Gul was out an about early this morning. HIs mother had been taking care of his siblings and the bright pink cub snuck out of the den as quietly as a bright pink cub could. Now he was waltzing around like he owned the world.

He wasn't really sure what he was going to do with his free time but he was happy to have it. He eyed the mountain idealy trying to decide if he should try to venture up into the mountain or not.

It hadn't even been that long since all of Kiuma's children had gone out on their pilgrimage. It worried her constantly, and she desperately missed her children. The tan lioness was at a complete loss, an ache in her chest that she got every time her cubs left the nest, so to speak.

Even though Uongo and Kule reassured her they would return soonenough, it still left her wander, lost and aching. The older lioness sighed. Perhaps she could find something to keep her mind off of it

Gul was moving quick and fast on his feet, he wanted to make sure that he made most of his day, free from everyone. He was debating what to do when he ran right into someone.

"Oooff." he mumbled as he got up to his feet. "I'm sorry." he said once he was standing again. He looked up into the eyes of his uncles mate. BUSTED "Oh miss Kiuma" he said in a respectful tone but it was clear the cub was disapointed to be facing an adult so soon in his adventure.

Kiuma was surprised by the sudden bump into her, but spotting teh brightly colored cub, she could only smile. "What are you doing out here?" She asked, keeping her tone light. She, of course, didn't want to reveal any saddness she had at her own cubs leaving.

Still, though, she was glad for the young cub's arrival. It gave her some reprieve, though "Shouldn't you still be inside?"

Gul smiled, Miss Kiuma was always so kind. She took a seat, making it easier to look up at the adult lioness.

"Inside is boring Miss Kiuma, I am an adventurer. I need to get out and see the world, see the mountains, see others." Gul said. His voice was big and full of excitment despite his tiny size. He was one of the smallest in his litter but also one of the busiest.

"Miss Kiuma would you like to go on an adventure with me?" Really Gul wanted to go on an adventure all on his own, but having Miss Kiuma around certainly wouldn't hurt he decided.

The tan lioness gave a small chuckle. She could remember when she was a cub, but she hadn't been allowed out until she was an adolescent at least. It was a different world for her back then - this pride was much safer. "I would feel better if I could come with you, perhaps," she told the young cub. Not only could she keep him out of trouble, but she would be less lonely as well.

"Which way did you want to go?" She asked, opting to follow his lead instead of taking him somewhere. It would make the day interesting, and she thought Gul would have a lot more fun that way.

Gul smiled, he was pleased the miss Kiuma was going to play along with him. He had thought at first that he wanted to be all by himself but in the end this seemed like it was going to be much more fun.

He looked around the pride trying to decided where it was that he wanted to go. In truth there was only one answer.

"I want to climb the mountain!" he told her. He wondered what the lands would look up high up in the sky. "It will be good to see everything from up high like we are birds!" he told her his eyes bright and full of excitement.

Kiuma glanced up the mountain, frowning at it a little. It could be dangerous, but there were safer paths - ones that she took when her cubs were restless in her belly and walking was the only thing that calmed them. "Alright, but we can't be gone very long, your mother might worry," she agreed. It would ensure they didn't get too high at least. It wouldn't due to make it up the mountain and get stuck there over night!

"Lead the way, Gul!" She encouraged. She'd just have to be careful is all. She was perfectly adept at climbing and navigating the mountain - she grew up in mountains and trees, so she hoped this would turn out well enough.

Gul beamed that the adult lioness had agreed to his plan. he mountain was all he wanted to see today, he would ahve been heart broken if she had told him no. Proudly with his head held high he began to trott towards the mountians and up a trail.

"Right this way miss Kiuma." Gul said as if he was old enough to be in charge. He was happy enough going only a little way up the trails. Getting to a point where there was a look out spot he stopped and made his way towards the edge just a little. "Look Miss Kiuma I can see to the edge of the world from here" he said his voice full of wonder.

It was then that Gul made the mistake of looking down over the edge of the cliff. It was as if his stomach was about to plumet out from underneath him. He swallowed hard, feeling a little woozy. "I think we should go home know miss Kiuma, momma and pappa will be worried." he made it sound like it was only because of his parents that he wanted to go back, but in truth the bright pink cub was suddenly wishing he was on lower ground.

Kiuma was glad that the cub wasn't too adventurous and she followed the young one up the path. It wasn't too far of a distance and she didn't know why she was worried at all - he wasn't as mischevious as other cubs his age and for that she was grateful!

She took a deep breath, looking over the tree line from where they were standing. It was a nice view, a great little spot for a rest, she though, and she noted the place for later.

She gave a small laugh, "It is a stunning view," she told him, but she knew when he looked down that it was all over. Heights for a lion were - not always good.

"That's a good idea - enough adventuring for today at least!" She said, bringing him back down the mountain and back to his parents.