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Mihika stretched out against the soft ground. Everything here was quiet and in a way the emptiness of the lands around her was peaceful. Rather than being crowded into a den area of many families the leopardess could actually enjoy a fresh breeze that didn’t carry another’s scent or noise. So nice. Sighing she closed her eyes and just let the wind ruffle her fur. Couldn’t she just linger out here in peace for a while? Her whole being was made to roam these lands rather than be a solitary creature…yet finding one lion had changed her whole outlook.

Sometimes even she didn’t understand where her world was going.

And so just like all good things Mihika was accepting the fact that this familiarity wasn’t to last. After all she had seen Obadias and the way he paced about the lands. He was missing something, a familiar comfort, and it didn’t take her much to figure out that he would be wanting a new home soon. A pride for family and protection. Mihika just shook her head quietly. If he knew more about my old friend and how she lives with such a clan…[.i]

How was Nia doing?

Shyama had taken to wandering the rogue lands as of late. Just like her grandmother the leopardess thrived in the shadows and was like a shadow herself. It was all too easy to slip into the night savannah and to disappear into the darkness. Her only regret was the markings that she had inherited from her parents that kept her apart from being a true shadow like her grandmother.

Still she had bonded closely with the older leopardess and it was a reason why seeing another leopard out here gave her pause. Normally Shyama would have just continued on her way, but the familiar markings of the green leopardess gave her pause. Could it be? Tilting her head the shadow slipped up closer to look at the brown swirls that adorned the older feline’s back. She even looks to be about the same age…

Of course her quiet wouldn’t last either.

Blinking open one eye the leopardess sighed, “Are you going to stare at me forever now or just move on?” Stretching out her legs Mihika easily pulled herself up from the ground so that she could walk over and stare down the figure perched in the taller grasses, “Seriously though what are ya doin’?” The younger girl didn’t seem dangerous at all, but was rather intent on staring her down.

Surprised at being caught Shyama had just found herself staring instead, “So-sorry!” Tail flicking behind her the leopardess flushed, “I was surprised because I think I might know you…” Her cheeks warmed even more at the statement, “Sorry that sounded creepy!” Shaking her head the leopardess looked up, “Nia! Nia is my grandmother and I’ve heard about a friend of her’s that looks like you.”

Maybe it was the homesickness from wandering, but seeing a familiar figure that reminded her of her grandmother stirred the leopardess. It was all too strange, “Mihika was her name, but I’m probably being silly thinking it’s you.” She bowed her head, “My apologies for bothering you.”

As the other leopardess turned to leave Mihika finally managed to reach out, “Hey wait! You aren’t bein’ crazy…” She laughed, “I really am Mihika and if your grandmother is the shadow Nia then I do know her.” Grandmother though…what a weird word! The thought sent a shiver down her spine. So strange to hear that…

Not that she was that young herself, but still to think of the Nia that she hadn’t seen in ages as a grandmother. It definitely was a strange feeling. I guess we do need to retire soon. The thought made her chuckle a bit more, “Are you traveling with her? Last time I checked she had made a home with some big lion and was takin’ over the area there with cubs.”

So this really was the Mihika! Shyama felt relieved that she wasn’t crazy for her actions, but still felt a bit flustered. Coming out of the shadows to approach a stranger for no reason? It really wasn’t like her at all. But it was nice to see someone that her grandmother knew. Surely Nia will love to hear about me finding her old friend. She knew her grandmother had two good friends from her cubhood that she would think of from time to time and this Mihika was one of them.

“She’s still there.” Shyama smiled faintly, “But it’s not just her and Abrafo, their cubs had cubs and those cubs had cubs…we really are like our own clan or army really.” She shrugged, “But not all of us stay and some wander away for a bit before returning home to check in. I’m Kamau’s daughter from a fling and since papa wanders as well I figured it was time for me to go see the world as well.”

So Kamau was grown up now. Mihika shook her head. Since her little Amani was grown up it was no surprise that Nia’s son was already a father as well. Still though! The strange feeling just kept going down her spine. I don’t know how to feel about this getting old business. But another part of her was slightly disappointed. Even though she got to find out about Nia’s life and to hear that she was doing well it would have been nice to see her old friend one last time.

Maybe just maybe I might be able to wander in that direction before settling down one last time.

“So how is the world?” She suddenly turned back to Shyama, “Is it as scary as you thought?”

Shyama’s fur bristled, “No not at all!” She shook her head, “I’m a trained warrior so there’s not much out there to frighten me…” Trailing off she flushed, “Oh…you were teasing me.” She really was like her grandmother. Always teasing and messing around with her, “But it’s not bad. Are you still on your own out here though Mihika? Grandma didn’t know much about what had happened with you or Lalika…”

“Well then I guess it would only be fair for me to let you know about my life then too. Surely you can see Nia one day if I can’t and let her know about my crazy adventures as well.” Mihika grinned, “Come on there’s a waterhole nearby if you want to refresh yourself and I can ramble there like the old feline I am.” She wish though she could see Nia’s face at hearing that she too had fallen for a lion. The irony of that…falling for a species that the three of them had once refused to get along with…Mihika just chuckled as they headed further along, “So what’s your name?”

“Shyama. My name’s Shyama.”

Shyama another shadow from the shadow’s line…Mihika just smiled at the thought as they continued down the path where she could ramble about her life while letting the younger feline rest up. Hopefully though someday she too could go and ramble to Nia herself. It was about time that a reunion was due.

(1196 WC)