Katie: Yofiel wandered around her new home with a sense of peace for the first time in a long time. She was still unsure of the fates of two of her cubs, but one she had found in a pride settled with a mate, and another she had found in the forests surrounding her new home. It was nice to have a sense of home again, and this place was familiar to her. The sire of her only litter of cubs had been from the forests here. She might want more out of life than the parties the Groundlings had, but she certainly liked being in a familiar place. This pride did not look at all like it was going to rip itself apart over stupid politics. It seemed the farthest she could get from war. She was a bit involved in her thoughts and almost tripped over another lion. She stopped herself just short of him and dipped her head. "My apologies. I should watch where i am putting my paws."

Mauri Matu: Rousing from his work, Seiki just smiled brightly at the lioness. “No need to worry, I was so involved in my work I didn't realize I was blocking a pathway.” Looking back down at the wooden carving he was creating he shifted away from the path, allowing the lioness to get through… and see his work. “Are you from around here? I sometimes will do my trading around these parts due to their interest in the arts.”

Katie: "I just joined the pride not long ago. Your carving skills are excellent, I can see why the others would be interested in trading with you." Yofiel shifted her paws a little and her mesh veil and cloak with it's shiny beads clinked a little. "If you like making things, perhaps I can trade you a few bones and pelts I have back in my den. I have a horrible habit of keeping them, but not doing anything with them other than collecting them. I feel bad letting them go to waste... but I do not have the skill to do something with them." The lioness returned the male's smile with one of her own. If he could use those things to make something, it would help him with his trading. She had to help if she could.

Mauri Matu: Blue eyes glittered excitedly, supplies would be absolutely perfect though if she wanted the carving he was making he would certainly part with it without quarrel. “You don’t have to trade me if you like this carving, but I do fancy having new material to create works with. I could even make you something from them and give them back to you. It is a smile and gratitude that really makes me happy.” It was true, at the moment he was well off in the form of food. Drying his meat had made keeping food much easier and he didn't need much in order to survive.

“My name is Seiki, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Bowing his head he gave her another gentle smile, flashing his teeth as his eyes glittered happily.

Katie: Yofiel had learned a lot in her previous pride about how to handle herself with a gentle presance. She returns the bowing of head with her own graceful gesture and her soft smile shows her desire to help this male in any way she can. "The pleasure of meeting is mine, Seiki. I am Yofiel Azrael." She turns back the way she had come from. "It is a bit of a walk back to my den. I would be delighted to have your company." The purple and gold lioness made sure to wait for the male to gather up his carving before starting off. She did not want to rush him. "Trading is not necessary. I save these things with the intent of having someone use them, but never seem to find the time to give them to someone. If you can use them, then they are yours."

Mauri Matu: “Ah, what a beautiful name, Yofiel Azael.” Gathering his items, he nodded to Yofiel, letting her know he was ready to follow. He always carried something in his mouth, even though he had a pouch that fit everything. It was a habit. With a goofy trot, Seiki got start following the lioness.

“Fanks.” To say he was excited was an understatement. He already had so many ideas of what to do with the pelts that he was actually bouncing with each step. Maybe his companion would like a new shawl to use in colder weather…

Katie: Yofiel watched the male out of the corner of her eye as they walked. He had so much raw energy. Rather like she used to before she had gotten so good at appearing calm and collected all the time. It reminded her of how things had been before the war and losing her home. She missed having all that energy and excitement for life. "You know, I think there are some feathers among what I have stashed away... a few of the costumers took most of those, but I do believe some of the blue ones are left if you want them.":

Mauri Matu: Seiki’s head whipped around to look at Yofiel with big, glittering eyes. His heart was beating hard in his chest as even more ideas floated about his head. “YES!” Dropping a piece of carved wood he looked down bashfully and picked it back up. Flicking his tail back and forth he all but vibrated with happiness over the prospect of new work.

Katie: Yofiel chuckled at his reaction to the mention of the feathers. Well she must be saying something right! "You know we have a lot of work for costume making and general crafting around here... perhaps you should consider sticking around." Oh dear she was likely going to stick a paw in her mouth shortly, but she meant well. "If I don't miss my guess you are mateless, and if you are looking for somewhere to settle, you should consider here. Your pelt color is in high demand, not to mention females would love having a mate that can make things for them." She smiled and laughed at herself. "Don't take that the wrong way, please. I do not mean to sound pushy. I just like it here, is all."

Mauri Matu: Seiki’s brows furrowed at the mention of joining the pride, he wasn't sure he would be all that helpful living with others. He had his work and his strengths, but he definitely wasn't the best suited for anything else. Hunting? Seiki all but hated it and only hunted when he absolutely needed it. Plus… moving to a pride would mean leaving his home. He had made it into a dreamy space that he found absolute peace. He could move that stuff though…

Blue eyes glanced sideways at the lioness. “Mmm…” He flicked his tail a couple times as they neared a cavern.”Mavehbe.”