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It seemed to Tanz that night was falling earlier and earlier as the days past.

Letting out an exasperated hum, she paused for a moment, glancing back from where she came. A voice floated into her head, an all-to-familiar voice echoing, ”Never look from where you came from, only look to where you are going,”. Her father’s constant mantra, repeated to her the day she left the small grove. Quickly, the leopardess forced her eyes forward, tail twitching.

She had a decision to make; to trek on or to stop for the night. Peering up at the sky for a moment, blue eyes noticed the nearly full moon before glancing at her surroundings. It was well lit from the moonlight and showed… absolutely no secure place to call it a night. Letting out a frustrated groan, she began moving again. There was no need putting off the inevitable or dragging her feet. Time waits for no one. Or at least, that’s what her father used to say.

The moon was high in the sky when she finally stumbled upon something doable until morning. Exhaustion heavy on her shoulders, sleep muddling her head, she sluggishly moved over to the entrance, darkness engulfing her. A sigh of relief escaped her throat as she flopped on the ground carelessly, all than more ready to relax.

Chi Sohma
Ahhh sorry for taking so long! ; ~;