User ImageNessiaing
Deker had ducked out of the colony and break out into the rogue lands. The leopard did enjoy living among others but as someone who had lived alone in the rogue lands his hold life and now living in a forest surrounded by so many other living breathing talking pains in his a**.

Breathing a sigh of relief the purple leopard turned his eyes up to the sun, it was bright but he enjoyed the sunlight beating down on his back not much sun breached the heavy canopy of the foreset he called home now. He found himself a boulder to jump up on and made himself comfy.

Aine didn't often venture out, but today she was looking for a challenge. Someone she could steal from, perhaps, or sweet talk. Either would be good, she was just looking to have some fun. And hey, if something more came from it, then that was just fine with her.

The lioness ventured further than she ever had before. It was all in fun and games. She rolled her shoulders, pushing the slight ache from walking so far. It gave he ra pause to take in her surroundings, though. She had travelled quite far, she though!

Deker had spotted the darkly colored lion coming in his direction, he kept his head down sincerly hoping that she wouldn't spot him. It obviously was a pretty hopeless deisre as his bright purple pelt tended to stand out against just about everything.

Enjoying the sun beating down on his pelt Deker tried to keep his eyes closed, opening them only once inawhile to see where the lioness was in reference to him. He only opened them just a slit, he wanted to make sure she wasn't sneaking up on him to attack him. He would worry about robbery but he had nothing she could still so that wasn't an issue for today. No no Derker had left all his belongings back in the colony, if he had left with all his stuff the leopards he lived with would question his committment to them and that was the last thing he wanted.

User ImageSeaki
Aine, of course, spotted the leopard. It wasn't like he blended in very well! However, she did take her time in venturing over, exploring the distanc e between them. She couldn't see anything he had worth stealing - no jewels or feathers, or even traces of a left over kill.

That was...


Oh well. She wouldn't let this adventure go to waste. She watched him for a moment, noting him opening his eyes to look at her. She could remember her siblings doing that when they wanted extra sleep and someone was trying to wake them.

She didn't let it bother her too much.

"Hey, stranger," She called up to him. "Mind helping a lady out?"

Deker let out a sigh, as he shuffled up onto his feet. He had a happy enough expression on his face despite being irritated. The whole point of leaving the colony was to have some time to himself. He wouldn't tell a lady no though.

He lowered himself down off his boulder he didn't care to shout down to her. "I could never refuse a lady." he said his voice smooth and calm. Deker might be an a** in his own mind but he tried his best to protray a gentleman on the outside.

Aine gave a hum, smiling at the leopard. "I apologize for taking you from your perch," she said as soon as he was down to her level. She gave a small hum as she inspected the Leopard.

He was quite stunning in his own right, though Aine has probably seen prettier creatures. "You are quite handsome," she told him, as soon as she finished her inspection, her askance of aid momentarily forgotten. It wasn't if she actually needed true help - just someone warm to spend the night with, is all. She gave another small hum, wondering if she convince this leopard to do just that.

Deker stood still for instpection and upon her compliment he bowed his head to her. He of course new that he was a sight for sore eyes but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy hearing him state the obvious.

"You aren't too bad looking yourself." he told her a grin on his face. Deker wasn't picky on species when it came to flirting a female was a female and if she was a female that could appreciate his good looks he was even happier about it.

"Now what is it that I can do for you pretty lady." he asked his voice light and flirty.

Aine winked at him with his returned compliment. She quite knew how pretty she was, but everyone had different eyes than she had. "Well, I find myself quite lonely," She told him sweetly. "I wouldn't mind some company if you've got time to spare," she figured with his retuned flirting that he would understand what she meant, but she didn't mind spelling it out either.

Deker eyed the pretty lioness, her dark coat and markings that almost glowed, then he turned and looked backed towards to colony. He was pretty sure that he would be able to stay away for at least a bit longer, it wasn't as if he had a mate or anyone of importance that would notice his abscense from his den. Though he wouldn't want to stay out the whole night no no that wouldn't do he had to get back before the sun rose.

"I think I definitely hae some time to spare." he told her in a low voice. "Do you know of a place we can go in the area?" he didn't want them to go into the forrest but he was sure that there must be something else in this area that they could claim for a little while.

"You lead the way my dear." he was happy to have her fine company for the evening, a nice distractions from the colony that he called home and their failing structure.

Aine gave a wide, dazzling grin when he spoke. Of course she knew a place - one she had scoped out as she was making her way here. Perfect, she thought, absolutely perfect. Of course if the seed actually took, she wouldn't mind small cubs the color of the nighttime sky either.

"I know the perfect place," she flipped the dark red mane from her eyes, gesturing the direction she would lead him to - a small open space, half enclosed in tall rocks that opened into the plains. It would be a decent place to spend the night and be hidden from most prying eyes at least. Either way, the lioness quite got what she wanted.