While Kosuke was off hopefully not making an idiot of himself... Or an a**... It was hard to figure out a distinction sometimes... Shula had her own things to do and worry about. One of her little girls had a boy looking at her! It was one thing if one of Kosuke's daughters with her sister or that other lioness had a boy looking at them... While Jyotika's children were a bit of a concern to her, her own children took priority since they were her OWN children. It was that special kind of protectiveness. Shula found the lion she sought soon enough, walking up on him from behind. "So, you've been looking at one of my daughters..."

The blood-red Warden jumped in surprise, turning and looking over at the lioness. Oh... One of the soldiers... And she was getting closer... The look in her eyes actually worried him a bit, and despite being as big as many full-blood Firekin, he found himself backing up. To make the situation feel worse, Jaeger took that opportunity to fly off! "Get back here, you runty buzzard!" He shook his paw at the laughing bird, then went back to backing up. He had to stop when his back hit a rock. "Shula! It's lovely to see you! Yes, I may have been looking at one of your daughters... Soleil is QUITE a desert gem... What male WOULDN'T want to look at that pert little a-- I mean..."

"PERT, huh?" She got up close to him, jabbing a paw into his chest. "You listen here, boy, and you listen well. My children are special to me, they are MY children, MY flesh and blood. I carried them, I gave birth to them, I did half the work in raising them. And if any one of them came crying to me that their mate had hurt them... Their mate would be in for a WORLD of hurt." She jabbed her paw again. "And if a male decided to SEDUCE one of my little girls, and leave her to raise the cubs ALONE... They'd be fatherless for a WHOLE other reason than him not helping! Am I clear?"

He could feel his heart sink down into the pit of his very belly as he tried to shrink away. His mother had made it quite clear when they were growing up. Fear the mother. ALWAYS fear the mother. Respect what she told you, and your life would be MUCH easier. So he nodded, a terrified grin on his face. "Oh, you're clear! You're very clear! As clear as the sky without clouds!" He couldn't say she was as clear as a pool of water... Those ran a bit muddy in Africa, and he hadn't often found one that WAS clear out in the Rogue lands.

She smiled ever so sweetly at him, reaching up and grabbing his nose and giving it a good shake. "Good. Now." She sat back, looking him over. He was big and strong, she'd give him that. "What are your exact intentions with my daughter? There's few wrong answers... There's even fewer RIGHT answers." A casual fling was one of those right answers... She wouldn't fault a lion or lioness for wanting to test the waters with others before they settled down with a permanent somebody. Kosuke had done that, why should she stop this boy?

He wiggled his nose when she let go, reaching up and rubbing it. Oh, that'd feel weird for a while... He eyed her, wondering what her game was. "My... My intentions? Um..." Could he lie? He wasn't exactly up for settling down yet... He hadn't found a lioness that clicked with him. Unlike his brother... Was he still out there, NOT tapping that? "Well... I can't lie... Not to a mother... MY mother taught me better than that... So... Um... I mostly want some carnal pleasures... Show her a good time..." He then covered his head. "Please don't hit me for that!"

There was a pause, before Shula began to laugh. "Oh, you silly boy!" She ruffled his black mane. "I won't hit you for that. You're still young, looking for the right one... I won't fault you for having some fun until then. But there's something you'll have to keep in mind. If ANYTHING comes of your time with Soleil, say... Little fuzzy things... You WILL stick around to help raise them. If you have your fun, and leave her to raise them ALONE... Well, I grew up in this desert... And Kosuke was blessed by Finar-si and is a seer... So between the two of us, there's not a dune you could hide behind to escape our combined parental wrath."

And there was that motherly fury that scared him so. "Oh, don't worry! If anything small and fuzzy comes of it, I'll stick around!" He had a different fear from that - His mother'd come into the desert and tan his hyde if he left a lioness with cubs and didn't stay to help her, love present or not. He cringed away from the lioness, trying to escape her pre-anger. "C-can I go now? I, um... I have something to do..." Okay, he really didn't, but he wanted to get away from this situation!

Violet eyes seemed to shine with mirth as the lioness gave his cheek a pat. "You go do whatever your thing is. And remember... We'll find you no matter WHERE you go!" She got up, tail swishing some sand as she turned and walked away. Oh, how she enjoyed that...!

Feuer slid down into the sand, watching the older lioness go. It was only after she was gone from view and he'd hurried away that he had to stop. Wait, her mate was a seer? Didn't the pride frown on open declarations like that...? He considered telling somebody, but... Given how old they were, and how brazen the lions alligned to the Safi side of the pride were, he had a feeling they all already knew. But there was another question in his mind... Who was Finar-si? Some random lion? He'd have to ask somebody about that at some point... Just... Not today.