Seaki: It was a rare day when Sanii made his way into the rogue lands. He often stuck to the safety of the trees even if those frightened him as well. It was light out, a change from the darkness of the forest. He took a deep breath, glancing around as he walked into the open space. If he was honest, he was absolutely terrified. Anything could be out here. At least in the colony there was a safety provided by the defense sector. Out here though, he was on his own and he could feel his stomach drop. But he was out here for a reason, and that was to collect materials for a new project. He had to be brave!

nessiaing: Misto had been travelling for quite some time, she had seen a number of different souls all and all she was a happy cheetah. Some days she wished to have a little more in life, particularly when she travelled past little families with cubs running about. She always smiled and knew that one day that would be her.

Today Misto was getting closer to a forest, she wasn't sure she wanted to enter the forest though, sometimes things lurked in forests that she just didn't want to deal with, and frankly they frightened her.

Seaki: It had taken Sanii probably a lot longer than any other to work up the courage to go further than the sparse trees along the edge of the forest. He hadn't gotten too far out when he heard a noise. He gave a small whimper, glancing about. Of course he didn't see anything right away. That terrified him a lot more and he couldn't help but feel paranoid. It took him a moment longer for his eyes to fall upon a... cheetah. Sanii wasn't particularly used to strangers. In fact the at time he had seen any other creature was.. well. Long ago. he shied back a bit wondering what the other wanted and if he should warn her away. Or something?

nessiaing: Misto smiled when she noticed the male leopard along the tree lines. She always got excited when she met someone new. She hoped that this leopard was friendlier than the last leopard that she had met last. The female leopard hadn't been mean exactly just kind of odd and unfriendly.

She kept her smile bright as she trotted quickly towards the male leopard. She was careful not to look intimidating just excited. She wouldn't want to scare him away. It had been weeks since she had seen another living soul.

Seaki: Sanii, was of course, distracted by his surroundings so he almost didn't notice the other figure arroach. As soon as she came within range, however, he tensed, unsure. He kept to himself, usually, when in the roguelands. He found that if he didn't really bother anyone, then they wouldn't hurt him. Of course, there could always be a chance that this occassion would be different.

He watched her for a moment, giving a shy smile. She didn't look extremely dangerous, but he was still wary. After all, there had been a recent attack in the lands, and Ua wouldn't harm a fly. He waited, though, to see if she would say anything to him. He wouldn't want to offend the cheetah - and she could outrun him anyhow.

nessiaing: Misto was too excited about seeing the male that she didn't notice his odd behaviour and how he tensed at the sight of her. She trotted towards him a wide smile on her face.

"Hello there" she greeted him kindly. Her tone was warm and kind, she couldn't imagine anyone being intimidated by her, of course she also didn't know the history of the male at all.

"My name is Misto." she greeted hm nicely. "Are you from this area?" she asked him taking a seat before him.

Seaki: Sanii relaxed a little, very little when the cheetah sat down. It meant she wasn't going to chase him yet at least. "I am, j-just inside the forest is my home," he stuttered a bit, but he tried to keep his voice strong.

"My n-name is Sanii," he told her. He was still quite uncertain about the whole thing. He justed wanted to collect some things to craft with. Maybe next him he should go with a guard, oooh. Still, he was here now. "Wh-what brings you here?"

nessiaing: Misto cocked her head to the side confused by his stuttering, was he nervous or did he always talk like this. She watched him carefully, pherpahs he wasn't the best to have approached him but it was too late to change her mind now.

"Its nice to meet you Sanii." she told him, she kept her voice bright and chipper she didn't want to speak him anymore than he already seemed to be spooked.

"Just inside the forest do you live alone? I am just passing through the area looking for a place to stay for the night so I know that I am safe." she told him

Seaki: "Th-theres a colony, leopards mostly. I'm s-shure they'll let you stay the n-night," he murmured. He'd seen it in the past. They were more wary of lions at the moment. "As long as y-you don't pose a th-threat." He frowned at his stuttering, but he was unable to help it, alas.

It was up to her if she would stay or not after all. It wasn't his choice in the long run. She could always ask another... He was just a commoner!

nessiaing: Misto smiled, "A colony sounds nice if you are sure they wouldn't mind me here for just a night I would love the security of a colony to know that I am safe while I sleep." She told him.

She rose to her feet, "Would you mind terribly leading me in? I am sure they would be happier if you escorted me in opposed to me just marching my way in." she told him a giggle in her voice. In Misto's view of herself she was pretty quiet and passive she found it hard to beleive anyone could see her as a threat, unless she was running, she loved running.

Seaki: Sanii hesitated a moment before nodding. "F-follow me," he told her, glancing at her then towards the colony lands. He hadn't quite gotten what he had come out for, but - well, there was always tomorrow right?

nessiaing: Misto followed the male into the forest, amazed by how dark it got when they entered the sade of the trees, sleeping wouldn’t be a problem here things were so dark. “Thank you” she told him quietly as she walked. What good fortune she had running into him along the way in.