Muskoke was prowling the rogue lands, what he was prowling for was still unclear. He wanted for something but he didn't know what it was. Food, Companionship, a warm body? He wasn't too worried about it, he figured when he found it he would know and all would be good.

Walking around the bank of a river the white cheetah kept kicking little pebbles into the water enjoying the splash noise that they made. Perhaps a visit to Asteria was in order, she always made him happy.

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia was moving a bit slower than normal, the cuts on her body standing out starkly against her pale brown body. She was grateful that Ishara had decided to stick with her for a while, else she would have struggled on her own. After her confrontation with the lion, she was feeling a bit worse for wear and it was not pleasant at all.

"Do you want to stop and have a drink?" Ishara asked, the adolescent leopon fussing over the cheetah ever so slightly. She had a weird feeling that they should go and get water now, something at the river nearby that made her brain ache a little. It was probably dehydration, she decided and gently began steering Ghasia towards the water.

The injured cheetah limped ever so slightly now, as her wounds were still fresh. She smiled at the leopon. "Ok, perhaps we could rest for a while?" She asked optimistically. Her body ached.

Ishara smiled and nodded, agreeing as they walked closer to the water.

Muskoke turned at the noise of others coming his way. He stopped kicking his pebbles and made sure to put a smile on his face. When he saw that it was two females coming his way he perked up even more. Muskoke was a notorious flirt, something those around him always felt a need to point out.

Moving towards the females he made sure to keep his step light and his expession warm, he didn't want to frighten them at all. He paused for a moment when he noticed that the one female had scratch marking up her pelt, he worried that the females wouldn't be receptive to his presense, but he was lonely so he moved in anyways.

"Good afternoon ladies" he greeted them warmly.

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara stepped in front of Ghasia immediately when they spotted the male, using her own slightly awkwardly put together body to protect the cheetah. Ishara, as a leopon adolescent, was a weird mix of two species. She was chunkier than most leopards, and taller; but fluffier than lions and her body was longer than it should be. She hoped that she'd one day grow into her body but she had a feeling that wouldn't happen for a while.

She was cautious as she eyed the male. "Hello," she greeted, her body tense.

Ghasia sighed and stepped around Ishara, ruining her attempted defence. "Really, Ishara, I'm fine, you don't have to protect me from every male. This cheetah isn't going to attack me, that lion was just a jerk," Ghasia scolded gently and turned her gaze to the male. She gave him a bright, friendly smile, trying to counter act Ishara's frosty greeting.

"Hello! I hope we're not intruding on your territory?"


Muskoke eyes darted between the two females as the moved around each other. He was surprised to see the younger one move to protect the elder, though I suppose it made sense in terms of the cheetah being injured.

"Hello" he responded to the hybrid. He could here the apprehention in her voice and he wanted to put her at ease as quickly as possible. Muskoke was not a male to be intimidated by, he didn't have a mean bone in his body he was a kind fun loving male, who honestly only ever gaved feemlaes pleasure.

"No no my friends you are intruding on nothing but a stoll, and even then you are not inturding at all." he said to them lightly.

"My name is Muskoke." he told them warmly. He wondered about their stories, they were handsome ladies.

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia smiled at him. "Oh good, I do hate intruding on people's lands," she said cheerfully, moving slowly towards the waters edge. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Muskoke! I am Ghasia and this is my companion Ishara," she introduced, having a strange feeling that Ishara may still be cautious about the male. He seemed cheerful though and not really threatening, so Ghasia didn't think he would attack them.

"Do you live near here or are you a wanderer like us?" She asked him, taking a sip of the water; hiding a wince as she pushed herself back up.

Ishara eyed the two of them as they chatted like old friends, completely uncertain how to respond to this all. Ghasia was just attacked by a strange,r and here she was chatting away like it never happened. Ishara did not forgive and forget easily, so Ghasia's activities were....just odd.

She stayed close to Ghasia, still watching the male with caution.

Muskoke smiled he appreciated the cheetah's ease when she talked to him. "I am a wonderer like the two of you I suppose. I do have a home that I return to every now and then but for the most part I am out and about seeing the world." he told them.

He followed the female cheetah to the waters edge getting a drink of water as well, he wanted to show the younger hybrid that he was relaxed and not likely to suddenly attack. She seemed so tense and certainly unwilling to talk to him.

Having had his fill of water he sat back, close to the females but far enough so as to not intrude their space.

"I have to ask what happened to you Ghasia?"

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia settled to a seated position as well, glad to rest her aching paws a little. She hurt all over but Ishara had said it was safer to keep walking for a while, make sure the lion had lost their trail. "Oh, I seemed to have gotten on a lions nerves," She explained with a sheepish smile. "I am still not sure what I did to offend him, but he was not impressed with me and I am afraid he got a bit aggressive. I was saved by one of my new friends, and Ishara found us afterwards and has been looking after me. I'm afraid I'm not very good at confrontations; if Ndoto hadn't arrived when she did and Ishara afterwards, I am not sure I would even be walking right now!" She shrugged her shoulders gently and glanced at Ishara with fondness.

Ishara glanced at Ghasia as she spoke, chatting about the attack as if it was nothing. Ishara just didn't understand Ghasia and she sighed, and sat next to her friend as they spoke. She glanced between them and knew that she should stop being rude and so silent.

"Ndoto is only an adolescent, but she is surprisingly strong," Ishara added to the story, her only real imput thus far in the conversation.

Muskoke shook his head and clucked his tongue, he was disgusted by the story of the attack. "It seems lions truly believe they are the be all and end all of the world." he said a hint of disdain in his voice. Lions always though that they were better than any other species and it bucked Muskoke he was just as good as any stinking lion.

"I am so sorry that that happened to you darling" he said slipping further and further into his flirting ways. He liked the cheetah female, the hybrid was too young for him but the cheetah even with her scratches was beautiful.

"She is lucky that you and Ndoto were around it would sound." to Ishara, he said it in a kind way but not quite a flirty way.

"Well the sun is getting low, I know of a den in this area, I was going to use it for myself for the night but now that I have met the two of you I shall for go sleeping there myself and give it to the two of you. You both have had a taxing time. You need somewhere to rest and is best if you arent in the open incase that lion comes around.

"I can take you there now" he added kindly.

Velveteen Angel:
Ghasia smiled softly at him, enjoying the flirtatious nature. Her cubs were fully grown now, and she was on her own, so having some male attention was definitely not a bad thing for her! It was actually...very flattering to her. She still got it! Even injured and old, she was still a catch for the men....well, at least, she hoped it wasns't just ouf pity that he was doing it.

"It is alright, there is always a good side to everything," she assured happily. "I made some new friends in Ishara and Ndoto, and now I have met you, and it is all far more cheerful than if I had been on my own, still." She missed having companions. She was hoping to find the leopard she had been talking with again, as he was very sweet to her.

Ishara was suspicious of the male still, but her posture was relaxing, her nerves calming as he seemed to be quite sweet and actually a bit charming. She could tell he preferred Ghasia over her, which reassured her. Ishara was cautious around males...she didn't trust them very much. Not after Gaige. He had ruined her for other people, she thought to herself, her heart hurting a little at the idea. He had ruined her.

"We wouldn't want to bother you," Ishara tried to excuse them but Ghasia cut over her.

"That is very sweet of you!" Ghasia assured him. "We would love to see it. Perhaps it would be big enough for all three of us. There's safety in numbers after all, and I would hate it if you got hurt because you gave your den to us!" She said, the last comment more aimed at Ishara to make her feel guilty for throwing him out of the den.

It worked as well. Ishara couldn't make the male sleep in the open while they were safe, especially with a crazy lion on the loose somewhere. She sighed. "Show us the way," she encouraged him, rising to her paws as Ghasia did the same. The duo would follow him, and hopefully, tonight they would all find safety.