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Iaeratu ran for three days. She stopped to sleep, but she bundled the duo deep in dens, covered their scent with fruits and flowers, trying to mask them underneath obnoxious smells. She talked to strangers, convinced them to walk the same path that they had travelled, confuse the scents. She wasn't sure if she was being followed but she was free.

She would not slip up now.

On the third day, she was growing exhausted, and both the cub and the hare were growing restless. She knew she was pushing herself, and them, too far, so when they stumbled upon a spring, she stopped and encouraged them to swim and play. They were young. Even the hare was reasonable young, despite her motherly attitude. It was concerning. The hare should have been food, but it seemed the cub was attached to it. Awkward.

"Will you play as well?" Mirae asked, from the water where she paddled childishly in circles, enjoying the freedom of movement. The last few days she had simply been a passenger, her own muscles growing sore and listless at not being able to move. She was so thrilled to move again, but she knew it would end badly for her later, because her muscles would ache. It would be nice to get a lift then, she mused, having enjoyed the security of the older lioness' protection.

Shae had also jumped into the water, kicking her strong back legs to move swiftly about in the water.

She smiled at them, but she shook her head. "I'll keep watch," she said gently, trying not to worry them. She didn't believe that they were safe just yet.

As if to prove her wise to keep watch, a figure began to approach from the distance and she froze.

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Star had left her father's den and travelled a few days. She was careful not to travel too far, wanting to be nearby if she needed his help but wanting to give the couple their own privacy. She enjoyed spending time with her Papa but she had a feeling that his mate probably wanted him all to herself sometimes. So she was happy to oblige. It was rather boring on her own, she mused to herself as she walked towards the local watering hole.

She wasn't surprised to see it in use, as it was a pretty popular spot with locals and with passer-bys. What was surprising was the strangers reaction to her approaching. She tensed, as if waiting for Star to attack. Well that was ridiculous. The pale lioness wouldn't attack anyone, let alone someone with a cub.

She gave a warm smile. "Hello! I'm just getting a drink, no need to mind me," she assured gently, but didn't approach the watering hole, waiting for the OK to do so, because she didn't want to start anything with the stranger.

She was surprised, and relieved, when the stranger stated their intentions before approaching, even waiting for her approval before she approached the watering hole. "Sorry, just a bit nervous around strangers," Iaeratu offered with a fakely warm smile. She wasn't necessarily a 'warm' individual usually, but she could pretend to be if she had to. She motioned for the stranger to come and drink, but kept a close watch on Shae and Mirae.

As if sensing Iaeratu's nervousness, Shae rallied Mirae closer to the shore, and closer to Iaeratu so that if anything happened, they would be close to their new protector.

Mirae didn't see the point in all that though and smiled warmly at the stranger. "We're running!" she exclaimed in excitement. "You're pretty," she added, in the childish innocence that only cubs could get away with, and giggled as she paddled around in the water, unaware that she probably should have said neither things.

Iaeratu froze once again at the words of the child and cursed inwardly. "She means we're playing a game," she tried to excuse, but she feared her voice was a bit too uncertain to really play off the comment well enough.

Already concerned for the stranger who seemed so nervous around her, a slim feline as herself was hardly a threat, her concern only rose at the cubs words. Although the adult tried to pass it off as nothing, it still made her worry. She stayed silent as she approached the banks of the water, and began to sip at it, contemplating.

"If you need help, I have a den nearby that you can use for the night," she offered the stranger softly, knowing that she couldn't not offer the help. "Or my father is a few days walk from here, he has many dens around the savanna. They all smell strongly of him, so your scents would be hard to find," she added, mostly talking to the adult but smiling at the hare and cub who would obviously be listening in.

"and thank you little one for your compliment," she added to Mirae, smiling.

Iaeratu was rather stunned at the offer. "Why are you offering to help?" She asked, obviously suspicious of the stranger.

Star smiled at her. "Because you need it?" To Star, raised lovingly, and raised well, that was all that mattered. If someone needed help, it was only right that she give it to them.

She stared at her paws for a moment before looking up to meet the strangers eyes. She could see no malice hiding there, no lingering darkness nor any ill-will. She seemed to honestly want to help. "Perhaps we might use the den for tonight, it would be good for us to rest for a while." It was only mid-day but she knew Shae and Mirae could use an afternoon of fun. If they could frolic in the water for a while, they would be much better off for it, and if they had a den to stay in, Iaeratu would not have to rush them off.

"Does that mean I get to play in the water for a while?" She asked and upon receiving a nod of approval from Iaeratu, squealed in excitement as she began to splash about. "Yay! Yay!" She called out cheerfully, and beamed.

"M'name is Mirae! And this is Shae! And that's Iaeratu!" she announced cheerfully, providing all the introductions and staring expectantly at the stranger.

Star nodded at Iaeratu. "Of course. Whatever you need," she assured before turning her attention to Mirae. She grinned back at the cub, enjoying her enthusiasm.

"Hello Mirae, Shae and Iaeratu," she returned the greeting. "My name is Star."

Mirae's eyes lit up in excitement. "Star? I love stars!" She beamed, thrilled to have found a person named after her most favourite thing in the world.

"This is the best day!" she announced childishly, drawing laughter from Star and Shae, while Iaeratu remained cautious but slightly more relaxed at the presence of the stranger. The day was OK. So far.

(WC: 1153)