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Winter was once again here, and that was what eased Urza's mind. The pride had been doing quite well. It was growing and that was all he could hope for. He moved about the land of his reign. One day, he would be quite happy to pass it down to his son, but that day was yet to come. He was still fairly young, but he was slowly getting older. The years were catching up with him, however. He sighed. The thoughts of passing had crossed his mind more and more as of Late. Perhaps that was just because he was settled, and his cubs were now adults themselves and slowly starting their own family. Things were falling perfectly in place.

He couldn't have asked for better. However, he was still without companions. He had yet to find his own hares about the land. He sighed and carried on. He had been busy, and hadn't thought about actually looking. He was king, and shouldn't be exempt of the rule. Today, today was the day he would change that and get a hare or two to be his watchful eyes.

Sukoya moved ahead, ignoring his sister like always. He didn't have time for this! He was on a mission! They had been born in the Schnee lands and had helped many lions when asked upon. But he didn't want to help just ANY lion, no. He wanted to be useful to ONE lion. His sister didn't understand, yet she offered to stick with him and help too. Better two hares than just one, right?

It didn't take long til he had spotted a lion! Yes! Before too long, he realize just WHICH lion it was! Even better. He was aiming high, perhaps too high, but what was the risk?! There was nothing good in life without a little risk, right?! "Kolrel!" He spoke fast at his sister.

"Kolrel, look!" He said as he stop. "It's King Urza" He said with a happy glee. Everyone knew he was without companions. It was the talk of all the hares, yet none were brave enough to ask to be by his side. Of course that was nonsense!

Kolrel had finally caught up to him. Meek and very quiet, she just glanced in his direction. She was one of the ones that wasn't brave enough to do anything. She just followed her brother around and did as he said to do. For the most part. Sometimes she tried to tell him what not to do, but he never listened and she always had to bale him out of trouble. "Sukoya, I don't think...." before she could finish he was already half way to Urza.

She sighed and slowly followed after him. What more could she do? She could just hope he wasn't as scary as everyone seemed to think Well, truthfully, there was nothing but good things from word of him, yet hares seemed to thing sometimes things seemed Tooooo good.

Urza barely noticed the hares as they approached him. To be fair, they were pretty close to the color of snow below them. It was odd to see them, when he finally did. it was almost as if he was looking at himself... Almost. It was strange. There had been many hares lately that had shown up to match those that they had chosen to bond with. Perhaps this was the way of the goddess that protected them? Or perhaps another hidden unknown coincidence that he would never be able to explain.

"Woah, little guys." He said at first. "Careful where you're going, you don't want to get lost." In all truth, Urza had seen them before, but didn't believe they actually existed at first. It was one of those things because they looked so much like himself. "What brings you guys out here?" They seemed determined, at least one of them did anyways.

Sukoya was quite surprised to have been noticed when he moved fast towards the lion, though that was exactly what he wanted wasn't it? His heart seemed to bound now, harder than ever. Perhaps he shouldn't be doing this? No, he had come this far and now had the attention of the king, if he backed out now everyone would know how much of a coward he was. Even though, he didn't think he was at all

"I came to ask you a question, your majesty" He bowed at the king now that he was stopped directly in front of the very fluffy lion. He'd never seen a lion so fluffy, like this male in front of him. Though, he really hadn't seen a unfluffy lion either. His nose almost touched the ground, and his sister finally joined him, though she just kind inclined her head at the male.

She could feel herself quite frightened and possibly shaking. She felt like she was shaking yet, wasn't sure if they could see her. She wasn't sure what to say or what to do, she ended up just staring, which really didn't help the shaking. How could she ever serve someone when she couldn't even stand before them. Lions were her friends, at least in this land, though she was better at getting to know cubs that were more her size than a full grown lion.

She glanced from him to her brother who seemed to be regretting his decision, though she wasn't fully sure that was it either. She nudged him, more on accident than egging him on, but it seemed to get his attention.

Urza chuckled, he wasn't sure what the question was going to be, but he was glad for it. "Of course, ask away." He wasn't sure their names, yet, but he'd learn them soon enough, he figured. He didn't want to seem rude at all. It was hard not being rude when asking someone's name, especially when you're suppose to know everyone. Urza hadn't gotten that part down yet, but he was trying for the most part.

Sukoya cleared his throat, "I, Sukoya, and Kolrel here, would like to be your companions." He said with a puff out of his chest after Kolrel had nudged him. She was always good at that. Always telling him went to speak. Little did he know, she had done that completely on accident. "I mean, we'd love to help any way we can." He said with a nod. "Kolrel here is really good at sighting things." he went on "I'm the fastest hare you'll ever know."

Of course, he might have been over selling himself on that. He was fast, but he couldn't say he was the fastest. The lion didn't need to know, though. "We'll be able to protect you better than anyone else!"

Kolrel sighed "Sukoya.... don't say that!" She said hiding her face with her ears. She wasn't the best sighter there was, she could see very far, yes, and could see quite well, but that didn't mean anything! She hid behind Sukoya and didn't want to move burring her face into his back as she waited to hear what was said next.

Urza was slightly surprised, he didn't expect anyone to actually say they wanted to help him. Though, he was glad and was a lot easier than he had expected. He chuckled and thought for a moment, of course the answer was to be yes, he was just out looking for a hare, and now he happened to get two who wanted to help him... At least that was what he was told.

"If you're up for the task, then I shall accept you as my royal companions." He said looking at them with a more royal manor. "You'll have to get to know Mirri, and Queen Natintrapa." He told them. Of course they would, there was no way around not knowing them at this point.

Both hares soluted Urza at the same time "We can do it" Sukoya told him with beaming up at him. "We can start right now too!" He said with a nod, Kolrel nodding behind him. She was glad, and he was ecstatic. They would easily get to know the others that they need to. And many more, at least Sukoya had no issues with that. Kolrel wasn't the fully social type. Though she tried hard to be.

Urza nodded "Let's get back to the caves then." He told them and turned. He didn't need to be out here anymore. There was much things to do to get them ready for doing their tasks. They had to be trained, and trained well.
