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"You're my...grandfather?"

Words dropped from Thrain's mouth a layer of confusion that he had not felt in his life since the time he had decided to leave the Pridelands. That had been confusion on if it was a good decision for him, this...this was an entirely different kind of uncertainty. The two male lions sat beneath an acacia tree while the rest of his travelling party were feeding beside the lionesses that called Durin's pride home. Durin. It was a name he knew now, but it still felt strange, yet someone familiar. It was similar to his father's name, Dumac and even felt right when compared to his own name, Thrain. Still, learning that his grandfather lived and in the unclaimed lands no less was...shocking. He had always thought those from his father's side of the family were deceased, yet here one sat, the patriarch of the entire clan no less.

"I am, though it seems Dumac never spoke of me. I knew you existed, but I didn't know where you were." Durin's words were slow, precise and heavy as he avoided any eye contact to his grandson. "He came by shortly after you were born, told me he was leaving for some lioness in the Pridelands. Sure, I wasn't happy he was leaving me. I was getting old, still am," The seriousness was broken by a small chuckle. "But I was happy he had found someone. My lifestyle had never suited him much. I understood that and knew he'd leave some day, but...I hadn't thought it would come so soon."

Thrain's ears fell back as he listened carefully to ever word spoken. Turning his head to glance towards the pride. These lionesses, even some of the males that wandered under the moonlight...

"Aye, they're all your kin. All of those not of my blood left me long ago." There was still a part of him that yearned to see Damu and Asali again, to apologize for not caring for them better while they had been with him. At least he had been of some comfort to them before they left as well. "A few of them are cousins. Dis over there is one of my youngest direct children, though I have two other cubs by a cheetah who lives a little ways off. I feel she's afraid of lions, but still wants me to be a part of her children's life. I don't mind, at least I get to see them." His own golden eyes looked to Dis and then to her own children. Four beautiful girls and some of the only grandchildren he had actually been able to interact with. The only ones actually, up until now.

Durin turned his attention back to Thrain. "So where are you all heading?"

"The Pridelands, any more than that, I can't share." It was hard. He wanted to tell his grandfather everything that had been going on, but at the same time, he felt distant from him. Maybe it was because they had no bond except the one formed only an hour ago. It was small, fragile, but it was growing with every word.

Where Thrain had been expecting some pressure for information, he was met with only laughter from Durin. "Fair enough, boy. Can't blame an old man trying. Alright, how about this then. Where are you coming from?"

A faint smile spread across Thrain's face as the question got him thinking of home. "I'm coming from a pride...far to the north, hidden in the mountains and protected by gods. It's a...almost magical place where sometimes I feel like I can touch the sky, but it's stressful."

"Oh? How so?"

"There's pressure on me there, especially now. I'm a captain of the Bai Ren...guards." Thrain quickly corrected his speaking. There would be no way Durin would know what the hell Bai Ren meant. "I'm fairly high up, but still low at the same time. I've...progressed quickly and it feels as though because of that, there is pressure added to me to continue at the same pace I've been going."

"Then don't."

The two words caught Thrain off-guard, causing him to raise him head, a brow raised in question.

"You heard me; then don't. Screw what they want you to be. Be who you want to be. Do you want to go higher? Than go higher. If you're comfortable where you are, stay there." The elderly male's shoulders sank as he sighed. "Look, I don't know what Dumac, your mom or anyone else got into your head, but you don't have to force yourself to be great. Sure, you can aspire to it, do great things in your life, but you should want it. Don't do it to make anyone else happy."

That was wisdom he had expected from Shan, not some old rogue he met in the unclaimed lands, but maybe these unforgiving lands had made him wiser to the world. Thrain was still young after all, but...still. It put him in an odd position to have his grandfather give him such sound advice. "I..." Thrain could not get his words out, no matter how much he tried and he would not be able to before Durin reached a paw out, placing it upon his grandson's back and pulling him into a hug. "I know you need to get going as soon as the sun rises, but I'm glad I was able to meet you, Thrain."

Could he leave? Could he just up and leave and act like nothing that had happened mattered? Of course it mattered! Of course it would affect him! But he had a a duty to his emperor and a mission to complete. "We're actually ahead of schedule. I could stay another day, or even just half a way. I want to hear more about you!"

More laughter, but louder this time. "Alright, alright. Don't get your mane in a twist. You should get something to eat and rest first though. We can talk more in the morning. Go on." With a gentle nudge from the flat of Durin's head, the two parted for the moment.

[word count: 1029]