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Lume dashed along the grasslands at an easy pace. He really just wanted to run today. He wasn't looking for a fight or to find a dangerous rush. Lume just needed to get away. His sister had failed another dance lesson, and his mother had responded with her usual temper and aggression. That had left him, him of all people, to run about and pick up the pieces. Bluh. Emotions and feelings. What a downer.
He really needed to let off some energy, but for some reason his heart just wasn't in it for his normal activities. Thankfully, his cheetah blood sometimes called for a different way of cooling his head: running. Sure, most cheetahs were sprinters, but the strength and endurance Lume got from his leopard mother allowed him to run long distance at a rather quick pace.
And it was nice too. Lume could bound through the grass, watching as objects whizzed by in his vision. Insects and birds jumped out of the way of his oncoming assault, taking to the air, flashes of colour and life. He would run until the sun went down and rest, gazing up at the stars.
Thankfully the morning air was still cool, so Lume's black fur wasn't being cooked by the sun's rays. His mother and sister would be sleeping through the heat of the day, which is why Lume had left. Hopefully they wouldn't even notice he was gone.

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