Siochana had taken to wandering the borders of the Pride, her heart still heavy from the toll that the past had taken. After the loss of her grandmother, the Cor'osta had not been the same, and then there was meeting the Vizuka that had called herself Enfys. Her paws were tired, treading across the black stone that encompassed the base of the volcano, mismatched eyes watching everything.

Shachor had been wandering a lot these days, but only because the large male had no home. It didn't help that the herds moved along through the lands, as well. Particularly his favourites, like the Zebra and Wildebeest. A sigh escaped the lion as his shadowy form crossed through the lands, the most he was finding here were rabbits. Not that there was anything wrong with rabbits, per se, but given how small they were, Shachor always had to eat quite a few to even be satisfied.

Black and red eyes caught sight of Shachor before he saw her, and the red femme was quick to establish herself She was also a bit larger in size, built all of corded muscle, covered in scars, and so she showed these off, trying to play herself as stronger than she was, as the scars could be sore some days. Such was the life of a Cor'osta, "Who are you, that you walk the lands of the Aegnor'hini?" She had to play the card of the aggressor, despite her own current state.

Black ears picked up the sound of another nearby, the harsh footsteps first, then soon the voice. A feminine voice, thou aggressive in nature. Shachor stopped where he stood, not wanting to provoke unneeded violence even though the other seemed fully ready to do so. Though this lioness seemed tough, and certainly looked the part there was still something about her. He couldn't quite put his paw on it yet, though. " ..I am Shachor ' Resheph. I am but a loner and did not know these lands belonged to any Pride. "

Siochana's exhaustion sagged her shoulders, made her pawsteps more heavy, "....Ah. A rogue then. Welcome to the Pride of the Aegnor'hini. The Demons. We live below the Volcano, and the lands about belong to us. I am Siochana, daughter of the Ettelen'sheleran, Kusimamia'Utulivu." She bowed slightly, her paw sweeping beneath her, "Are you looking for a place to rest?" Even now, she hoped for perhaps someone to settle, or join with the Pride. Someone like him...perhaps...Might hear the Voice of the Demon within.

"Rest, would be nice, I've walked a long distance now. Such is life alone. " Though, he was not all that exhausted, at least, a safe place to lay would be nice. No snakes snapping at your butt, no angry hippos, or open fields. Although, they were near a volcano, so, there was that. The large male would gladly take a volcano, as opposed to the hippos. At least the ruinous mountain sprayed hot ash and rock, and that was millions of time better than getting sprayed with feces. " Truth be told, I am more hungry than weary and all I have been able to encounter thus far have been measly rabbits. None of which is filling. I could likely eat these lands dry of the rabbit populace and still find myself hungry. "

Her brow raised, and something of her let out a small laugh, "Well, then I have fair news for you. We have bigger prey within our dens." Her tail flicked, and she studied him, "So long as you are aware that you will not be able to take more than I allow, we will be well." There was a slighter softness to her tone, one that spoke volumes of how glad she was to be able to relax around another. At least for now, "May I ask you something that may sound rather strange to a Lion like you?"

"I am not a resident here, it would not be within my bounds to ask for more food than one who lives on these lands. " Which was the honest truth. He wasn't a resident here, and oversteps boundaries. He may be male and large, but that doesn't mean he had to have me manners of a boar. Shachor's silvery eyes regarded the scarred lioness in front of him, and titled his head slightly to the left at her query. " What would that be? I've heard many an odd thing in my time as a Rogue. "

"Have you ever heard the whispers in the night? A soft voice within you that drives you?" As she had Karawan. The demoness was spurring her towards the male, telling her about how this man was absolutely beautiful, and would suit well. If he could HEAR the demons within, then perhaps. Perhaps- NO. She had no need of a mate. She was doing just fine on her own, with grown cubs and a life teaching others to fight....

His ebony painted tail curled playfully at Siochana's question. Indeed, he'd heard many a strange thing in his time, but he'd certainly never heard anyone ask him this. Then again, though, not many asked the feline shadow what he heard between his ears. T'was not a thing anyone would think to ask. Unless you were like minded, but that's always another matter. " A voice that leads, and tells, always heard but never seen like the roots of a mountain. "

Her ears perked, mismatched black and red eyes somehow instantly on him, "Yes. Quite so. A voice that has its own name that it croons to you under the stars?" Her voice was soft, almost eager however, "If so, you might be in the right place. We of the Aegnor know that the Fires below give us a voice within to guide us. The Demons within." She described this with an ardent love, delight lighting the beautiful lioness' eyes. Siochana was bound happily here in her home Pride.

Shachor intently to Siochana, lightly delighting in her wordplay and passion to her home. Such a liveliness to her differently coloured eyes. Maybe this could be his home, too. There was always something else that wafted in his mind, something he could remember but also forget at the same time. " Perhaps, my feet led me here intentionally. "

"Perhaps the Gods guided your paws to us, Shachor. You will have to find the name of that voice within, but I would be glad to add new blood to our Pride's home. We have many ranks that need filling since the re-banding of our members. But you come at a glad time." Her tail flicked again, and she gently escorted him into the main tunnel, the one she knew led to the food that they had stored away. "Come, perhaps I can find you a carcass more full to feed you." Her body pressed close by his as she tried to go towards her home...and the contact caused a shiver. It had been a long time since she'd been with a male....and Karawan found this one...VERY nice.

[Word Count - 1027]