Dhili could not remember a time when she was not with Ataruka, though some times she wished she could. He was infuriating in his cocky attitude and his need to be the biggest, prettiest thing in the area at all times. He was so prissy and regal, it killed her, sometimes, because she was the complete opposite. She supposed that was why she liked him so much. He was such a handsome lion, and she knew that under all his bluster there was actually a pretty nice guy, too.

She was infuriating to him, and he wondered why she did not take care of herself better. She could be a beautiful creature if she just let him preen her fur a bit, and give her a bit of his style! She liked being fluffy and unkempt, though, and spent more of her time hunting and messing around with others, being a bit of a bully. Her brash and unfiltered attitude had been repugnant to him, and at the same time it drew him to her like a moth to flame.

Now the two could not be parted, even when both of them felt like they wanted or needed to. Neither was able to say they were in love, or that they were even a couple, but there was no one else for either of them. There never would be.

"Come on, you big, hard headed idiot. It's not that farther to water, stop acting like such a baby!"

They had been walking for some time, and not run into any luck as far as food and water went. Both were tired, which did not help their moods, but it was Ataruka that was suffering the most, it seemed. His fur was dirty and he hated the way his skin felt when it was dry.

"I am not being a baby," he said, huffing petulantly, "I am tired and dirty and I just want to find some water! You have no idea if there is a watering hole this way, so how do you know it's not that far?"

She frowned at that, but did not dare let him know he was right.