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Otieno may have been frowning, but it was only in thought. The hyena was in fact, quite pleased with himself.

Orange eyes stared into the gem, carefully studying his face. Although he had recently finished a fight, there seemed to be no scars on his face. Perfect. He expected no less of himself. He may have had to flee from the wild dog whom he had fought with, but he was still victorious. And, he was able to steal a little something from himself before he got away.

Everything was good. Great. Fantastic.

Nodding to himself, Otieno lowered his head and shrugged on the necklace with little difficulty. There was very little time to look over his sheer beauty. There were others to see, places to explore, and, most importantly, opponents to vanquish. The sun was still high in the sky; sleep could come at a later date.

It just so happened that he was in luck. Up ahead, there was a lion of fair size. Someone who looked like they were experienced. A challenge. He sized himself up, shoulders taut as he started stepping confidentially towards the female.

”What are you doing around these parts?” he greeted, baring the gem proudly. With luck, she'd know of the wild dog that he had taken this gem from and try to snag it back.
