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[PRP-Viking] Words Mean Little... (Ran x Tollak x Cothoza)

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Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:40 pm
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Cothoza was a tad greedy. He liked things.

Shiny objects, pelts, bones. He particularly liked skulls and had been on the route of making a collection of them. Yes, Cothoza did indeed like things, and rightfully so in his opinion. What dwarf didn't like things? What member of the Dvergr's Dracen clan was not greedy by default? In fact, not only were most of his kin greedy but they were violent and stubborn. Warriors, through and through.

Cothoza often wished he could speak, but sometimes he was glad he could not. His roar was damaged, but fearsome plenty. He could act mean and frustrated and he found that because of his muteness others often regarded this behavior as him just being frustrated at the inability to talk. This was mostly the case, but not always. Sometimes he just felt like messing with them. It brought a smile to his maw.

Today Cothoza had wandered out in search of treasure. More pretty items to add to his den. Little did he know who he'd be crossing paths with soon enough...


Tollak sighed heavily. "ugh." he moaned.

Why were vikings so incredibly dull and boring? I mean, of course they weren't all boring, but from his few outtings he'd been on, Tollak hadn't experienced much excitement in a while. Mostly he had just been digging around in the dirt and bringing back bones and feathers as prizes.

'Lame' he had thought at the time. Oh, but that wasn't the worst of it. Not only had he brought back useless junk (in his opinion) but he also had yet to capture a stupid thrall! That's all he wanted! A nice good battle and coming home victorious. But was he going to get it?

Another sigh escaped the reaver as he pouted about his lack of fun. He was under the command of Captain Ragnvard now and walked alongside his leader moping pitifully. He might have respected the guy, and any captain there was but that didn't mean Tollak was inclined to act any different then usual around them...

"What are we looking for today?" He asked, praying for an answer that didn't bore him even further. He trusted Ragnvard to have a good plan in store, he seemed to be a fun captain at the very least.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:51 am
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The large, scar-covered Captain walked with an easy, powerful stride. Thickly maned head held high as he scanned the horizon. Usually he would have sent advanced scouts ahead to determin the lie of the land and any possible points of interest. But today he was planning something a little different. Tollak was new to his band and Ragnvard, while a very boodthirsty male, was not about to entrust his life and that of his reavers to an untested youth. So far from what he had heard of the young grey male beside him, no one had given the kid a chance to test himself. Though why they were coddling the young male was beyond him. A reaver was only as useful as his claws and witts, and hiding the pride's future Captains from a good fight was not going to make them strong and fearsome.

So he had decided to recruit more of the youthful generation into his band. And under his guidence he would ensure they grew up to be fearless and skilled Stormborn.

Glancing down at Tollak as he spoke he snorted low in his throat. This one would require much work, being sullen and wholy uninterested in their surroundings, but he had potential and Ragnvard was determined to bring it out in him.

"What do you think we are looking for? A good fight. If we find a thrall, we will bring it in. Or we may just kill a few hyena." He shrugged. "What did you think we were doing out here?" Slowing he suddenly stared forwards again, then stalked past Tollak and dropped his nose to the faint tracks he had spotted in the sandy ground.

"Here." He stepped to the side and indicated towards the tracks. "Tell me what you smell." He asked, eyes fixed on the younger. This was the first test... and would tell Ragnvard just how much useful tracker training Tollak had done.



Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:22 pm

He smiled slightly. Fighting was fun. Blood was delicious and fighting was a key way to taste some. Also, Tollak couldn't resist a good fight to begin with. Blinding his brother proved this, but Tollak always told himself that Stigtyr deserved it. Stupid, big, thrall sympathizing oaf. He was practically begging for Tollak to slash at his eyes...

"Last time I was out here the captain of that band only wanted to find sticks and stuff." He snorted in being utterly unimpressed. He hadn't really gotten to fight anything before, even killing hyenas seemed exciting.

When Ragnvard asked for him to sniff dirt and tell him what was so special of it, Tollak fought an eye roll before approaching and sniffing the ground. He expected maybe the paw prints belonged to a leopard or a cheetah or something of the sort, but no, it was not. It was...


"It's a lion." He said, grinning now. "These tracks aren't old, it hasn't gotten far."

Cothoza hadn't gotten far because he had stopped moving altogether. He wasn't scared, it wasn't anything like that. He had found something of interest.

With his head held high the smaller lion moved to where something was buried in the sand, and began to dig furiously to see it fully. A trinket. a metal? Maybe it was just a skull, but it was something and that made it worthy of being his. He didn't even look up as he attempted to reach his treasure. When the scent of two lions crossed his nose however, he looked up. Lowly, he issued a growl.

This was his new item, no rogue was going to take it!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:01 am
“Sticks? What good are sticks? We have plenty of those in our forest… Who ever he was, he was a very poor reaver.” Snorting in disgust Ragnvard shook his head, unable to understand how some lions even made it into the ranks of the reavers. Some of them needed to be put out of their misery, and his too. Huffing he watched his newest protégé. Well, what could become his protégé if the young male got his act together.

Ragnvard narrowed his eyes at the younger’s cubbish behaviour. That would be the first thing he would fix if Tollak passed his test. But the younger saved himself from a brutal cuff to the head by accurately describing the scent. Good, at least he had the basics of tracking down. A lazy smile curled the Captain’s muzzle, pleasantly surprised when Tollak even gave him an accurate time frame for the trail as well.

Good…. So far he was looking to be an encouraging prospect, despite the amount of work he would require.

Nodding slowly he waited for Tollak to stop sniffing and then set off, his stride long and powerful, yet it was a pace Ragnvard could keep up for hours. Not that they would need to today. Soon enough the black shape came into view and Ragnvard smirked darkly, golden eyes narrowing. Slowing to a halt he turned from their quarry to his young recruit.

“What do you do upon sighing your target?” He asked, holding out a foreleg to prevent the over-enthusiastic youngster from charging off willy nilly. It would be a good way to get him and his fellow reavers killed in a real fight.



Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:19 am

Tollak was glad his new captain agreed that sticks hardly passed as being treasure. He had tried to explain to Skall, the other reaver on that viking, how useless sticks were but Skall seemed to trust the captain knew what he was doing. Even though Tollak could sense that Skall too, felt it was a poor use of their time.

The major difference between the two however (besides the obvious age difference of course) was that while Skall would prefer to think through his actions before acting out on them Tollak wasn't concerned with what possibilities awaited him. He'd jump off a cliff it it meant potential success.

Though when Ragnvard stopped him from bolting off towards the black lion Tollak was forced to actually think about the consequences of his actions. "Well, we... um." He was going to say sneak up on them, but their prey was glaring at them which told Tollak he already knew where they were.

"We catch him off guard." He said calmly. "If we act friendly he won't suspect anything."

He gazed upon the two big lions in the distance. He wasn't frightened of them for their size, but Cothoza was beginning to doubt his ability to fend two giants off in battle. He could take one, he was certain of it. He might have been tiny but Cothoza packed a mean punch when needed and fighting brilliantly to defend what was his counted as needed.

If worst came to worst he could flee. The treasure looked small enough to snatch up in his teeth so like a smart lion he could flee his potential doom. Though his stubbornness told him to stay. He sensed he could win against at least one of the two before him and he was willing to do just that, even if it meant losing at the paws of the other.

It then occurred to him that maybe they had no intention of taking his treasure. Another reason to stay where he was. Though his bright eyes remain fixated on the two before him. Waiting. He made a hoarse sounding grunt in their direction.

'What do you want?'

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:36 am
Ignoreing the smalish black male they had discovered he kept his attention focused on Tollack. Though anyone who thought he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings would have recieved a very unpleasent surprise.

"This time, yes. But ideally had we a full compliment of reavers we would have sent scouts ahead to locate him then plan an ambush accordingly. However, we have to make do with what we have today." Dropping his paw from the younger's chest he nodded for Tollack to take the lead. This was a test after all.

Still, he couldn't simply let the reaver dangle in the wind, as it were, and so it was Ragnvard's deep voice that echoed across the savanah as he answered their unsuspecting victim.

"Hello there. Might you not happen to know of a near by watering hole?" Of course they had no desire for such a thing, but as he spoke Ragnvard was already walking at a steady pace, closing the distance between them and the rogue.



Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:01 pm

Cothoza's yellow eyes glared as the strange big lions approached him. He felt his fur bristle. They had been talking about something, something his ears hadn't heard before they had decided to near him. He might have been half their sizes but only a fool would suspect at this point that Cothoza wasn't on edge.

He nodded at them with a snort, and turned his head behind as if to signal where indeed the watering hole was. But he watched their lack of interest as he turned and the scowl returned.

They wanted his treasure. He knew that was what this was about. A meeting to steal what he had found. Cothoza wouldn't have it. His fur was still bristled and his teeth were now bared. He at first had decided he'd wait for them to pass and go to their little place to drink water but a quick second decision changed the dwarf lion's mind. He sprung at the first of the two to near him, he was a warrior after all. Though despite this his goal wasn't to draw blood but to instigate fear, scare them away so he could go back to digging more treasures up in solitude.

Tollak, having taken the lead almost leaped away from Ragnvard like a caged animal bolting away to freedom. He slowed his pace to a more friendly and less aggressive one, more like a travelers footsteps then a reaver wanting to sink his teeth into skin. He was about to call out a friendly greeting to go with his captain's non-hostile question, but unfortunately for Tollak that was when the rogue came bolting towards him.

And for once Tollak had not suspected the lion before him wanted a battle. He thought maybe he was running away from something or trying to warn them of a danger to turn around. Benefit of the doubt and all that. His theory had proven itself wrong when he felt the stocky build of the black smallish rogue pound into him and knock the air out of his lungs.

"oof-" He had fallen to his side as the rogue looked like he was roaring, although no sound actually came out. He didn't attack Tollak again though, but stood there "fake growling" at him. How odd.

The gray reaver was quick to his feet, and happily returned the wind knocking blow with a headbutt of his own.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:43 am
Ragnvard had to remind himself to have patience as young Tollak sprang ahead. Not exactly the behaviour of a couple of travellers.. Still, this was hardly a formal viking so he merely followed along behind, rather curious as to how the youngster was going to handle the situation.

The hard hit made Ragnvard wince, though it was an amused smirk that curled across his maw. Even if Tollak and this strange black male were intent on making this the strangest fight in history, it did at least look like it could be an interesting one. The rogue certainly had a lot more brawn than brain.

Sniffing lightly, trying to hide the laugh that wanted to spill free, Ragnvard shook his head at the silent roar. Maybe the stranger was brain damaged? It would certainly decrease his value as a thrall. Since contrary to the rogue's thoughts the two vikings were not interested in his megre treasure, but in him. And Ragnvard had originally planned on capturing the male and dragging him home. But if he was indeed dim-witted, it may be more trouble than he was worth...

Finally with a lazy indraw of breath, Ragnvard let loose his own roar, the sound splitting the air about them and making the ground vibrate under their paws. Without pause his body followed on the heels of his voice, shot forwards from powerful hind quarters, striking the black male full on with the solid breadth of the Captain's chest. Fangs already bared and driving forward for a taste of flesh, the Captain's visage possessing a truly savage countenance.



Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:50 am
A roar, a real roar came from the other traveler. It was that it occurred to Cothoza that maybe he hadn't thought this out clearly. He could handle one giant, but two? The first had headbutted him after Cothoza had firmly knocked him over, and dazed the darker lion into take a very dizzy steps back.

Then he was attacked by the second lion. All he knew was he saw the large foe leaping at him, looking wild and mad in the mind. Beastly. Savage. Call it what you will in that moment Cothoza compared Ragnvard to that of the devil. He again, made a soundless, noiseless roar as he felt his attacker sink his teeth into him. Ow, that was so not worth a trinket.

'Get off! Get off!' He scratched furiously the lion's face. 'You win, just get off!!"' He was able to issue a small, mundane sounding growl. A nice slash across his attackers face would enable him to get away. That had turned into his primary goal, not fighting but fleeing. He had bit off more then he could chew...

Tollak stood and watched for the most part, although he had at least positioned himself for if the rogue tried to run he'd be able to catch him without so much as breaking a sweat.

He wasn't quite sure what to do, he hadn't actually fought a rogue before. Or captured a thrall. As the rogue struggled to get away Tollak made soft growls of his own. A reminder to his enemy that he was not alone, that even if he someone managed to escape his captain that he'd have Tollak to deal with.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:29 am
Ragnvard felt his fangs sink into the thick mane and a wave of fierce, triumphant pleasure swept through him. But he had to be careful. He was not fighting to kill, but to subdue. A dead thrall was even worse than loosing one. At least if one escaped you could track it down later. But a dead one was dead forever…

Careful not to lock his jaw too tight but yet keeping his grip tight enough to slowly suffocate his target, he growled low, wincing as sharp claws dug at his face. Suddenly a sharp pain struck him full on as hot blood blinded him in one eye and a roar of pain erupted from his jaws. The shock and pain caused a momentarily loosening of his grip, and the rogue’s furious squirming and flailing rendered the choke hold useless. Blinded by blood and fur Ragnvard struggled to retain his grip on the black male.

(Figured Cothoza should escape soon, before they manage to trap him?)


Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:38 pm
When the opportunity finally arose Cothoza was quick to leap at his chance of a get away. He wiggled free after having scratched the demon-lion's face and turned to bolt as fast as he could. He paid no mind the streaks of blood that escaped free from his coat. Scars would heal and was being killed really worth his treasure? No. No it was not.

He was faced with the snarling and growling face of Tollak but even that wasn't going to stop him from getting the heck out of there.

Tollak pushed his feet off the ground and leap with claws intent on ripping into flesh. He had no intent of allowing this rogue to run free and was quick to try and stop him, but slightly overestimated himself. Or rather underestimated the rogue.

Tollak hadn't caught a rogue before, and so while he really, really tried, this was a catch that wasn't going to happen.

Cothoza didn't wait for Tollak to finish his pounce, and ducked before the larger lion could ram into him. Since he was much smaller then even the average lion the giant greatly misjudged how high he should have leaped, and went soaring over his head.

'Ha!' Cothoza thought with a grin of success as he turned to look back at Tollak who landed with a thud. 'Take that. Idiot.'

Tollak hurried to get to his feet. Oh no... no, no, no, he couldn't just let the rogue, the first real thrall in his sights run away! He started taking off after Cothoza, went it became clear the smaller lion was quick then him Tollak slowed to a halt.

Panting to catch his breath he turned to Ragnvard. He didn't say anything but his eyes seemed to convey it all. 'What now, captain?'

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:37 am
With his one good eye, Ragnvard watched, and winced, as his charge over-powered his leap and went flying right over the escaping rogue. Huffing out a breath as the over-enthusastic youngster scrambled after their quarry, the experienced Captain carefully cleaned the blood from his eye with one scarred forepaw. There was no rush.The rogue was wounded and bleeding, leaving a nice, glaringly obvious trail for them to follow at their leaisure. Standing he padded slowly up to where Tollak stood looking miffed and frustrated. Giving the younger male a lazy smirk Ragnvard tipped his maw in the direction the rogue had fled in.

"No need to worry. He isn't getting away so easy. This is all part of the roguelands, it is never predictable. If we are lucky, he will lead us directly to his family, or pride. It is far from over..." Giving his face one last rub against his foreleg the relaxed Captain set off, following the trail of blood stains and the rich scent of terrified lion.

(Sooo sorry this took me so long to finish. We can assume the trail runs cold eventually and the pair return to their pride?)


Allied Recalibrator


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:24 pm
(Sooo sorry this took me so long to finish. We can assume the trail runs cold eventually and the pair return to their pride?)

(No worries, take all the time you need with tags. Also, that works for me!)  
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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