Ragnvard had decided to go out alone. He needed time to think, to plan. He had heard a disturbing rumour that placed his brother at the den of a female. A particular female he actually knew. Auðlín. She was the sister of Ronan’s war-brother. But she was no reaver, being a simple freeborn. So he had not thought she was strategically important, but if Ronan was starting to show an interest in her, then Ragnvard meant to as well. Her brother, Aksel, was now one of Lucivar’s reavers, but more importantly, he had been in the band with Ronan and Ragnvard when they had all served under the Captain Arnljótr, before Ragnvard had murdered him and taken over. They had been loyal to that old fool Arnljótr, and had tried to defend him to the very last. A fact that Ragnvard had never forgot.

But, this latest intel was something he could use… if only he could think of the best way to do so. He could rob his brother of someone he cared for and if he played his cards right, steal her for himself. Not that he particularly liked her, but it would be a huge blow to Ronan.

Knowing he only needed to work out his strategy in order to woo the female, he became lost in thought.

Ruyken glanced back over his shoulder at the young lioness following along behind him. His gaze critical as he studied her movements. “You sound like an elephant.” He scolded, his tone just as flat and dead as it always was. Nevertheless she flinched under his veiled warning and paid yet more attention to where she was placing her paws.

“Pay attention to your surroundings.” He snapped, fangs bared. At this rate she would be walking silently into the mouth of her killer. And such a waste, for Lumiya was as cunning and sharp-witted as he could hope for in an Apprentice. She was also already an excellent assassin, moving near silently across most terrain. Currently he could not even hear her, despite looking directly at her. And yet she had to do better, had to master every skill they used if she was going to survive in the pride. He would admit, if only to Majanga, that she was one of the best he had ever trained. But he would not let her know that. She must always seek to be better, and that was only done if she thought there was others more advanced than her. One day she would surpass even Ruyken himself, he was sure of it. But until then, she had much to learn.

“Be silent!” He snarled, turning and lashing out at her as a tiny pebble rocked away from one of her paws.

Lumiya lashed her tail violently from side to side, crimson eyes the very same as her Master’s coat, narrowed on the leopard’s back though she was quick to drop her gaze when he looked back at her. Every muscle screamed in agony from the effort of moving without a single sound. Not only must she be entirely silent, but she had to leave no prints behind them. Something she considered near impossible in deep sand but she had followed her Master across the deepest dunes and seen for herself the untouched sands he left behind him. She still hadn’t been able to figure that one out, but soon she would.

His cutting remark only made her snarl silently, meeting his narrow gaze boldly. Where as the Darth was as perfectly cold and detached as any she knew, she herself had a volcanic temper and often had to physically remind herself not to loose control. It was not her temper that caused problems, it was not thinking before attacking, something she struggled with daily. Especially when her Master deliberately provoked her. But that was all part of her training, she knew. And so she struggled to keep control and to channel her rage into more deadly actions. Though right now her rage was not really helping as in her distraction she knocked the tiniest of stones with a toe, causing it to shift in its little indentation.

His retaliation was swift and direct. Pain slashed across her muzzle and a moment later she felt the warm stickiness of her own blood start to drip down the side of her nose. Flicking her tongue out she licked the red trickle away and simply stared back at him. How she hated him, and yet she respected him at the same time. For he was one of the Sith’s most deadly members. His Darth title earned many times over. She was lucky to be his apprentice and one day, she would be his last battle. For she would kill him.

Ignoring the throbbing pulse of pain from the wound she resumed their trek, following her Master as he led them across the roguelands.

It was nothing but the faintest twinge of instinct that sent Ragnvard to duck behind a low hillock. There was no sound, no scent, nothing to tell him something was out there, but only a sixth sense that prickled along his spine, one honed from years spent reaving. With extreme caution he belly-crawled up the slope and with his head flattened as much as possible, peered over the crest. Shock flashed through him as he spotted two dark shapes. One of black and red in the most fearsome combination. And the other a mix of black and grey, looking as if she wore a hood, for the second figure was most certainly female, a young lioness by the looks of her. The one in front was a leopard, but he was unsure of the gender. Though it was a big beast, easily matching the other, and heavy with muscle. Only a second later the leopard swung its head and stared directly at him. The sensation of sheer malevolence that swept through him made his shudder, and anger faired hot and violent within his chest. Who the hell was that?!

Ruyken turned, staring at a small hillock some distance away. An enemy was up there. One of the hated warriors from the coastal cliffs. The very same pride that had attacked him when he was in the process of capturing a mark for Majanga. Turning he started towards the hill, not even glancing back at his apprentice to see if she followed. His only goal was to kill the enemy. It was time for revenge.

Lumiya hadn’t sensed the lion, but she did feel her Master’s sudden shift from relaxed (or as relaxed as he ever got, anyway), to battle-ready. The rage poured from him and her fur prickled with the sudden wash of his power. Darth Ruyken was terrifying when he worked, a fact she forgot during their training. He might have been a leopard, but he was far more deadly than any lion she had heard of.

Without any order she turned and followed him as he set off towards the hill. That must be where their target was hiding, she figured. Fear prickled over her skin, heating a moment later to fury at her own cowardice. She was Sith! She was not afraid!

Ragnvard watched as the two headed right towards him. Reluctant admiration for their skill touched him, for the wind was blowing their scent away from them all, so how they had known he wasn’t sure. As they grew closer e suddenly recognised the leopard. How could he have forgot that demented black-marked fur? It was one of the Nguvu Tamaa. The pride who’s raiding party he had used to slay Arnljótr. That very leopard had been the one to kill the old captain and Ragnvard had been impressed by his skills at the time.

It was now quite apparent that not only had he survived, but he had grown stronger. There was something about him that made Ragnvard’s fur stand up along his spine. A kind of sickening sense of evil that made even Ragnvard hesitate.

Ordinarily two against one would have seemed good odds to him, for a single rogue alone was never any kind of decent match. But that leopard…. he had been merciless and bloodthirsty back then and clearly he had continued to refine those skills..

Fury raged within him, the desire to fling himself at the strangers, to prove he was stronger, better than such a crazed beast. But he knew he would loose if he did. Snarling silently he retreated down the hillock’s side and turned, maddened than he was forced to withdraw but knowing better than to risk it all on a battle where he would gain absolutely nothing. He had come too far, achieved too much, to throw it all away now.

With a furious roar he launched into a gallop, racing away from the two Sith.

Next time!

Ruyken heard the roar and stopped, watching as the dust trail of their fleeing quarry rose into the air and drifted away. It seemed as if the lion would live to see another day. But the next time Ruyken came upon him would be the last….

Slowing as her Master drew up, she stopped behind him, ears flicking as the roar poured over them. Who ever it was, Lumiya knew they had just run away. Maybe they had spotted the two of them? Though she couldn’t see how. But then, her Master had known the lion was there, maybe he had been a warrior of some skill, and able to sense the same of them? Annoyance and disappointment flashed through her. Robbed of a chance to practice her skills, and likely a kill. Glancing sidelong at Ruyken she was surprised to see the leopard already turning back tot heir original course.

Annoyed that they were apparently letting the enemy escape she swallowed her sharp retort and simply followed. Trying to be silent and leave no prints as well as keeping her awareness of their environment. Almost immediately she forgot about the escaped lion, focused on her training.

(Words = 1,677)