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[PRP] New Faces in the Endless Stream of Life

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Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:40 pm
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Din lazed about on her back in the savannah- the mortal plain. Having sent Aki out to grab her a snack from somewhere resulted in ultimate boredom, especially being stuck here. It was a patch that any mortal rogue would fight, and in some instances kill, for. The grass was fairly green for the area- one would have thought it would be golden brown. A river flowed gently nearby, providing a steady source of water until the sun blazed its hottest in the sky. Trees provided shade, likely the source of the greenness of the grass when combined with the nearby water.

Yes, mortals would have killed for it. Din-tei was bored with it. Her semi-transparent wings outstretched, they folded down the grass beneath her. She was simply existing today, and while some might have found this state of being relaxing, the goddess found it maddening. One of her fears, though she would never admit it, was that her many lives would turn stagnant. Existing just to exist. Constant persistent boredom.

She must have spooked whatever mortals lived here, none were to be seen. None with a brain would challenge her either, so she couldn't blame them… A winged lioness of her size, massive to mortal eyes, was no one to bother. She wished even a mortal would come along. Someone to confuse, to impress… someone to be made to entertain her… If only something interesting would happen!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:56 pm
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In the river not far from where the bored Goddess lay, Bahari'nswi watched on as his creations swam all around him. Fully submerged beneath the water, despite his massive size, he let out a bubbly sigh. His beautiful fish no longer made him as happy as they once did, as it was because of his dedication to them that he no longer had a mate. He had spent several days in this one river, checking on each and every one of his scaley friends, completely oblivious as minutes turned to hours and hours turned to days. The time he had spent away from his mate was sadly much greater, and by the time he had returned to her, she had moved on and found another.

Had he really been gone that long? He was so ashamed by the time he found her that he turned and walked away, unable to speak to her. Of course that wasn't her fault, but for the first time in his life, the God of Fish had no idea what to say. His salmon pink eyes narrowed slightly as he considered this, before he blinked and looked up towards the surface. As much as he would like to, he couldn't spend the rest of his immortal life here.

With one big flap of his strange fin-like wings, he burst out of the river. Even though he had been under water, his thick, flowing mane appeared to be completely dry. Water dripped effortlessly off his coat, causing it to shimmer, not unlike the scales of his creations. Once he had pulled himself on to the bank of the river, he arched his wings, allowing the sun to pass through the translucent pink skin between each spine, bathing him in a soft pink glow. One would think that he was showing off to some unseen audience, but at that point, he was totally unaware of the Goddess nearby.


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:25 pm
A loud splashing sound broke the dark goddess' misery. It was immediately evident that some living thing had splashed around in the water nearby her, but it was not until a handful of large water droplets came down on her that she became interested in just what had the nerve to come leaping towards her. It was nearby, to get water on her from the river. She had not been laying too far from its banks, but far enough that she would not have anticipated this event.

Din rolled onto her feet with a low snarl and stared towards the river, not taking very long at all to find the source of the splash. And, if she were to be completely honest, it was not at all an expected source. Another god stood before her, though not one she could say that she remembered seeing before. Her apparent irritated mood was immediately replaced with one more of genuine interest, perhaps even respect, at the lion she saw before her.

Part of the best thing of her kind was to try to guess the domain of those you did not remember meeting in past lives, at least to the goddess. She could not be certain of too much, beyond knowing that this one clearly had to do with water. She straightened herself up and shuffled her wings to fold neatly by her sides, inclining her head a bit. "I would not have expected to meet another of our kind today," she said simply, her look shifting to vague amusement. "However, I'm not disappointed. I'm Gravity, Din-tei," she introduced, waiting to hear from the name, and more interestingly domain, of the other. Perhaps her day had not been a waste just yet...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:57 am
Light Atago

Bahari'nswi blinked as he heard the voice of another. Not just any other, but the voice of a fellow God. When he looked at her, he noticed a few stray droplets of water absorbing into her purple fur. Although she didn't look upset or annoyed, he felt that an apology was in order. "We are sorry for having splashed you. We were not aware that there was anyone else near by." The God of Fish spoke in a strangely neutral tone of voice, and also used the Royal We, which caused confusion to some who met him.

As the Goddess went on to introduce herself, he allowed himself a small smile. Usually he would be a lot more interested in meeting others of his own kind, but his heart was still somewhat broken. The quicker it fixed itself, the better, as he wasn't at all used to being this melancholy. "We are Bahari'nswi, the God of Fish." He bowed his head towards the Goddess of Gravity. Hers was an interesting Domain to say the least, as it was something that affected the mortal world as a whole, and even he and his fellow Gods to an extent, although his ability to fly kind of flew in the face of Gravity. He wondered if it would be rude to ask why gravity applied to some but not others, eventually deciding that he would maybe ask a little later, if she seemed the sort that wouldn't be angry with such a question.


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:20 am
Din listened to the lion-god before her and took in his image with the newfound knowledge of his domain: fish. She certainly wondered how it was she hadn't seen it before as decisively as she did now- fins, and whiskers, along with the sheen she had only seen on watery snacks she had eaten before… Oh, and the ones she had watched swimming around when bored. They provided at least some entertainment.

His manner of speech confused her, but it did not take her long to work out that We meant I to him. "For one of us, it's alright," she said simply in reply to his apology. The sun would quickly scorch the water away anyway. "Had you been a mortal, however, you would find yourself in a different situation." She was not entirely sure why she told him this last part, but felt the need to do so anyway.

His was a more polite manner in general, Din noticed. Hers was not, but she enjoyed the bow at any rate, even knowing it was not meant as a bow of servitude but respect. "Fish hmm?" She nearly purred. A more interesting domain could barely come to her- only flying or birds would be even more interesting still. "Fish are some of the more interesting creatures, I find," she admitted honestly. The goddess could not pass up the opportunity she had before her to ask some burning questions. She could not remember ever meeting Fish, Birds, or Flight. Would she make an enemy by interrogating the God of Fish for those answers? Would they apply to the others who appeared to disobey her domain? She knew, in the end… Gravity always won, but for some reason, some mortals seemed to go against her in life. Unless she herself acted upon them, that was. She was calculating the value of the answers she wanted- would she be willing to admit she did not know them to Bahari'nswi? Her eyes betrayed her, though, burning slightly with a hunger to ask…

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:47 am
Light Atago

The God of Fish couldn't help but chuckle at the Goddess of Gravity's mention of mortals. Clearly she wasn't a fan of them, but then, not many Gods were from his experience. Which was odd, considering that every God owed some measure of gratitude to mortals. The more mortals that worshipped them, the more powerful they were. Being the God of Fish, he had millions of loyal followers within his own Domain, so he didn't exactly need any mortal followers on the land. Still, he liked them well enough, and wouldn't harm one for something as small as splashing him with water.

When Din-tei went on to compliment his Domain, his smile grew a little wider. If there was anything that cheered him up, it was compliments. Especially from those who were less likely to give them, such as his fellow Gods. "Thank you. We have always tried to make each type of fish quite unique." As he looked at her, he could tell that there was more she wished to say. Funnily enough, so did he.

"Gravity is quite interesting to Us as well. It is not often We meet one who's Domain affects so many."


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:56 am
She continued to weigh her options, taking in the god before her. His responses broke that line of thought. "Why yes, my domain is unique. Everything, eventually, succumbs to it. Most are perpetually ruled by it," she said, puffing up herself a little bit. She knew her domain was powerful- she was proud of it. There were very few mortals that doubted that there was something pulling them towards the Earth. That very thing gave her power and strength, along with pride and perhaps arrogance. There were some whose domain affected only a mere few, or even a majority, of mortals- hers affected all.

All but a few, who resisted it. And one of those few stood before her now.

"You rarely see two groups of fish that are the same…" she said to him with a slow nod, mind finally made up. "I have wondered for my whole existence a certain question… A question I would like to ask to you, Bahari'nswi. It only seems fitting that, now that I have the opportunity, I take it. Tell me- how is it that the mortals under your domain so easily resist my gravity?" The words slipped off of her tongue naturally, as if they had been a dammed river that was finally set free. At the same time, there was a flash in her eyes. The mortals who disobeyed her domain had always piqued her interest… But the mortals themselves did not know. Perhaps a god of them would have the answers.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:43 am
Light Atago

The Goddess before him clearly thought as highly of her own Domain as he did of his. It was refreshing to say the least, as often he was the one who came across as being somewhat boastful, but in this case, he had found someone equal to him in their self-assurance. Making her question all the more intriguing, as he himself liked to make out like her knew everything there was to know, and it wasn't al that fun to admit otherwise.

A thoughtful expression touched Bahari'nswi's face as he considered her question careful. He hadn't given his creations the power to defy the Domain of Gravity as such, but instead had left them at the mercy of another Domain. He remained quiet as he considered how best to explain it, before giving a gentle nod of his head. "The Air, the Land and the Ocean are all separate Domains. Those confined to the Land are affected by your Gravity, but those confined to the Air and Ocean are not. We believe that this is simply down to the unique restraints that those Domains contain within themselves. Our fish, for example, can no longer live outside of the Ocean Domain."

He went on. "Many lifetimes ago, We experimented with Our Domain, creating fish which were able to come on to the Land in the hopes that their lives may be even more fulfilling. Those fish were confined to the Land, unable to 'swim' in the Air as they would do in the Ocean, for Gravity kept them grounded. And so We returned them to the Ocean, where they have thrived for countless lifetimes, free of your Gravity." He gave a shrug of his broad shoulders. "It is not a power that We ourselves have given them, rather it is something that the Ocean itself has managed to resist."

Bahari'nswi looked at her carefully, not wishing to upset his new friend. "We think that you should seek out the Goddess of the Ocean, as We believe that she is the only one who can answer your question in regards to Our creations." A small frown then suddenly appeared. "As for the Domain of Air, We do not recall having ever met the one that is in charge of it."


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:35 pm
Din listened intently to his words, drinking them in. Everything he was saying made sense, the three types of places to find creatures, and the rules that governed them. His answer was so simple and so sensible that she did not know how she had not come to the conclusion herself. "Of course, that makes sense… Also, if you were to pluck a fish from the ocean and place it in the air or on land, it would indeed still be pulled down," she said, mind clearly still thinking on it. She felt a little sheepish at that moment- it felt like perhaps Fish knew a little more about Gravity than Gravity did herself. Was it a knowledge she had once known long ago and forgotten over the reincarnations? Still, it had been such a burning question, how could she have ever forgotten the answer. How he had brought fish to land and back, too, was something she had not remembered, if she had ever known. At this part of his speech, her eyebrows raised a little. So at some point, she had affected over at least some under his domain.

"Yes, that only makes sense. And it is the simplest answers that are most often the correct ones. Thank you for the insight," she said sincerely with a nod. "This is why I enjoy speaking with those of our kind," she said, referring to other immortals, "you can truly discuss everything at a higher level, one that very few, if any, mortals can ever reach." A rare smile crossed her muzzle at she stared at him. She found this quite enjoyable, being able to just chat with an equal.

She thought back- she could remember meeting the Ocean, though it was not in this lifetime, it seemed very distant- she wondered if the memory was actually the Ocean or another god that just seemed like it. As for the Air… "I don't remember ever meeting the one with the domain of Air either… Must keep to itself," she mused aloud.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:40 am
Light Atago

Din seemed to accept what he said rather well, and so he smiled and bowed his head as she thanked him. "You are most welcome. We do not reincarnate very often, and so We have come to know a lot over Our lifetimes." Some Gods were reborn more often than others, and so Bahari'nswi couldn't help but feel proud of the fact that he survived where countless other Gods passed away and were reborn, for whatever reason.

When she spoke of how Air must've kept to himself, a thoughtful expression touched his face. "Although We are always happy to meet others of Our kind, We do not actively seek out the company of anyone. Our Domain provides Us with all the company We need." His coral pink eyes looked over the purple Goddess. "We imagine that your Domain is not always so well-received by ignorant land-dwelling mortals."


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:34 pm
The darker goddess listened as Bahari spoke. She didn't doubt that he had no trouble finding company when he wanted it, given his domain. "I don't usually seek anyone out either. No one in particular, that is." Din commented. "I have a familiar that usually gives me more than enough company if I can't come across anybody. She's amusing." Din smiled at Bahari's later words- it was almost as though she had spoken to him before and told him these things herself. One of the things that jaded her the most about mortals was their lack of appreciation for all her domain did for them. They may believe, but they certainly did not appreciate. Had these thoughts been so obviously written on her? She must hide them better in the future, she thought.

Smile still on her muzzle, she responded, "Mortals are fools, at least those on land. They do not understand what it is I do for them. So many look to the sky and wish their deepest wishes that they could defy my domain. But if they had their wish granted, they may not like it. Flying is one thing, weightlessness is another altogether. You know it well, I'm sure," she said, snapping herself out of a more angry emotional state and regaining her composure. "Yes, you and those of your domain know it well, but are well adapted to it- it is as it should be. Were, say, lions to float around weightlessly through the air, I don't doubt that they would all die. I give them strength by giving them something to work against, but they do not see it. It is most irritating."

She thought back to times all but forgotten. She remembered a time in a past life when she revealed herself to a group of mortals, expecting their adoration and praise. She kept them grounded, gave them something to work against. Even something as minuscule as allowing their manes to fall just-so and more or less stay put, keeping them looking sharp. The power of her domain even moved the heavens- an understanding that she kept largely to herself.

However, instead of blessing, they had cursed her. Blamed her for making them fall and stub their claw, not letting them fly, holding them down. She did all of those things, but they had said it like it was a bad thing. They had chased her away- and the goddess had held them in low regard ever since. Mortals on the whole were too foolish to understand, and too short-lived to place any stock in. Gods like the one in front of her, though, were wise enough to recognize what it meant to hold a domain, and that all domains were needed in balance.

She decided to remove her thoughts from such things. The events were so long ago, and those with whom they transpired were all passed beyond death's gate. "Tell me, I imagine the mammal mortals like your domain for a different reason than you would hope. Do you dislike them when they eat your fish? I imagine that's a large irritation, and possibly even something sorrowful." She couldn't imagine if mortals ate bits of gravity- it would drive her mad. The goddess' lips were curled in a small smile- for once not one that was mocking or malicious, but one of rueful understanding. How good it was to meet a god who seemed to understand her own deeper troubles right off the bat… How interesting.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:15 am
Light Atago

As Bahari'nswi listened to the Goddess of Gravity speak of what would happen should she strip the mortals of her Domain, he couldn't help but smirk. He was often tempted to drag the most insolent of mortals in to the sea and show them what his larger fish were capable of. A fitting punishment, in his mind, for those who ate his creations without a second thought. "Are you not tempted to lift your Domain, just for a while, to show them the folly of their wishes?"

Coincidently, considering that he had just been thinking about those who disrespected his Domain, Din then brought up those that ate his fish. He frowned, shaking his mane out indignantly as he did so. "Sadly, We cannot be everywhere at once. Mortals feast on Our creations without a second thought, and are often able to get away with it simply because We were not there to stop them. It is not just the mammals on land either." His eyes flashed darkly. "Creatures larger than elephants roam the seas, eating not only the smallest and most vulnerable of Our creations, but also attacking Our most magnificent creations simply for the fun of it."

If there was one thing that made the God of Fish angry, it was the whales and dolphins that plagued his Domain. They were his worst enemies, and should he ever encounter the one in charge of them, he was determined to destroy them. The few creatures on land that ate his fish paled in comparison. Yet, there were a few exceptions. In order to guarantee worship, sometimes sacrifices had to be made. "The mortal world is sometimes more complicated than We would like."


Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:24 am
"Oh so tempted," Din said with a low growl in her voice at the thought. "Most aren't worth the display of power, but I have seen some in the past whose ignorance tests the limits of my patience. If I wanted to I could reduce one of them slowly over their lives, too…" Now that she thought of it, she might hope to come across someone so foolish as to push her to that. Without her, mortals would have nothing against which to gain strength- she could easily weaken one. He would live a normal life until he encountered another- but he would grow frailer and weaker with each setting sun. "Perhaps that's a meaner punishment than showing them weightlessness altogether. But again, most mortals aren't worth the time to see my power."

Din listened thoughtfully to what her counterpart had to say, and it was most enlightening. There were yet mysteries in the mortal world that she did not know of or understand. She had never heard of larger not-fish that might eat fish in the seas. She wondered to herself if she would ever see one, or perhaps, if she already had and had simply forgotten over the ages of her lives. "I was unaware of such beasts," Din said consolingly. She could tell by his face that he thought of these creatures as she thought of nay-saying mortals. A small frown creased her muzzle.

"Indeed it is," she said to his last remark. "If you don't mind, I would like to see these large creatures for myself. They are an offense to your domain, but perhaps they also are to mine. I cannot fathom how one so large may float even in the seas. Perhaps they are an offense to my domain as well, and if so, maybe we can unite against a common foe," Din suggested, unfurling her wings. She rarely made alliances, but she felt that she and Bahari'nswi shared a common mindset. He would make a good friend, if she dared to call him that.

"Perhaps I'll see you around in the future?" She asked as she prepared to depart. "Best of luck defending your creations, the mortal world is indeed a difficult place to work with."

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:37 pm
Light Atago

Bahari'nswi could sense the genuine disdain that Din had for mortals. It was not unlike his hatred of the marine mammals that so plagued his Domain. For Gods like them though, mortals were a necessary evil. Although he decided not to say anything, it worried him somewhat that his new friend seemed so very against the mortal world. Would the strength that her Domain held over the mortals truly be enough to sustain her forever? Was it really possible for a God to exist without worship?

It wasn't his place to question such things, and so he just nodded in quiet agreement. When she expressed an interest in his enemies in the ocean, he raised a brow. For a Goddess who seemingly had no power beneath the waves, she seemed eager to investigate, despite the potential danger. "Do not underestimate them. They will do whatever they can to manipulate you. They are convincing liars."

Bahari'nswi had never really considered trying to bring other Gods in to his vendetta against the marine mammals he hated so much. Not until today anyway. Din's offer of possibly uniting against them would be something he would welcome with open paws.

"It has been a pleasure to meet you Din. We hope that you will consider Us a friend, and will seek Us out after you have seen Our enemies for yourself." With that, he turned and made his way back to the river from which he came."

(( Finished! ))  


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