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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
[PRP] A Dangerous Companion (Valkyrie & Ragnvard)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:10 am
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Valkyrie ached, both physically from her grueling workout that she had just completed and mentally from the desire that itched inside her brain, eager to find a troupe to go on vikings with. She was desperate to get her Reaver status; just one step closer to getting to captain. She knew there were few female captains, but that just made the position that much sweeter.

Val was not afraid of being the best. She knew she would be. Some day. For now, she was young and only n adolescent. She would grow into her skin, but she would not grow into a weak body. She trained daily, sometimes twice daily. It was never enough. Her father was a god, but her body was still mortal.

Sometimes she had flashes, images from the corner of her eye that weren't real. People moving about who didn't live in the pride. Sometimes she saw her father, lurking in the distance and she thought to call out to him, but soon his image shimmered and faded. A mere illusion. A trick of the mind. Pathetic.

She stretched her aching muscles, using a rock to get the biggest stretch she could, watching some reavers train in the distance.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:55 am
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Ragnvard gave a last swipe of his paw at his opponent. The male, a reaver Ragnvard had met a time or two but had never tried to recruit, staggered back and away, breathing ragged and sending flecks of blood splatter into the air with every gasp. Ragnvard himself was dusty and streaked with sweat but the only blood on his coat was his opponent’s.

“Dismissed.” He rumbled at the unfortunate reaver, who staggered away to drop with an exhausted sigh on his belly at the edge of the training grounds, clearly too tired to drag himself back to his den. Turning away from the male, the Captain stepped out of the battle ground. Impressive even when clean and idle, he was now imposing with his large, solidly muscular body and thick black mane, covered in the well earned sweat and blood of a fierce battle. Indeed the area where the two had been duelling was deserted, the other reavers and captains having moved to a safer distance for their own sparring.

Dipping his head to the small stream to drink he simply shook the dust from his fur, seeming not the least bit tired after his fight. Instead he looked around, gaze assessing. Instead of spotting another opponent, he caught sight of the young female off to one side. He had seen her around, even watched her train a time or two. Her dedication was impressive but she lacked experience and it showed in her training.

Leaving the stream he walked over to her, gazing down at the top of her silver head as she stretched. “Planning on being a reaver?” He asked, voice typically rough and deep but pleasant and honestly interested.



Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:10 am

Val didn't startled when he spoke, that would be an insult to herself to do so, although she had not heard him approach, engrossed in her own thoughts so much that she honestly hadn't heard him. Stupid of her, yes, but she tried not to let her surprise show, simply continued to stretch.

At the end of her languid move, she raised her gaze to meet the male who stood before her. Crap. She knew of him. Of course she knew of him. Why was he talking to her? She felt her ego boost at the fact he spoke to her.

"It's less of a plan and more of...an inevitability," she responded coolly, her tone calm and collected but her eyes blazed with passion. She already knew her life plan. First Reaver, then she'd take second in command of a band, then she'd overthrow that captain and become a captain herself. It was a simple checklist. First move was yet to be made though.

Well, since he was here. "Just as it's inevitable that you'll take me on my first Viking, Captain Ragnvard." She was nothing if not bold.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:45 am
Her words amused him, causing a broad, fanged smirk to curl across his muzzle. She was bold, that was for sure. And a decent actress, though he had caught that quick flash of emotion when she had looked up at him. It didn’t surprise him that she knew him and he simply took it as his due.

Her next words did surprise him however, and he raised one dark brow in amused question, gaze skimming over her slowly, assessing, challenging. “I will… will I?” he returned, his deep voice rumbling with the amused edge of a growl. The sound was still dangerous, despite his smirk and apparent good humour. Her brash and cocky manner entertained him.

Lazily he looked her slowly up and down, the challenge now clear in his expression. “Why would I take you along on a viking when so many others wish to do the same? You seem so certain, you must have a reason..?” Lowering his great maned head he looked her in the eye, his own golden gaze suddenly serious. He spoke the truth after all. There were always more reaver-hopefuls than Captains with enough time to train and launch them. He already had several youngsters apprenticed to his band. She would have to prove she was worth his time and effort. For he was not one of those that just took along anyone and didn’t care what happened. Once he took an apprentice he was heavily invested in their training and future career. It was one of the reasons he was so in demand. To score a place in Ragnvard’s band was a certain leg-up compared to most positions.

Velveteen Angel


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:48 am

She was slightly insulted at his amusement, but she knew it was probably well deserved. She wasn't a bulky female, she had been training for a while but she was no reaver yet. She still had a long way to go, but she was convinced that he would get her there. There was nothing that could stop her, not her age, her gender, nor her size. She could do this.

She felt her blood chill at his growl, but she held her ground, even though inside she was trembling. He was a big guy, and his voice just said 'danger'. Especially when he looked her up and down. Man that made her shiver inside, but she tried to look tough on the outside. His words gave her pause, but she tried to barrel on.

"I am not like all of the others," she told him firmly. "If you take me on a viking, you will have my loyalty." Until she needed to overthrow him and take her own captaincy, but she wasn't about to say that to his face. "You will get to mould me how you think a Reaver should act. I will be your reaver, not the prides." It wasn't a lie, either. Valkyrie would stand by him until she didn't need him anymore, and even then, she wouldn't be cruel...necessarily. She would just do what she needed to do for her own sake.

Wow, I completely forgot about this RP! So sorry! ;;
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:31 am
Ragnvard watched her, golden eyes assessing as she spoke. She had moved well for an unseasoned fighter the few times he had watched her train. Ever on the lookout for potential recruits, Ragnvard had earmarked her for further notice, though as of yet had not deemed her ready. He liked recruits to seek him out, it proved they had a certain determination and self-confidence. His reputation as a fierce and cold-hearted fighter made sure that those with a weaker constitution stayed well clear of him. Any who had the courage to interrupt him earned his interest.

A first test, of a kind.

Ear flicking he let her say her piece, narrowed gaze focused unerringly on her, fierce and intense. Another test. If she flinched he would know more of her character. But while she was obviously unnerved by him, she did not shrink away. It proved she had the capability to make a good reaver. Maybe even a Captain some day. And since Ragnvard himself was planning his ascension to Warlord, he knew he would need well trained Captains to strengthen his powerbase. But that was getting somewhat ahead of himself…

Smirking lazily he tipped his head, as if he were loosing interest. Though that was far from the truth, she wouldn’t know that. But if she gave up so easily, it proved this was too soon for her. But, ever magnanimous, Ragnvard was giving her the chance to prove herself. Not that he had to make it easy on her. “All my reavers are loyal to me.” He replied, eyeing her closely, his great maned head lowering to peer at her with narrowed gaze. Though her last words did indeed catch his attention. Loyalty to him above all others was a greatly desired trait, something he was looking for in those that served under him. Lifting his head again he swept her with another long look, assessing her current physical strength.

“Spar with me” He ordered, turning and heading right back to the arena he had just recently vacated. The blood-speckled sand had yet to fill up again and they had the whole area at their disposal. Turning around he smiled. “You won’t beat me. But I want to see what level you have reached. After that, we will discus your training routine from now on. “

He had already made up his mind that she would be his. But she didn’t have to know that just yet. Better she struggled to impress him, let him see her at her best. Then he would tell her. Though the sparring session wasn’t going to be wasted, he needed to asses her and decide just how far along her training really was.

Velveteen Angel
No prob! Im assuming she is still going to join? Did she get her reaver cert or do you want him to take her?


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:00 am

His eyes were damn unnerving, Valkyrie thought to herself, and only allowed her gaze to waver for a moment before she regained her nerve and locked gaze with him. It was gold eyes on gold eyes as she tried to hold on as strong as she could. She didn't know if this was a test, but she was going to treat every aspect of this interaction like it was her initiation. If she allowed herself to get shy and meek around him, there was no way he was going to take her into his band.

"Are you so sure about that?" She shot back after his statement about loyalty. She highly doubted that, though she supposed if there was any male who could inspire true loyalty it would likely be this male. She felt her heart racing in her chest as she realised she had essentially just verbally back-talked him. Oh god. She was going to die.

At his physical challenge to a spar, she felt her heart skip a beat out of pure terror. He was bigger, strong and far more experienced than she was. If he didn't kill her for back-talking, he would probably just kill her by accident in the spar. Damn it. She couldn't back down now.

She firmed her posture and stalked over to the dueling area he had vacated earlier, ignoring the blood on the ground. She took her position opposite where he would stand, and met his gaze head-on once again. "I wouldn't discount me too early," she said firmly, though there was no way in hell she would ever beat him at her current stage of training and her age, but she wasn't about to admit that.

The only one who could make her feel inferior was herself, and Valkyrie knew she was destined for greatness. She wasn't going to back down from this opportunity.

She hasn't gotten her reaver cert yet, but she is an adult! I haven't taken her on a Viking yet, so if you're still keen, he can take her out ? c: I'm still happy for her to join!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:32 am
His lazy smirk widened at her reply, golden eyes dangerously amused. “I am.” His reply, short and blunt, was spoken with the uttermost confidence. He picked his followers carefully, and had no qualms about kicking out those who failed to live up to expectation. But that was a rare event. Each and every one of his reavers was loyal to him above all else, expect their own ambition. But Ragnvard expected nothing else. A lion without ambition was worthless as a reaver, for they wouldn’t seek to better themselves, to improve their skills and ultimately, seek to be Captain. Ragnvard wholly believed in the power of self interest, so long as it was tempered properly by loyalty. A reaver who improved himself, improved the whole band, and elevated his captain.

Watching as she followed him into the sparring area, her stiff, angry posture clearly trying to cover her nerves, he softened his expression. There was no earthly way she could win a real fight against him, but this wasn’t a real fight, nor even a training session… She had not yet earned that right. No, this was another test, a test of her current skills, to see how far along in her training she was and how much work she would require to bring her up to an appropriate level. This was far from his first time testing a cub, and he knew his own strength so well he was not at all worried about accidentally hurting her. Though that wasn’t to say she would escape without some injury. He believed that adversity truly was the only way to greatness.

“Ready.” His lazy smile vanished, golden eyes focusing on her body, watching her balance, her posture, how she conducted herself. Without warning he sprang forwards, lashing out with a heavy paw at her flank. Yet while the blow was powerful, it was but a fraction of his true strength and he kept his claws sheathed. There would be time for real training once she passed his test.

Velveteen Angel
Excellent! I certanly still want her in his band and he is more than happy to take her out viking!!


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:45 am

This was terrifying.

Absolutely terrifying. Valkyrie couldn't help but wonder what it was she had gotten herself into as she faced opposite Ragnvard. This could only end badly, she mused to herself, but kept her gaze fixed on him. She knew there was no way she could beat him; unless he had a heart-attack half way through the battle and even then, that wasn't a true victory. She just had to hope he would be impressed enough with her to not destroy her.

The disappearance of his smile...well...that didn't bode well for her. She had just enough time to steady her posture, her paws planted firm on the ground before he sprang forward.

She twisted, using her smaller stature to duck down towards his legs. She reacted just too slow though, and his blow still struck her flank, but higher than he would have aimed for, as she shrunk her size.

She tensed her muscles, aiming her entire body at his back legs, taking advantage of his strike to attempt to by-pass his front legs. She knew she wouldn't get him off his feet with this move, but she hoped to at least disorientate him slightly.

She was not a big fighter yet, so there was no point trying to beat him with brawns, she would have to use her smaller size and faster speed to try and get him off guard.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:25 am
Calmly Ragnvard followed her body as she dropped, hunching. Good… Using her skinny frame to advantage. She could never hope to match a good sized male in a fair fight, so her tactic of speed over strength proved she had at least started on the right path. Letting her escape the worse of his blow he easily shifted his weight, noting where she had pinned her gaze. Betrayed herself there.. He would have to teach her to hide her intentions better. Giving away your next move before you even make it will only lead to a bad result. But at least she proved she had thought through her strategy. Going for his hindquarters instead of a frontal assault. Swinging his rump round he deliberately left himself within range, though only if she could alter the angle of her attack to reach him. Being flexible in the middle of a strike was another invaluable skill a reaver had to master, and it proved one had the agility as well as the strength to be a well rounded fighter.

Velveteen Angel
Short posts are likely while they are fighting. X3 But I dont intend this to last too long before they move on to her acceptance.


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:03 am

She had felt proud of her move, until he countered and altered his position. If he had stayed exactly where he was, she would have hit him and it would have been a huge score for her ego. Now she had to try and redirect herself mid air. She twisted her slim form, attempting to shift her trajectory.

She managed to twist just enough that her paw scraped at his hindquarters, but she had twisted her body a few inches too much and when she landed, she landed ungrounded. She stumbled as her paws made connection with the earth, though she struggled quickly to regain her balance and shifted her pose so she faced him once again, trying to prepare for his next attack.

She knew she was at a disadvantage but she wouldn't let that get to her now. The thrill of the battle pulsed in her veins and she panted lightly, her eyes blazing.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:33 am
“Good.” He complimented as she landed, however awkwardly. She had at least managed to graze his quarters. Before she could recover however he spun neatly and leaped at her with a huge roar. There was no finesse to this attack, nor was there any real aim, this was pure strength and ferocity, the kind of thing a cornered rogue would try. He was testing to see if she would flinch away in a panic or if she could formulate a proper retreat and turn his attack to her advantage.

Velveteen Angel


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:39 am

Valkyrie visible startled at his roar, allowing herself a moment or two of pure fear, before she regained her wits. He was leaping at her with out trying to hide his intention, and so she twisted, leaping out of his path, and launching herself at his hindquarters instead, hoping to land a hit on him. She would be so proud of herself to land a single hit on the mighty captain, but she was still pretty proud of herself for at least coming this far in a test battle with him. She had a feeling he was going easy on her, but hey, she would take what she could get.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:22 pm
He saw her start to move to dodge his frontal assault but didn't try and compensate, this was about testing her reflexes and current skill level, not about winning a sparring match. Letting her score a glancing hit on his rump, he whipped round and moved to attack again.

The pair went on in this manner for quite some time, Ragnvard launching attacks in different styles and having her react, then making her attack him. Eventually, quite some time later, he called a halt to their test. Padding over to her he grinned, clearly impressed with her performance. "If you agree to train hard and take my advise seriously, You are welcome to join my band. You have to work on your strategy and your reaction times are a little slow, but you have a good foundation and we will have you out Viking soon. So long as you put the work in."

Velveteen Angel
I suck so bad! I am so sorry this one got missed!


Allied Recalibrator

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:50 pm

Valkyrie was panting when he finally called a halt to their test match. She still stood tall though, even when she wanted to just collapse into a ball and sleep for about a week. She wouldn't show that level of weakness in front of Ragnvard though. That would negate all of his comments on her skills.

She puffed out her chest at his offer to take her into his band and her eyes sparkled in excitement. "I accept your offer." Her voice was measured and calm though. "When do we leave?"

I WIN - I officially take the longest to reply to things 8'DDD /shame
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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