and roaming, and so lonely, and she swallowed, looking away.

"Rigel?" She asked. Miira stared, studying him carefully.

"I don't see a thing besides falling stones. An accident."

Miira paused several moments, then frowned, looking to hwer paws. Rigel blinked, then cringed when Miira's claws knead the ground, the female hissing sharply.

"My.. Niece was alone as a cub?"

The sound was low before Primitus nosed Miira, the lioness snapping to reality and blinking, looking up.

"I'll go. Better than staying in abandoned dead land. Near painful memories." Miira whispered. Thorin coughed.

"You need food, rest, first, Miira. I'll lead you to the dens, all of you. You can stay as long as you need to." The dwarven king said softly. He stepped away from the topic mentally, looking up to Primitus, the god nodding as Thorin smiled, and the six began moving to some dens.

They all needed some sleep.