Uri was fast on his feet in the rogue lands. He didn't mind spending time out here but when he was out here he always had someone to find or something to do. There was no time for lollygagging.

Today he was on his way home, he was looking for a cub but he had just got word that the cub had wondered back home on his own. Apparently he had been out looking for an adventure and forgot to tell anyone before he left.

Uri surpressed a small smile, when he was a cub he would NEVER have dreamed of going out into the rogue lands it wasn't till he was a teen that he had found the wonders of the lands beyond his own prides borders.

It was hot. Are deicded that early on in her venture into the desert. But it wasn't unbarable. She wanted to explore it - it seemed fun at the time, but her bird companion, abandoned her early on with promises to meet her in the grassy plains later on. This happened probably too often for the bird, but Are rolled her shoulders and carried on a cheerful as ever.

She had to have an adventure - nothing would keep her down, not even her wingged companions complaints. Still, it was lonely walking in the hot desert!

She wondered if anyone else lived here - she saw the ocassional bird or other critter that wandered by, but they had little interest in her thus far. Perhaps someone else, she pondered.

Uri spotted the brightly coloured cheetah a mile away. The large red lion wasn't use to seeing such flamboyant colours. He immediately found himself drawn to her.

Doing his best to put a smile on his face, and a smile that wouldn't show his teeth. Uri moved towards her. He kept his pace steady he didn't want to appear to be charging her. Uri knew from lions that had joined the pride from the outside lands that in general the lions of the firekin were a large sort, and he wasn't that big compared to many of the firekins he lived with but he had enough bulk to him that he may appear intimidating.

"Hello there" he said his voice quite and gentle.

Are was quite pleased when she noticed another approaching She had met her fair share of nasty creatures, but she always felt she had to take a chance. No matter the size, another creature might be vicious or kind - or even cold, passive, anything! It was always a gamble and one that excited her.

"Hello!" She greeted in turn, pleased that the large lion hadn't decided to eat her quite yet. "Do you live here?"

Uri was pleased when the female cheetah proved to be of the friendly nature. He rarely saw other creatures out here but when he did they were usually half near dead. This cheetah seemed to be of fairly good health.

"I do live around here miss do you need assistance." Uri still used his gentle tone he was use to using it around his mother who had a weak mind. In truth Uri wasn't sure how much assistance he could really offer her but he felt that it was polite to offer. Hopefully if she needed anything it would be simple enough for him to do.

Are was a bit excited to hear that the lion was from the near-barren lands. She was sure she was really close to a pride's lands but that didn't scare her a lot. Perhaps she should be, but it was something she could shrug off at the moment.

"Not assistance, exactly! I'm just exploring. Is there anything interesting here?" She asked. "Or does it just go on for miles like this?" She wasn't sure if she could survive the sun-baked lands for more than a few days - the lion seemed a lot sturdier than she was though. Are was thin, even for a cheetah, because she often found the adventure more thrilling than the chase of a hunt.

Uri smiled, "I cant saythere is much of anything exciting here." Uri told her in honestly. Though of course he hadn't really been anywhere... he just assumed that there must be more exciting things out there, all that was here was sand a rocks.

"There isn't really much of anything out here." Uri said as he looked around. "If you go that way you would find my pride.... I don't recomend that you go that way... they aren't always the most welcoming bunch of lions and there is a bit of a war going on." Uri shook his head as he spoke, he stayed out of the politics and the wars he just went about living his life.

"Not to far that way" he said as gestured in the opposite direction of the pride, "You can find a decent watering hole.... its often quite busy I would recomend going at night if you are up its slightly quieter then.

The sunny cheetah groaned in disappointment. Nothing then! It was just her luck to venture this way and find nothing. She was sure the pride was hellishly interesting, but she did actually have some value to her life. She gave a small sigh. "Not even some caves or tunnels?" She asked. It did just seem like flatness, and dunes wherever she looked. Oh well! Perhaps she would have better luck somewhere else.

"A watering hole you say? Maybe there's something interesting there!" She bounced excited for a moment.

Uri smiled, so it was true his home lands were pretty well the most boring place on earth. He was okay with it, he knew no different, but he was a little curious about what else was out there. His job as a tracker didn't take him too far out usually and in truth he knew he would never leave the pride, his mom was here... his mom needed him.

"I would hazard a guess that if you went to the watering hole while it was busy you would at very least you would find some interesting character. Watering holes seem to collect all sort of different creatures." he said with a grin.

"Its not a far walk from here just about an hours walk straight that way." he told her with a nod. Uri ddin't knwo a lot but he did know this area he had spent the last two days looking for a cub out here.

"Thanks!" She said cheerful. If she could find something interesting here, it wouldn't be a lot. Still, she was curious about this pride of strangely large lions. Perhaps if she could sneak in and check it out without anyone knowing...

Though, she was pretty brightly colored in this area. She hummed softly, nodding at him. "I'll check it out! Thanks again for telling me about the water hole!" With that, the bright cheetah bounced off, in search of the thing the lion spoke of.