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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:05 pm
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Welcome to a contest for two cubs from Nyota'angavu and Moricorm's first litter together. You can find the rules and all the family information in the following posts.

Contest Starts: January 10th, 12PM EST
Contest Ends: February 1st, 11:59AM EST
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:06 pm
  • All SoA in this contest must remain in their pride.
  • No begging, whining, passive-aggressive tactics, or otherwise trying to make others feel bad.
  • Attempting to curry favor with the judges will NOT be tolerated.
  • You may enter for both cubs, but can only win one.
  • If you enter for both cubs, you will need to post an individual form for each.

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko & Das Tor
Tiebreaker: -_Wish of Tevarae_-



PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:07 pm
The Parents
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Nyota'angavu - Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
[To say Nyota has changed since his cubhood days is a gross understatement. He is far from the cruel, maddened demon he once was and he even looks on his past actions with something akin to regret. The mistakes of his youth have only served to sway him away from his former dedication to Morifaer and closer to his grandfather's faction. With the scattering of his old pride and his family, he wandered for a great deal of time before finally coming across the splintered group that was slowly beginning to rebuild. And it was with a great deal of honor that he took on the mantle of Eska'Sheleran and began the task of leading the demons to a new future alongside his long time friend turned mate, Moricorm. He is from two very large lines, size-wise.]

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Moricorm - Das Tor
[Moricorm is a sly, silver-tongued female who has grown a great deal from what she once was. She, like Nyota, has settled into herself, a wiser and kinder lioness than she once was. She is intensely loyal to the pride, and treats sador and demon alike with the respect they are due. (After all, they would all be rather worse off without the services of their loyal sador.) She is a fierce, intimidating female, however, and will not hesitate when an iron paw is needed. She has large size in her blood, but herself takes after her very SMALL, forest-born mother.]

The Siblings
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Oronrá - techabyte

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Mirill - Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

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Usahtiel - -_Wish of Tevarae_-

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Lachiell - Das Tor

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Annûn - [ Hey You! ]

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Calithil - NovaCracker

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Maltavendë - Redbud-Tree

The Half-Siblings
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Domefae - Das Tor
[The only one of Nyota's prior children in the pride, Dome is mute. Stick around him long enough, however, and you'll learn how he 'talks'. Mostly. Nak is still required.]

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Noh'Vah - NovaCracker
[Ri's favored daughter, despite her pale coat, and one of the few 'pale demons' in the pride. Also someone no one wants in charge.]

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Umarth - Das Tor
[The cubs will be seeing a lot of her, as she is a cor'osta.]

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Nécarámar - Redbud-Tree
[The first 'pale demon' to earn his place in the new pride.]

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Kabi - NovaCracker
[The only one of Ri's cubs with a mate. Also a tir''hini.]

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Mor'khelek - Excited Apathy
[Perhaps the most 'smooth' of their half-siblings. Certainly the most charming.]

The Sador
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Koin - Seaki
[Nyota's first 'captured' sador back in the days of the Aikanaro'hini, and now is something more like a friend.]

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Kohrisu - NovaCracker
[Moricorm's other mate, and her shalori. Giant sweetie, but vicious in defense of cubs.]

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Taka - NovaCracker
[Zungu's mate, and the one the cubs can most likely pester for a snack at any given hour. She helps out with hunting.]

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Zungu - Das Tor
[Taka's mate, and will have no issues being a living jungle gym for any and all of Ri's cubs.]

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Ithil - Das Tor
[Ri's head sador. Will be around the cubs a great deal. Is very no-nonsense and VERY loyal to Ri.]

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Nak - Das Tor
[Nak is included because he is Dome's 'voice'. The Daxter to his Jak. Where Domefae is, Nak is.]
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:08 pm
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The only pale, cool cub in the litter, she is the only one fitting the title of 'sador'. While this is the case, it's highly unlikely she will be anything but loved and looked after very, very well. She'd most likely end up officially claimed by her parents or one of her many siblings or half-siblings.

We would prefer this sub stays a sador.

You were born pale in a family full of darkness and fire. You know you have half-siblings that are pale and yet still have demons in their souls. You feel no other voice or greater calling, however. What are your feelings on this? Are you bitter? Conflicted? Content? Or something else entirely?

[size=14][color=#cc1100][b]Oh Beloved of my Blood[/b][/color][/size]
[size=11][b]Name:[/b] Should be Swahili or some form of Elvish.
[b]Rank:[/b] Sador
[b]Brief Personality:[/b]
[b]Any future ideas?:[/b]

[b]Prompt Reply:[/b][/size]



PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:09 pm
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Born brown, she isn't viewed quite as highly as most. Sure, she has royal blood, but she isn't going to be able to hold a high rank without some real work, and a lot of RP. She has one possible role model, however, if she wants to shoot for the stars: her oldest half-sister, Umarth.

This is a personality contest!

[size=14][color=#cc1100][b]Right, Like You've Got Nothing to Prove[/b][/color][/size]
[size=11][b]Name:[/b] Should be Swahili or some form of Elvish.
[b]Demon Name:[/b] [Include source. If what you want is taken but hasn't been added to the list yet, we'll let you know before contest end so you can change it!]
[b]Rank:[/b] [Keep in mind the higher ranks will not be available without a lot of RP and plot. In this contest, keep to the Mid Ranks.]
[b]Personality:[/b] Go to town!
[b]Any future ideas?:[/b] Not required.[/size]
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:11 pm


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:29 am
Oh Beloved of my Blood
Name: Hila (Swahili - Hee-lah) -- Second: Ovu (Swahili - O-vew)
Meaning: Deceit, Trickery, Strategy, Craftiness
It also means Contrivance; something that causes things to happen in a story in a way that does not seem natural or believable. Her name was picked quite carefully~
Second: You'll see why there's a second name, as you go on however the meaning is: Vile, Evil, Wicked, Injustice
Rank: Sador
Brief Personality:
Hila is the sweet sister, the agreeable daughter, the obedient servant even when ordered about by her own litter-siblings. Content with her lot in life as a Sador due to being a Pale-coat. She can ever be found with a kind smile, and soft spoken words for those who need advice or a shoulder on which to cry, which she always gives so very freely...

One would think her not a Demon at all.

And they'd be very, very wrong. Hila is a Demon of a very different breed. She desires no power, no station... What she desires above all else... is your words, your information, your secrets... Tell her woes, cry to her as she speaks so sweetly and soothes your soul. Give her your deepest, your darkest secrets... The things you hide from others... The things that haunt your sleep... And one day, as you pass around the lands... perhaps you suddenly hear those secrets spoken? Perhaps your secret is suddenly out!? How? Well, of course you would never suspect dearest, sweetest Hila... Perhaps, Hila says, this person overheard you? And then not only have your secrets arisen but you are on a warpath after the 'traitor' who spoke them... And just perhaps, this 'traitor' is someone who recently wronged or slighted Hila... Well, these coincidences do happen, dearest brother.

A Mistress of weaving deceit, her whole being is a lie, and yet not. She is truly that sweet Lioness, and yet she is a Demon of Chaos. And that is what makes her so very dangerous... Being of two minds, she can change in an instant to something else... Darker, wilder. Not even she knows fully what she is, or what she is capable of, what she will do with the information that she sinks her claws into, that she craves so desperately.

Any future ideas?:
Quite a lot! As she grows older, she will of course seek to gather not only more, but more important information. Secrets that could do true damage to other's reputation, or well-being, the inner works of the pride if she can coax them from her father, and other such things. Though she'll continue to take in even innocent secrets as well. A plot that truly has her revealing a damaging secret to the rumor mill while diverting the suspicion onto a specific person to have done so instead of herself would be quite fun when she's a little older. As a cub she'll be doing quite a bit of information gathering while being a sweet little thing.

The duality of her personality will be something that will remain only in her head for a very long time and no one will ever really meet Ovu until she's fully an adult, unless a very interesting plot idea comes about.

In the future, if you guys like the idea, I have in mind her getting in over her head and her nature finally being revealed when the Chaotic Demon inside of her takes over and goes to far, trying to reveal vital details of their Pride that Nyota had spoken to her at one point to perhaps an outsider or someone who should not being hearing it, but Nyota being close enough to stop and silence her and see the wild change in her. Or perhaps, not! Perhaps the secrets are revealed and he has to first hunt down this stranger with their secrets to find who told them kill the stranger, and then hunt down his own daughter to find out why she did so to discover her demon. It would be quite fun either way and could be something to get the full family or even Pride involved and arguing over.

Prompt Reply:
They called her Pale-pelted. They called her the rank of Sador, a servant because of this. She had given her parents a soft smile after they had explained her station in life. Explained that it would be very very unlikely to rise above it. She had given them that smile and then wandered from the den to take a little time to herself to think things over. Her small paws led her around the large rocky area of their den and slowly out closer to the volcano where she knew she could have a moment alone, as there seemed to be no priests about at this moment.

Coiling her body she made a quick leap up onto one of the large rocks... well, large to a small cub at any rate, and settled herself on her belly, the hot surface relaxing her. Slowly, she brought a pale blue paw forward into her view. Was it so bad? No... This was the blue of her father. She sat a little straighter at that thought. No. She held the colors of Nyota'angavu. No matter if she was a Sador, she was still his daughter, she held HIS pale blue on her fur, not just any color. This was nothing she would resent or cry over, but take pride upon.

They will underestimate you... so weak, so pale. Useless little sador... fetch me this, fetch me that...

She jerked at what she thought was a voice, the molten red eyes of her mother wide as she quickly turned her head about, searching for the one who spoke to her. " Who is there..? Why do you say such things to me..? They would not.. "

Oh but they would, little one... You know this is true. After all, it was just explained to you. Sador. Servant... SLAVE. Is that all you are?

It came again, booming, mocking, hissing at her and her ears flattened back as she ducked her head down against her paws, eyes shut tightly, the sound seems to be surrounding her but there was no one there to make it! " I-... " Slowly, she opened her eyes... Opened her eyes and lifted her head up to face... the volcano... Her eyes were wide once more as she stood slowly, unable to look away from it. The volcano! " ... Do you speak to me...? "

Yessss, good little. Little slave, poor thing. But you know... You could be more, so much more. I can make you so much more...

Slowly, she sat, staring nearly unblinkingly forward. " More..? They will underestimate me... " A sweet smile spread across her lips. The same sweet smile she'd given her parents just earlier, even as the dark voice only she could her spoke plans in her ear. The dark voice of her dark deity from their sacred volcano... How could she ignore such a blessing? A demon come just for her, despite her pale coloring! Or perhaps even because of it? Of this she had no idea, but she dare not question him on it, lest he leave her. " I can be more... because the will not expect it..? "

So clever, little thing. Ovu knows your mind... Two minds, two souls. So sweet, so twisted... They will love you!

The wicked laughter that echoed through her head had her ears flatening in fear once more as she frowned in confusion. But the voice had gone silent now, had explained no more to her not even when she called softly out the name he'd given her. " Ovu..? " For now it seemed she was alone with her thoughts once more... but he had given her very much to think about, and she doubted it would be the last she would hear of her deity.

This pale fur... There were many, so many who would reject it. But it seemed it could be a great asset. Her greatest guise. In a Pride of darkness of fire... who would look toward the soft light in suspicion? Ovu was right... He had lit within her something dark that coiled softly against her light heart. Something that would only grow in time. A great many ideas already began to form...

How could she ever know that voice in her head was her own?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:29 am
Oh Beloved of my Blood
Name: Khāliātmā
Meaning: 'empty soul' in Begali (I know its a different language, but couldn't find anything else suitable that I liked for her.)
Rank: Sador
Brief Personality: Sweet and gentle of heart she loves her family and will do anything she can to help them. She regrets that she doesn't possess a demon's soul and while it will bother her on the odd occassion, she feels no desire to force the issue. She deals with her secret disapointment and knows that she would have made a lousy demon anyway. Instead she does the best she can to b useful to her family, but will always feel just that little bit inferior. Though is very pragmatic about the whole affair and doesn't blame anyone for her lot in life.
Any future ideas?: Need to learn the pride first. She would be my first demon if I won.

Prompt Reply: Sighing softly the little pale cub settled down, curling up into a ball. It was dark and the rest of her siblings were all bundled into piles, several snoring away so loud she didn't know how the rest didn't wake up. That was why she was up after all, the noise... but that wasn't what kept her up, night after night.

Shifting again, trying to get comfortable she rested her chin on one paw. She was still trying to come to terms with her oddity. Oh, her parents loved her, she knew that, but even they couldn't hide her pale fur from her. She didn't understand why she was the different one, why she seemed to be the only one without her demon... She wished she felt a demon in her, for all it seemed to be a source of trouble and difficulty for some of her siblings, she would have put up with it just to fit in... Huffing softly, bright red eyes following the lumps and bumps of her slumbering siblings she sighed again. Regret touched her, but she could not change who she was and she knew her family treated her no different. She just wanted to fit in....



Allied Recalibrator



PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:43 pm
Oh Beloved of my Blood
Name: Leitha
Meaning: "Released, free" in Sindarin
Rank: Sador
Brief Personality: Leitha is composed. Steady, unbothered, and slightly stand-offish. That's not to say she's cold - indeed, she's a dear, warm child. But she's different, almost-outcast, and a reliable thick skin is...necessary for life serving those with demons in their hearts. She is always willing to lend a paw or an ear, and can be a very good shoulder to cry on, but she will NOT be anyone's scratching post, family or otherwise. Despite her servant role and firm personality, she is not aggressive. She is mentally quick, mature beyond her age, and no-nonsense, but she has no issue with her lot in life, because she has little interest in fighting.

Any future ideas?: Despite her lack of interest in having a demon (see prompt response below) she does hope that one day she can do her family proud. If that means quietly serving all her days, she'd be...well, maybe not content, but she'd do her duty. She'd like one day to make a good match in marriage (though she'd have a vague fear of her own cubs being as pale as her) though I could also see her wedding another servant, and forming an official 'servant' branch of the family to serve the 'main branch'.

Prompt Reply: It was something Leitha couldn't understand. No matter how many times she heard her parents talk of it, her siblings, everyone (almost) around her... It wasn't that she was a slow, or stupid; no, it was simply that she didn't understand.

The child herself had, you see, never HAD a demon in her head. No second voice talking to her, no 'sense' of guidance beyond that of her own head and heart. She assumed it must be similar, but different, and promptly decided that it would only be a waste of time to try to rationalize it or consider just how it must feel to be two beings, two minds, two souls in one body. She only had one (and it was a very little one at that!) mind, or body, or soul, and in way it could be said she didn't really know what she was missing.

True, because she had no 'inner voice', and such pale pale fur, she was not allowed to do all the things her siblings did. Her lot in life was cast out before her, a path she could wander from, perhaps, but never stray. Only when she thought about that did she think that perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, having that little second voice, second name in the back of her head. Still, her duty was not so bad, and she felt in her blood that pride was still hers to claim, demon or no.

Everything had its place, and her voice would be heard even if it spoke alone. Her thoughts were hers, her actions hers alone. There would never be a second voice; her will was all her own. So in the end she might be a servant, but in her heart she was sure - in some ways, she was the only one truly 'free' in her family.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:46 pm
Right, Like You've Got Nothing to Prove
Name: Msisimko
Meaning: Excitement in Swahili
Demon Name: Sitri
Rank: Seasa
Self empowered - 'simko doesn't lack at all in the confidence department, nor does she ever plan to let her colors bring her down. Rather than fretting over how the spot light shines on those with darker pelts, she decides to step up to a different sort of pedestal, working for her admiration.
Manipulative - She is fully aware that, to get what she wants, she needs to work for it. But rather than go about things in the normal way, why not make someone feel superior and boost up their ego a bit, in order to get them eating from her paws?
Flirtatious - She loves flirting. A bat of the lashes and a coy smile is an art she's all than more willing to master. It's a game to her, enjoying her playful banters.
Commitment Issues - Despite her enjoyment of being chased, she definitely does not enjoy being captured. If it feels too deep, she's one to quickly back pedal. Of course, until she meets that one who won't let her back out that easily.
Any future ideas?: As a cub, she'll be a bit bossy and manipulative. The rest of the traits would be something that pops up when she's older.

Lollipop x L u x u r y

Indulgent Sex Symbol


Distinct Elocutionist

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:05 pm
Right, Like You've Got Nothing to Prove
Name: Hróvanis
Meaning: "dark brown woman" in Elvish
Demon Name: Furfur
Rank: Nwalm
Personality: In her youth, Vanis is going to be disappointed that her fur doesn't fully reflect the demon inside of her. Oh, she'll learn quickly that speaking out of turn is not going to get her far in life. Perhaps she'll even earn punishment for some trouble she gets herself into in an attempt to prove herself. After these awkward growing pains, to all outward appearances she'll be slightly subservient to her more demonic-pelted siblings. Vanis isn't going to stop trying to gain the approval of her parents and the pride, however. The volcano would cool before that happened.

In her demon heart lies a warrior-lover who inflicts punishment, not out of sadism, but out of a desire to help the pride grow in strength. If it comes down to it, Vanis would take a beating of her own if it made her a better demon, and she would be disappointed if any of her charges felt differently.

Being a Nwalm isn't going to gain her friends easily, and her gruff manner at times won't help either. Growing up with a large family means she's not going to be satisfied staying alone forever, though. If a gentleman convinces her to start a family even with her odd personality and her brown coat as a genetic possibility, Vanis is smart enough to know he's a keeper.

Any future ideas?: Eventually, someone's going to need her to do a punishment that she may not entirely agree with, but will have to commit to doing anyway. Oh, the drama!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:08 pm
Oh Beloved of my Blood
Name: Adhra
Meaning: Appology
Rank: Sador
Brief Personality: She is quiet and does her best to stay out of the way, very loyal to her family.
Any future ideas?: Growing up Adhra will feel misplaced her family, she doesn't like not feeling like she fits in. As she gets older she will begin to get closer and closer to Koin. By the time she is an adolescent she will go to Koin with just about anything seeing him as a father figure as he is the only one she feels like can understand what its like not to have a demon in a pride of demons.

She will try to find her demon name and her demon as she grows, getting more and more frustrated with herself. She will fall into a depression when she can't find her name and it will be Koin will pull her out of and set her straight. He will teach her that there are ways she can serve her family and pride even without a demon within her.

As an adult she will seek our dark men to breed with in the hopes that she can bring pride to her family by mothering dark demon filled children where she fell short.

Prompt Reply:Adhra absolutely hates that she has no demon, no calling, no nothing. As a cub she tries not to think too much of it but of course there are glaring differences between her and her siblings and she can't overlook them. She will grow bitter as the time goes on. As she grows to an adolescent Adhra reaches the peak of her bitterness and withdraws from her family almost entirely only speaking to Kion the only one she feels like can possibly understand her.

It isn't till she is an adult and realizes that she can give birth to demon children that she feels any sort of happiness with herself and what she can do for her pride. With any luck she will birth a fully demonized litter and life will be good, she will have finally filled her purpose and she will be able to be content with herself.

(Note: I have Seaki's permission to use Koin in her plans for the future.)



PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:45 am

The contest is closed, and we have an announcement regarding this.

We have had a chance to read over all the entries multiple times, and honestly? While there were some nice ideas in them, none of them wow'd us. If this were any other pair, we'd be announcing winners, but this pair is one really, really special to us and...

Well, we were looking to be wow'd, and didn't get that. We're sorry, but there are no winners for this contest, and we will be homing the cubs in another way. Thank you for your entries, and your time.
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