
A part of her had been curious after Sliabh's visit, and in her idle state, the young female had decided to find her way to the rogue lands. Why not take time to explore, to learn and grow. Something new! It would be a pleasant experience, or so Ruoho thought. Her paws were aching, however, cracked slightly and bleeding, unused to some of the new terrain she'd crossed on her way here. The pain had brought the female to stop, slowly laying herself on the ground, tongue lathing over the injury in an attempt to remove dirt from it. Gods be damned, her curiosity seemed to have gotten her into quite the spot. Taking a breath in, the lioness settled down to the earth, trying her hardest to soothe the pain. If she wasn't careful...this was going to end badly.

Eira'ffres had taken a moment to wander away from the mountain that the Dvergr had made their home. Her father had become so different, and she'd found herself fed up, unwilling to stay there much longer. Her paws had carried her out into the rogue lands, a place familiar from when they'd left the snow-capped peaks once, long ago. Sighing heavily, the female had been locked in thought...at least until noises of pain met her ears. In a heartbeat, her mind locked on a mentality of a healer, checking her pouch at her side for herbs. Good...She was well stocked. Enough of the leaves and flowers to ensure that she could heal whoever was making such noises. Concern lit mismatched eyes and she hurried out to the land, seeking the stranger.

What she found was strange. A female, larger than she, though far less...fluffy, nursing bleeding paws. How far had she traveled? To have such cracks....it would have to have been quite far. Moving forwards, Eira lowered her head in greeting, "Are you well?"

Ruoho found herself startled, looking up at the other female with wonder. The Gods had blessed her, to send another lion so quickly, "Ah...No. I'm afraid that I'm not as well as I would like. My paws are not used to such long days of travel, and they're bleeding. I don't suppose there's a chance that you might be willing to assist me?" This new lioness was so pale, her fur so thick and heavy...how was she not hot out here? It made next to no sense to the female for someone such as Eira to be wandering about in this weather so...easily. How did someone like her survive? There was no way that the Pridelander would have been able to handle fur so full on any given day.

"I am Ruoho, of the Pridelands. I am terribly sorry you and I have had to meet under such circumstances...I would not normally be in such a state."

The paler of the two laughed softly, moving to sit beside Ruoho and gently pulling a few herbs from her pouch. Laying them on the ground, there was a careful working of her paw, grinding up the things carefully and cutting them into pieces. "I can certainly help you. I'm well versed in herbs, thanks to-" Oh , she'd introduced herself. Right. She had yet to do that, "My name is Eira'ffres, Brewer of Clan Schatzi of the Dvergr." It was a simple statement, one that meant more than this strange female could possibly know, "Daughter of the Patriarch Illyon." With that, she set to tending the bleeding.

A daughter of a Patriarch. She assumed that was much like a Pride leader, and to have someone so fair taking care of her injuries...it was a good thing, wasn't it? It meant that she would be well. Watching the other carefully work her ways, she could not help but flinch when the herbs were pressed tight into the wounds. Ouch! It was very unpleasant, stinging in a way she couldn't have possibly expected as the female began to place them in what she assumed was supposed to be a calculated manner. The way Eira worked was far too meticulous, "You do this often?"

With a slight nod, the smaller of the two continued her work. It wasn't so difficult to ease such sores, as she'd seen many a lion with them in the past. Ruoho was no different. Pressing the leaves deeper, she stood once more, "Wait here." Perhaps she was being a bit terse with the other lioness, but she had no time for others that could not handle something so small as a simple paw crack. It didn't take too terribly long for her to gather some water to dampen the herbs. Carefully pouring it over Ruoho's fur on her return, she smiled, "Yes."

The water, warm as it was, only increased the sting. With a hiss of irritation, she shifted, watching Eira finish her work. The female wrapped it with a few bits of tattered cloth, "So this will keep infection out, will it not?" Or so she hoped at the very least. Taking a slow breath, the larger attempted to stand to her paws, pressing them into the heated ground, "Will I be able to travel on them still?" She couldn't help but study the other's features, the pretty silver chain on her neck with small beads.

"If you're cautious, Ruoho, yes. There will be no lingering infection in the wounds. And, if you choose to wander back towards your home, I would reccomend ensuring that you change the fabric and the herbs every day." Her eyes studied the other female. How could she not know how to cure wounds? Was she not taught such things? Odd.

"I thank you, Eira. Hopefully your travels will continue well. Will our paths cross again, I will find some way to return the favor." What a lovely, strange female. Gods willing she would indeed meet her again at some point. Tail flicking back and forth, the Pridelander set back towards home, thinking about the future.

Well, it would be best for her to head back to Illyon. Her father would be needing something to help him sleep.

Word Count: 1027